Apartheid Is Still There: Post-apartheid South Africa Is World’s Most Unequal Country

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Perhaps nowhere in today’s South Africa is the country’s inequality on more dramatic display than in the neighboring Johannesburg suburbs of Sandton and Alexandra. With its gleaming high-rises and lush estates, Sandton is known as Africa’s richest square mile. Alexandra, a onetime home to Nelson Mandela, is a squalid, cramped and crime-infested black township. Many of its residents stream into Sandton every day on a bridge over a highway to work in upscale shops or homes. Angry protests flared in Alexandra last month, stoked in part by campaigning for Wednesday’s national election but mostly by the frustration that South Africa should look far different than the country of haves and have-nots that it has become. Many voters believe the ruling African National Congress has lost its way since Mandela won the first post-apartheid presidential election in 1994, and that belief threatens the ANC’s absolute majority grip on power. Unemployment in the country of 56 million people soars past 25%. There are tire-burning protests almost every day over the lack of basic services like working toilets in mostly black neighborhoods. Whites still hold much of the wealth and private levers of power, while blacks trim their lawns and clean their homes.


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General elections will be held in South Africa on 8 May. This will be the sixth elections held since the end of apartheid in 1994.. No Mandela, no equality

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It is not that surprising. Wealth is left in the hands of whites ... Who has the money establishes the law, rules, etc ..  Unfortunately, after Mandela's death, dream about the country for all of its citizens died.



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I'd like to see this country succeed regardless of black or white...



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Racial economic inequality at its finest... And, I don't think it's more divided than during Apartheid. This is exaggeration. It was more divided during Apartheid...

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  On 5/7/2019 at 1:08 PM, ThunderBlade said:

Unemployment in the country of 56 million people soars past 25%.


Until the unemployment is tackled, the black population of South Africa will be the continuing source of violent criminals that prey on whites in robberies and car-jackings, armed with handguns and quite prepared to use them. When S.A. was run by white power, the police used brute force to suppress the armed black thugs.  that is now out the window, so you see thee white areas with steel gates and armed guards, nobody walks on the public streets, you travel from one gated, armed location to another gated, armed location.  In between are the black criminal thugs ready to pounce on the unwary.  The result: an armed society, and staggering amounts of crime.

  On 5/7/2019 at 1:41 PM, pinto said:

Who has the money establishes the law, rules, etc


Not quite.  Take a look at neighboring Rhodesia  (now called Zimbabwe).   While the whites did control the wealth, in the form of large commercial farms, that land has been confiscated by the now-black-run government, handed to black squatters, and the result is the total ruin of both the wealth and the food production, and the total collapse of that society.  As a practical matter, Rhodesia is back in the Stone Age.

  On 5/7/2019 at 1:45 PM, 50 shades of black said:

I'd like to see this country succeed regardless of black or white...


That sure would be nice.  Hard to see it happening, though.  Does not look like the now-black-majority government has any incentive to achieve that goal. As a practical matter, the country is crumbling right before your eyes.  Sad. 

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  On 5/7/2019 at 1:08 PM, ThunderBlade said:

Perhaps nowhere in today’s South Africa is the country’s inequality on more dramatic display than in the neighboring Johannesburg suburbs of Sandton and Alexandra. With its gleaming high-rises and lush estates, Sandton is known as Africa’s richest square mile. Alexandra, a onetime home to Nelson Mandela, is a squalid, cramped and crime-infested black township. Many of its residents stream into Sandton every day on a bridge over a highway to work in upscale shops or homes. Angry protests flared in Alexandra last month, stoked in part by campaigning for Wednesday’s national election but mostly by the frustration that South Africa should look far different than the country of haves and have-nots that it has become. Many voters believe the ruling African National Congress has lost its way since Mandela won the first post-apartheid presidential election in 1994, and that belief threatens the ANC’s absolute majority grip on power. Unemployment in the country of 56 million people soars past 25%. There are tire-burning protests almost every day over the lack of basic services like working toilets in mostly black neighborhoods. Whites still hold much of the wealth and private levers of power, while blacks trim their lawns and clean their homes.



AFAIK, every African nation that kicked out or oppressed white people quickly returned to the primitive, tribal condition Europeans found it in.  Even when black Africans control every aspect of government and the economy, they're unable to accumulate wealth.  The only thing propping up their corrupt regimes is natural resource exports.  Those are entirely dependent on foreign (Read: European and Asian) competence.

Instead of crying about inequality, perhaps the world should investigate why black Africans do worse when left to their own devices. 

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  On 5/7/2019 at 1:08 PM, ThunderBlade said:

Perhaps nowhere in today’s South Africa is the country’s inequality on more dramatic display than in the neighboring Johannesburg suburbs of Sandton and Alexandra. With its gleaming high-rises and lush estates, Sandton is known as Africa’s richest square mile. Alexandra, a onetime home to Nelson Mandela, is a squalid, cramped and crime-infested black township. Many of its residents stream into Sandton every day on a bridge over a highway to work in upscale shops or homes. Angry protests flared in Alexandra last month, stoked in part by campaigning for Wednesday’s national election but mostly by the frustration that South Africa should look far different than the country of haves and have-nots that it has become. Many voters believe the ruling African National Congress has lost its way since Mandela won the first post-apartheid presidential election in 1994, and that belief threatens the ANC’s absolute majority grip on power. Unemployment in the country of 56 million people soars past 25%. There are tire-burning protests almost every day over the lack of basic services like working toilets in mostly black neighborhoods. Whites still hold much of the wealth and private levers of power, while blacks trim their lawns and clean their homes.



On the other hand, Blacks in South Africa have the highest income in all of Africa. They could end up worse off by driving Whites out of their farms and businesses.  https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/december-2013/toast-south-africas-black-middle-class

Edited by ronwagn
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  On 5/7/2019 at 1:56 PM, Jan van Eck said:

Until the unemployment is tackled, the black population of South Africa will be the continuing source of violent criminals that prey on whites in robberies and car-jackings, armed with handguns and quite prepared to use them. When S.A. was run by white power, the police used brute force to suppress the armed black thugs.  that is now out the window, so you see thee white areas with steel gates and armed guards, nobody walks on the public streets, you travel from one gated, armed location to another gated, armed location.  In between are the black criminal thugs ready to pounce on the unwary.  The result: an armed society, and staggering amounts of crime.

Not quite.  Take a look at neighboring Rhodesia  (now called Zimbabwe).   While the whites did control the wealth, in the form of large commercial farms, that land has been confiscated by the now-black-run government, handed to black squatters, and the result is the total ruin of both the wealth and the food production, and the total collapse of that society.  As a practical matter, Rhodesia is back in the Stone Age.

That sure would be nice.  Hard to see it happening, though.  Does not look like the now-black-majority government has any incentive to achieve that goal. As a practical matter, the country is crumbling right before your eyes.  Sad. 


Well said and it agrees with what I have heard from South African immigrants to Canada that I have worked with.

I worked in South Africa for 6 weeks in 1984.  I have met many South Africans who have since left the violence and immigrated to Canada.

God made all of us.  But Apartheid means separate development.  Each homeland tribe was left to rule itself. Because of that, they did not keep pace with the modern economy.  (In the US, we nearly exterminated natives - so who can judge.)

The embargo was in place while I was there.  Our corporation had relaxed some of the apartheid rules.  Blacks were bewildered because it was strange.  At a tourist mine in Joburg, I watched mine workers perform various tribal dances.  They stared into the rodeo stands, then when their drums started beating they danced trancelike. After the second or third tribe had performed, chills ran up my spine and I involutarily imagined being chased thru the jungle.

My observation at the time was that foreign meddling do-gooders had no clue as to the average education level of the tribes.  The average black was not ready to be a citizen of a developed economy.  I wrote an English class paper when I returned and suggested that changing Apatheid should be a slow process.  It wasn't, and now all the people are much worse off.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 3:01 AM, WayneMechEng said:

It wasn't, and now all the people are much worse off.


I am attempting to set up a deal wherein I buy machinery built in South Africa and import it to the rural, poor areas of the USA, in order to provide decent work at decent pay for the rural forgotten and unemployed.  That machinery is developed by very decent people in S.A. who designed the stuff to be able to be operated by people with no education or industrial skills.  Their idea was to provide good employment for the unemployed blacks and thus transition at least some small number away from abject poverty into the employed, industrial workforce - a proposition that I enthusiastically endorse.  Since a parallel skill-set problem exists in rural America, that machinery is compatible. 

The problem I have run into is that simple machinery, which by its nature tends to be labor-intensive, transfers some profits into additional wages.  Now, that is the whole idea - spread around some of the new wealth.  In my mind, that beats taxation. But it also becomes a barrier to raising capital.  Nobody wants to invest in worthwhile social projects.  All they want to do is do protest marches at the Capitol building.  It gets discouraging, and I am getting old. Capitalism can do a lot of good, but it does require investment capital. Nature of the system.

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The Black Majority Look at Zimbabwe and don't dare do what they really want to do. 

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Very Interesting hearing opinions from people about South Africa from people outside of South Africa...

My Family arrive in South Africa in 1820 and had lived in South Africa for nearly 100 when South Africa was created.

South Africa was never going to succeed as a Nation because of it a corruption of the idea of a Nation State...South Africa was created by the Jewish Financial elite and Cecil Rhodes (Merchant Class Anglo Saxon)  in London after the Second Anglo Boer War so that the supply of gold (currency) could be controlled. Half of the Gold in the World was in the Transvaal Republic at the time. Controlling The Transvaal meant controlling the supply of currency on Earth a the time, huge incentive to invade and create a War. 

Once South Africa was created on the 31st of May 1910 by Britain it was ruled by Britain until the National Party (less accurately called the Apartheid government) gained control of South Africa through election process in 1948. The National Party was created due to a split in the then ruling United Party over South Africa's involvement in the WW1 on the side of Britain instead of Germany.

Once in power, the National party set out an economy planned on the protection of Afrikaanerdom by the control of the police force and Army by Afrikaaners, in other words, Apartheid was created out of resentment of the Afrikaners towards British domination of South Africa, a country Britain had created approximately 40 years earlier after numerous wars which granted Britain military predominance over those areas (something every nation and peoples have always abided by), and not out of hatred toward Black people. 

When the ANC took power in South Africa in 1994 through election process they took over all the State apparatus' that the National party (Apartheid government) had created. The promotion of the ANC to power in South Africa was purely a change in Hierarchy so that White domination could be removed and Black domination could replace it (it had less to do with lifting Black people out of poverty)...this was an international movement propelled by the liberal and Jewish controlled Western media. Apartheid was less restrictive than India's Caste system which is still in practice today. The motive behind the international movement was discrimination against White South Africans as ALL countries on Earth have restrictive and discriminatory economic policies (England has an enormously restrictive economic system where descendants of landlords hold the power) but only South Africa was singled out. The singling out of South Africa was done because the National Party had nationalised the central bank (which was previously owned by the Rothechilds) and the Rothschilds wanted their Bank back...once the ANC took power the South African Reserve bank was "Privatised" the Rothschilds bought a controlling stake in the bank and were once again in control. South Africa is run out of New York City (as is all of America) and not out of Pretoria. 

Because of South Africa's absurd beginnings and its current leads fraudulent intent when coming power the country is heading toward break up but not because of inequality. The Merchant Class Anglo Saxon, Jewish Financial Elite, Saudi Arabian Royal Family Globalist System (The Deep State) is coming to an end due to its unsustainability. South Africa, being the most globalised country on Earth due to the entent of its creators when it was created and the fact that there is nothing South African about South Africa, will follow suit. The collapse of South Africa will mark the end of the Deep State economic system which has existed for +100 years.

Moreover, the creation of South Africa lead to great improvements in the lives of black people. The population of Black people doubled under the rule of the White man. At its creation in 1910, the white population represented 20% of South Africa's population and numbered 1.3 million people. The black population represented 67% and numbered 4 million. By the end of White rule in 1994, the proportion and number of Blacks in South Africa had increased to 80% and 40 million people. Meanwhile, the proportion and number of whites dropped to just less than 10% and 5 .5 million people. This is due to commercail farming of the white man. Once the farmers are chased off their lands South Africa will have a famine of Biblical proportions. 



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Numerous spelling errors...sorry

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  On 5/8/2019 at 9:26 AM, SimonS said:

Very Interesting hearing opinions from people about South Africa from people outside of South Africa...

My Family arrive in South Africa in 1820 and had lived in South Africa for nearly 100 when South Africa was created.

South Africa was never going to succeed as a Nation because of it a corruption of the idea of a Nation State...South Africa was created by the Jewish Financial elite and Cecil Rhodes (Merchant Class Anglo Saxon)  in London after the Second Anglo Boer War so that the supply of gold (currency) could be controlled. Half of the Gold in the World was in the Transvaal Republic at the time. Controlling The Transvaal meant controlling the supply of currency on Earth a the time, huge incentive to invade and create a War. 

Once South Africa was created on the 31st of May 1910 by Britain it was ruled by Britain until the National Party (less accurately called the Apartheid government) gained control of South Africa through election process in 1948. The National Party was created due to a split in the then ruling United Party over South Africa's involvement in the WW1 on the side of Britain instead of Germany. 

Once in power, the National party set out an economy planned on the protection of Afrikaanerdom by the control of the police force and Army by Afrikaaners, in other words, Apartheid was created out of resentment of the Afrikaners towards British domination of South Africa, a country Britain had created approximately 40 years earlier after numerous wars which granted Britain military predominance over those areas (something every nation and peoples have always abided by), and not out of hatred toward Black people.  

When the ANC took power in South Africa in 1994 through election process they took over all the State apparatus' that the National party (Apartheid government) had created. The promotion of the ANC to power in South Africa was purely a change in Hierarchy so that White domination could be removed and Black domination could replace it (it had less to do with lifting Black people out of poverty)...this was an international movement propelled by the liberal and Jewish controlled Western media. Apartheid was less restrictive than India's Caste system which is still in practice today. The motive behind the international movement was discrimination against White South Africans as ALL countries on Earth have restrictive and discriminatory economic policies (England has an enormously restrictive economic system where descendants of landlords hold the power) but only South Africa was singled out. The singling out of South Africa was done because the National Party had nationalised the central bank (which was previously owned by the Rothechilds) and the Rothschilds wanted their Bank back...once the ANC took power the South African Reserve bank was "Privatised" the Rothschilds bought a controlling stake in the bank and were once again in control. South Africa is run out of New York City (as is all of America) and not out of Pretoria. 

Because of South Africa's absurd beginnings and its current leads fraudulent intent when coming power the country is heading toward break up but not because of inequality. The Merchant Class Anglo Saxon, Jewish Financial Elite, Saudi Arabian Royal Family Globalist System (The Deep State) is coming to an end due to its unsustainability. South Africa, being the most globalised country on Earth due to the entent of its creators when it was created and the fact that there is nothing South African about South Africa, will follow suit. The collapse of South Africa will mark the end of the Deep State economic system which has existed for +100 years. 

Moreover, the creation of South Africa lead to great improvements in the lives of black people. The population of Black people doubled under the rule of the White man. At its creation in 1910, the white population represented 20% of South Africa's population and numbered 1.3 million people. The black population represented 67% and numbered 4 million. By the end of White rule in 1994, the proportion and number of Blacks in South Africa had increased to 80% and 40 million people. Meanwhile, the proportion and number of whites dropped to just less than 10% and 5 .5 million people. This is due to commercail farming of the white man. Once the farmers are chased off their lands South Africa will have a famine of Biblical proportions.  


What do you suppose will replace your current government when it collapses? 

Do you think the white South Africans will be completely chased off their land - and thereby eradicated - or will the majority population come to its senses?  Assuming whites are allowed to stay and farm, what does their future look like?  Will they be oppressed and controlled somehow? 

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It is pathetic that since gaining "freedom" things are worse. The natural resources has been mismanaged and basically looted in the name of justice? equality? Rampant corruption is the norm. SA, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Angola, Chad, Equatorial Guinea etc.

Few gain power, lie and cheat and spread the same lies and disinformation , people believe them and we end up with these conditions.

Reverse apartheid doesnt work either.

In SA, under the banner of BEE (Black Empowerment Enterprise) , much was lost rather than gained because it got corrupted.

Edited by ceo_energemsier
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in reply to BenFranklinsSpec's

* I cant seem to link to the group.

South Africa will probably have a famine and civil war at the same time. Then break up into in component parts...what it was before the Second Boer War in 1899. Then it will manifest itself into a Southern African State...this is over a 15 to 25 year period. This is due to the digital age and the imminent collapse of Globalism (in my opinion), there will not be enough economic incentive to keep South Africa together in its current state. 

As for the White farmers. There are 30 000 white commercial farmers in SA. I'm not sure if that's 30 000 White male farmers and their families (average white family is 4 to 5 people) or if its 30 000 white people living on farms in SA. Whichever it is...most of SA's food gets produced by these people. That's 50 million people fed by 30 000 farms. 10 000 of these farmers are moving to Russia "apparently" (or have left) in the immediate future. What the tipping point number is I'm not sure but I presume that under once there are less than  12 000 farmers left then that's it for food production on an industrial scale in SA. Then food prices will go up drastically.  

The bottom line is that eventually whoever controls South Africa politically will eventually take these farms away from Whites by whatever means possible (legally; by allowing land redistribution without compensation or, by force). Then there will be famine and a civil war. White people will never be completely driven from SA. Most White South African who live overseas are economic refugees and will return to SA. 

The majority of Black people know the necessity of the white farmers but even they are blinded by the Bolshevik propaganda coming out of the western media (the media in SA leap on any story based on race as long as it negative) and therefore they resent the wealth of white people. This is regardless of whether white people benefitted from apartheid or not. Resentment of the wealthy is not a South African syndrome. 

In the case of a Civil war and famine...10 to 15 million people could die of famine and who knows how many in a war (I have calculated this with physics but I will not bore you). SA is a dry country and only has so many people because of commercial farming. SA is much more populated than the surrounding countries even though those country have far better farming land and water (Mozambique and Zimbabwe). Whatever happens after that is not what people are focussing on now so I cannot tell you, no one is seeing past these elections. South Africa had an election today and the ANC is seemingly struggling in the polls. Many have said SA will head into problems after this election...I predict SA will have issues with 9 months of this election and the government will struggle to retain control of the country. But we will only know the next step in the saga from tomorrow or Saturday; whenever the results of the election today are released. 


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Sorry the election was yesterday, Wednesday the 8th of May.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 9:26 AM, SimonS said:

Moreover, the creation of South Africa lead to great improvements in the lives of black people. The population of Black people doubled under the rule of the White man. At its creation in 1910, the white population represented 20% of South Africa's population and numbered 1.3 million people. The black population represented 67% and numbered 4 million. By the end of White rule in 1994, the proportion and number of Blacks in South Africa had increased to 80% and 40 million people. Meanwhile, the proportion and number of whites dropped to just less than 10% and 5 .5 million people. This is due to commercail farming of the white man. Once the farmers are chased off their lands South Africa will have a famine of Biblical proportions.


I am Sorry that you're Country is in the State that it's in.  But why is the Black Ruled state of Botswana not in the same Boat as South Africa?

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  On 5/10/2019 at 1:24 AM, tldpdb1 said:

I am Sorry that you're Country is in the State that it's in.  But why is the Black Ruled state of Botswana not in the same Boat as South Africa?


Botswana has been managed differently with a different mind set!

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  On 5/10/2019 at 1:26 AM, ceo_energemsier said:

Botswana has been managed differently with a different mind set!


By Who?

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All of Southern Africa relies on South Africa for jobs, electricity and goods coming in from the rest of the world. Most Botswanians live in their capital city, Gaborone, which is on the SA Border. There are only 2.3 million people in Botswana compared to 45-50 million in SA. It, therefore, relies on SA for its economic activity. 

Botswana does not have the mineral wealth or population size to create the political environment for upheaval... and therefore its politics are more stable.

Therefore also, the extent of the wealth gap; richest versus poorest; is not as great as South Africa.

The disparities in income in South Africa can never be fixed. There are not enough jobs to alleviate poverty and there never will be. This is not negative sentiment. This is the limits of the modern globalist economy.

With Industrialisation came Mechanisation which has been ongoing for +100 years and now digitisation has joined the fold. There are fewer and fewer jobs per industry (except the Tech industry obviously). This limits the number of available jobs in the market. This is a matter of the economic system used worldwide; Merchantile Industrialised Globalism. This system cannot alleviate South Africa's inequality, South Africa keeps adhering to it though...thus perpetuating the problem.

South Africa also has two worlds within it. One White and one Black. This is not because of Apartheid. It was like this before Apartheid and before White political rule started in 1910. Whites and Blacks also have a different expectation of property ownership and economic policy. Culturally the country is also very, very divided.  

To give an example of the differences in responsibilities in property ownership; all Black people in South Africa come from a village or homestead in their ancestral areas. In these areas, there is limited goods and services but there are still services like roads and clinics and schools. A westerner would consider these areas backward because the layout is very sparse and buildings are low in height...but there still exist good services however, these services (education in particular) are not good enough to get these Black people into the mainstream economy. This will be blamed on Apartheid but in fact, it is the manifestation of Black culture, the Blacks in these villages already live with better services than they did when they first made contact with white people 200 years ago; all the stuff they have now they didn't have before. All those services in these villages are due to the presence of the White man. Moreover there is an enormous rate of teacher absenteeism in Black schools which is where the main culprit behind the low performance of Black students originates, this is part of black culture as well, Black people seem to tolerate this lack of effort on the part of the teacher and the system becomes a repeating cycle of low performing Black schools which creates a disproportionate amount of rural Blacks who cannot compete in the formal economy as they can't get through University or Technical college because of this low standard of education, from the start, which seems entrenched in their mindset (this too will be blamed on Apartheid). The political class jump on this disparity and use it for their own personal gain; which most Balck know but can do little to change it. It is a sad and repetitive cycle. Many have blamed the ANC for purposely keeping Black people less educated and poor so that they can be controlled more easily; this is a debate for another time. 

If a Black man comes to the city to work he can buy accommodation and live there. If he loses his job he can simply return to the village and the village will provide him with some low for of work and food and housing (there is a massive safety-net for Black people). This does not exist for White people. If a White man loses his job he loses everything. These are the different expectations of the different cultures. It is for these reasons why South Africa will simply never become the fantasy dream of an ideal harmonious Globalist Cosmopolitan society.



There is also a lot of propaganda about property ownership in SA but I will have to research that more. The majority of land in SA was owned by the Apartheid government, it would seem. When the Government changed hands in 1994 to the ANC, the ANC then become the owners of this land, it would seem. There are many sorties floating around the liberal press saying that most of South Africa is still controlled by the Whites and that most of the property is still owned by Whites. Both of these are complete lies. There aren't even any statistic to prove this, or even make a lie about; that is how distant these statements are.

Most of SA's economy is controlled by 5 or 6 companies which had their origins in the original mining housing of South Africa, these mining houses parent companies are controlled by the Jewish Financial Elite in New York City and Johannesburg (Oppenheimer family being an example).     



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I made a state in my first article which was an error.

I said the Black population of SA doubled under the rule of the White man. This was incorrect. It actually increased about 10 times; form 4 million to 40 million.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 4:29 AM, SimonS said:

All of Southern Africa relies on South Africa for jobs, electricity and goods coming in from the rest of the world. Most Botswanians live in their capital city, Gaborone, which is on the SA Border. There are only 2.3 million people in Botswana compared to 45-50 million in SA. It, therefore, relies on SA for its economic activity. 

Botswana does not have the mineral wealth or population size to create the political environment for upheaval... and therefore its politics are more stable.

Therefore also, the extent of the wealth gap; richest versus poorest; is not as great as South Africa.

The disparities in income in South Africa can never be fixed. There are not enough jobs to alleviate poverty and there never will be. This is not negative sentiment. This is the limits of the modern globalist economy.

With Industrialisation came Mechanisation which has been ongoing for +100 years and now digitisation has joined the fold. There are fewer and fewer jobs per industry (except the Tech industry obviously). This limits the number of available jobs in the market. This is a matter of the economic system used worldwide; Merchantile Industrialised Globalism. This system cannot alleviate South Africa's inequality, South Africa keeps adhering to it though...thus perpetuating the problem.

South Africa also has two worlds within it. One White and one Black. This is not because of Apartheid. It was like this before Apartheid and before White political rule started in 1910. Whites and Blacks also have a different expectation of property ownership and economic policy. Culturally the country is also very, very divided.  

To give an example of the differences in responsibilities in property ownership; all Black people in South Africa come from a village or homestead in their ancestral areas. In these areas, there is limited goods and services but there are still services like roads and clinics and schools. A westerner would consider these areas backward because the layout is very sparse and buildings are low in height...but there still exist good services however, these services (education in particular) are not good enough to get these Black people into the mainstream economy. This will be blamed on Apartheid but in fact, it is the manifestation of Black culture, the Blacks in these villages already live with better services than they did when they first made contact with white people 200 years ago; all the stuff they have now they didn't have before. All those services in these villages are due to the presence of the White man. Moreover there is an enormous rate of teacher absenteeism in Black schools which is where the main culprit behind the low performance of Black students originates, this is part of black culture as well, Black people seem to tolerate this lack of effort on the part of the teacher and the system becomes a repeating cycle of low performing Black schools which creates a disproportionate amount of rural Blacks who cannot compete in the formal economy as they can't get through University or Technical college because of this low standard of education, from the start, which seems entrenched in their mindset (this too will be blamed on Apartheid). The political class jump on this disparity and use it for their own personal gain; which most Balck know but can do little to change it. It is a sad and repetitive cycle. Many have blamed the ANC for purposely keeping Black people less educated and poor so that they can be controlled more easily; this is a debate for another time. 

If a Black man comes to the city to work he can buy accommodation and live there. If he loses his job he can simply return to the village and the village will provide him with some low for of work and food and housing (there is a massive safety-net for Black people). This does not exist for White people. If a White man loses his job he loses everything. These are the different expectations of the different cultures. It is for these reasons why South Africa will simply never become the fantasy dream of an ideal harmonious Globalist Cosmopolitan society.



There is also a lot of propaganda about property ownership in SA but I will have to research that more. The majority of land in SA was owned by the Apartheid government, it would seem. When the Government changed hands in 1994 to the ANC, the ANC then become the owners of this land, it would seem. There are many sorties floating around the liberal press saying that most of South Africa is still controlled by the Whites and that most of the property is still owned by Whites. Both of these are complete lies. There aren't even any statistic to prove this, or even make a lie about; that is how distant these statements are.

Most of SA's economy is controlled by 5 or 6 companies which had their origins in the original mining housing of South Africa, these mining houses parent companies are controlled by the Jewish Financial Elite in New York City and Johannesburg (Oppenheimer family being an example).     




I have spent a lot of time in South Africa on farms too and in the cities. And did some business there as well. I now prefer to spend time in the wilds and beauty of Botswana than the garbage in SA (not saying SA is  garbage but the politics there is garbage which affects everything else) You cannot simply enjoy one thing and overlook the conditions of most of the people living in.

Botswana has some  mining resources.

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  On 5/9/2019 at 3:35 PM, SimonS said:

in reply to BenFranklinsSpec's

* I cant seem to link to the group.

South Africa will probably have a famine and civil war at the same time. Then break up into in component parts...what it was before the Second Boer War in 1899. Then it will manifest itself into a Southern African State...this is over a 15 to 25 year period. This is due to the digital age and the imminent collapse of Globalism (in my opinion), there will not be enough economic incentive to keep South Africa together in its current state.


When it breaks up, I'm assuming it will break on ethnic lines: one white country, and one black.  Is that correct? 

If there's a civil war, what would prevent the black majority from genociding the white minority? 

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