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U.S.-China Trade Talks in ‘End Game’ But No Final Deal Yet

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The U.S. and China are moving toward “the end game” in trade talks but are unlikely to complete a deal this week, said Myron Brilliant, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s executive vice president. President Trump expects to name the date of summit with Chinese president XI this afternoon, according to official sources from administration. Trump is scheduled to meet with China’s top trade negotiator, Liu He, today at the White House.

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How can you be "in the end game" but with no deal in sight? Did they learn from the Brexit?😩  Or from Summit with Kim JU?

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This is why readers should seek more than one news source.👍

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"Potemkin" China Trade Deal, after all so far ..

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  On 4/4/2019 at 2:19 PM, Pavel said:

How can you be "in the end game" but with no deal in sight? Did they learn from the Brexit?😩  Or from Summit with Kim JU?


Sounds like a gap up is smaller....

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  On 4/4/2019 at 2:23 PM, damirUSBiH said:

Two different points of view: 

U.S. Said to set 2025 target for China to fulfill trade pledges



Reading that Bloomberg article I'm pretty certain I wouldn't sign if those conditions were handed to me. On the other hand it's entirely sourced from "anonymous" sources so unless and until verified by someone willing to put their name on it, I'm going to view it as fake news. 

One thing I don't need "anon" to tell me is that the Chinese are hurting right now, and they don't like hurting. 

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