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Visualizing Eagle Ford oil & gas production (through February 2019)

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Eagle Ford - update through February 2019

This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive dashboards. Furthermore, they allow you to uncover other insights as well.


This interactive presentation contains the latest oil & gas production data from all 22,421 horizontal wells in the Eagle Ford region, that have started producing since 2008, through February 2019.


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February oil production came in at 1,22 million bo/d, the same rate of production as a year earlier. After revisions, it will be a little higher but still below the level at the end of last year. As is visible in the graph above, the contribution of wells that came online before 2018 was just about 50% in February.


The ‘Well quality’ tab reveals that the performance of the 1,800+ horizontal wells that began production in the main formations (Eagle Ford & Austin Chalk) in 2018 was equal to those that started a year earlier (see bottom chart). You can also find that typically, after 6 years on production, wells have declined to a production rate of about 20 bo/d. There are of course major regional variances, which I will show later in this post.

The ‘Advanced Insights’ presentation is displayed below:


This “Ultimate recovery” overview reveals the relationship between production rates and cumulative production. Wells are grouped by the year in which production started.

In the 2nd tab, you will find a ranking of all counties in the Eagle Ford, based on total oil production from these horizontal wells through February. Karnes is #1, with over 700 million barrels of oil produced, since 2008.

Now, let’s take a closer look at how well productivity has evolved in the top 4 counties shown in this list.

The following screenshot comes from our advanced online analytics service:


The map shows the location of all the horizontal oil wells in these 4 counties (click on the image for a high-resolution version). The top right graph shows the average well performance over time, as measured by the cumulative oil recovery in the first 12 months.

DeWitt County is in the lead, with close to 190 thousand barrels of oil recovered in the first year on production, on average. However, total oil production in this county has dropped close to a multi-year low, as completion activity has dropped (not visible in this image). Only 152 wells came online in this county in 2018 (vs. 383 in 2014).


In the middle of next week we will have a new post on all covered states in the US.

We still offer free trials and demos in case you are curious to know what more you could learn from our analytics and data services: request a demo or trial.


Production data is subject to revisions, especially for the last few months.

For this presentation, I used data gathered from the following sources:

  • Texas RRC. Production data is provided on lease level. Individual well production data is estimated from a range of data sources, including regular well tests, and pending lease reports.


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@shaleprofile Nice report!

I have seen some data stating that Tight Oil will be at its peak by 2025 and then start to taper off. 

With the production decline rates  at 74, 47 & 19% for the first three years per producing well how many wells will need to be drilled to achieve the 2025 Peak oil?

Is this the case for Eagle Ford?

Edited by James Regan
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Thank you James.

It's not an easy question to answer, and it will depend a lot on how one believes this 2025 peak would look like. One simple calculation I sometimes find useful is the following: Suppose that you expect EURs in the range of 200 thousand barrels of oil per well. If you then have 5 new wells every day, in the long term that would support a supply of 1 million bo/d (5 * 200kbo/d). You might use this method to determine how many wells would be needed to support a certain peak production rate.


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