ronwagn + 6,290 August 10, 2019 3 hours ago, Zhong Lu said: It depends on which communists you're referring to. If you're talking about the old guard Maoist communists, the Democrats are different because they're not jailing enemies of the state, encouraging agriculture reforms that may lead to a great famine, or starting wars in Korea or Vietnam. Say what you want of Mao, but he did do many big things (most of which backfired horribly), unlike Trump or the Democrats (who appear incapable of doing much of anything at all- instead they spend most of their time and energy shitting on one another- which as a libertarian I think is great). If you're referring to the Chinese communists of today, well, the only things they care about is money and prestige. A lot of them are more Republican than the average Republican. Xi, has become Emperor for life and purged everyone, he disagreed with, that he could. He has imprisoned many thousands of innocent people and extracted many organs from their body parts. His administration needs to be replaced somehow. That will have to be done by the Chinese people themselves. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jan van Eck + 7,558 MG August 10, 2019 (edited) On 8/7/2019 at 5:58 PM, Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemuhwem Osas said: Devaluation of China's currency will help accomplish Trump's goal (to correct the trade deficit). Chinese trolls in social media seem to think that china devaluing it's currency is a win for China. Ha Ha. The "trade deficit" is not the problem. In a trade deficit environment, the Chinese are sending the US a slew of hard goods, and in exchange what the Chinese get are little pieces of paper with pictures of dead Presidents on them. Americans benefit from "trade deficits." The real problem is that Americans are put out of work, and the money velocity inside the USA suffers from that and the shuttered US factories. You can have all the trade deficits you want as long as it is not whacking US factories and employment; if they are at full capacity, purchasing additional goods from abroad simply elevates the US standard of living. Unfortunately, those Chinese manufactures directly compete with US manufactures, and it is that direct substitution of goods that is the root of the problem. Just for example, I invite you to go into any hand-tool sales outlet, such as "National Tools," and look at a set of wrenches, the kind you use to go work on your car or truck. Stamped on that big 7/8'inch combination wrench will be the word "CHINA". See, that big wrench is not being forged in the USA. That US factory got shut down, and its workers are on the street, doing opioids instead of supporting their families. And that, my friends, is the problem. For that, there is only one solution: tariffs and quotas. Nothing else works. Edited August 10, 2019 by Jan van Eck 4 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roberto.Brazil + 8 August 10, 2019 On 8/7/2019 at 6:16 PM, Tom Kirkman said: Subject: Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure The White HouseOffice of the Press SecretaryFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 7, 2019 ... THE PRESIDENT: ... Our country is doing incredibly well. China is not doing well, if you look at the trade situation. China just admitted yesterday that they've been a currency manipulator. First time they've ever been called out. Companies are moving out of China by the thousands, and our country is doing very well. We're going to see how it all works out. Somebody had to do this with China because they were taking hundreds of billions of dollars a year out of the United States. And somebody had to make a stand. So, I think our country is doing really well. Q What's your reaction to the market reaction to the trade war? And what's next with China? THE PRESIDENT: I think the market -- I think the market reaction is anticipated. I would have anticipated. I would have maybe anticipated even more. But ultimately, it's going to go much higher than it ever would have gone because China was like an anchor on us. China was killing us with unfair trade deals. The people that allowed that to happen are a disgrace. China, what they were doing to us, for years and years, taking hundreds of billions of dollars out, stealing intellectual property, targeting our farmers. All of that is ending, and they understand that. ... ... Q Are you watching the stock market's reaction to China, sir? THE PRESIDENT: I am. I think the market reaction is to be expected. I might've expected even more. At some point, as I just said, we have to take on China. They've been taking -- look, they've been taking us to the cleaners for 25 years. This should've been done long before me as a President. You know the story better than anybody. You know it better than I do, frankly. Hundreds of billions of dollars a year taken out of our country. Stealing intellectual property. And you know what? We, right now, we're sitting on top. We have money pouring in. We have powerful companies, strong companies. China is losing so many -- they're losing -- thousands and thousands of companies are leaving China now because of the tariffs. And we're in a very good position as to whether or not a deal will be made. I will tell you this: China would like to make a deal very badly. ... I remember Pearl Harbor. Japanese killed themselves to sink some ships. Of course USA won the war. Now the same. China will lose, but not without cause some damages. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhong Lu + 845 August 10, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, ronwagn said: Xi, has become Emperor for life and purged everyone, he disagreed with, that he could. He has imprisoned many thousands of innocent people and extracted many organs from their body parts. His administration needs to be replaced somehow. That will have to be done by the Chinese people themselves. He is behaving as a traditional Chinese emperor. By Chinese standards Xi is a fine ruler and he is doing a better job than Putin. China's economy, trade war or otherwise, will grow. Unlike Russia. Edited August 10, 2019 by Zhong Lu 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
specinho + 496 August 10, 2019 Dear Commies........... In my one cent worth of opinion........ there is something here that i find rather closely associated to what we are discussing..... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 August 10, 2019 7 minutes ago, Zhong Lu said: He is behaving as a traditional Chinese emperor. By Chinese standards Xi is a fine ruler and he is doing a better job than Putin. China's economy, trade war or otherwise, will grow. Unlike Russia. Possibly by a great percentage of Chinese, but I think his popularity is sinking as is Putin's. In a totalitarian dictatorship, fear helps control what the tongue says or even dare to think. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhong Lu + 845 August 10, 2019 His popularity is fine- higher than most of his predecessors. 1 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 August 10, 2019 (edited) 14 hours ago, Tom Kirkman said: < eye roll > So far in this and related anti-Trump threads, I've been labelled "stupid", "myopic" and now "no moral standing". Anything else you want to add to the list? Media Spin for Biden, Deceptively Omit Trump’s Condemnation of Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville Remarks Edited August 10, 2019 by ronwagn reference 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 August 10, 2019 (edited) Im sorry but West especially USA discredited the idea of democratizing the world for the last 25 years because people all over the world clearly see that after such forced democratization, people do not live much better but much worse and that the West is not about improving the fate of the population, but about fighting potential rivals through a revolutions introducing chaos . And the result is authoritarism is on the rise and democracy all over the world in decline - you can check than even on G-20 summit majority of countries are not democratic countries. Sensible people in these countries are most afraid of chaos, mass murders and a dramatic decline in living standards as in the results of the Arab Spring, invasion of Iraq or Libya and Maidan in Ukraine. In that way by making a clear difference between official propaganda and real results, the West has done a lot to discourage this less democratic part of the world from democratizing. For this reason, the Chinese variant of meritocratic authoritarianism is much more popular in the world than democracy Edited August 10, 2019 by Tomasz 1 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dmitry Bedin + 25 August 10, 2019 4 hours ago, ronwagn said: China is no more a partner than North Korea, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Cuba, etc. We are finally facing the truth because we have a very good leader in office. That makes our competitors very nervous, upset, and fretful. It is like denying children privileges for acting bad. Lmao. You dont have a leader. You ve got a mentaly desordered show-man with lack of macroeconomics knowledge and understanding. His adjectives ( great people, country, whatever, but great, best that, best it,) in tweets touch some common people hearts. Thats ok. People love hypocrisy and primitive manipulation when they hear what they wish to hear. Lets wait and see how your leader’s great action will affect lives of great and best farmers in the world. 2 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 August 10, 2019 (edited) The US pursues a policy of containtment Russia and China and tries to deploy its bases and missiles as close as possible to the borders of these countries, and then is surprised that the result is a Russian-Chinese rapprochement. Its new reality and I think its direct result of US foreign policy after USSR colapse. The arrogant refusal to take into account Russian interests after the Cold War instead bombing their allies, expanding NATO to Russian borders in contravention of verbal commitments made to the USSR , and for all intentsand purposes treating it as a defeated Power, may have made sense when it seemed that the US would be the world's dominant hyperpower for the foreseeable future and Russia was doomed to die anyway - as was conventional wisdom by the late 1990s . And from a purely Realpolitik perspective, the results have hardly been catastrophic; the US gained a geopolitical foothold in Eastern Europe, tied up further European integration into an Atlantic framework, and closed off the possibility of the "Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok" envisaged by Charles de Gaulle. On the other hand, in a world where China is fast becoming a peer competitor - with the implicit backing of a resentful Russia - this may, in retrospect, not have been the best long-term play. Edited August 10, 2019 by Tomasz 1 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 August 10, 2019 6 hours ago, ronwagn said: The communists in China are actually full blown fascists. All countries I know of are fascist to some extent. Ayn Rand said: The difference between [socialism and fascism] is superficial and purely formal, but it is significant psychologically: it brings the authoritarian nature of a planned economy crudely into the open. The main characteristic of socialism (and of communism) is public ownership of the means of production, and, therefore, the abolition of private property. The right to property is the right of use and disposal. Under fascism, men retain the semblance or pretense of private property, but the government holds total power over its use and disposal. 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tomasz + 1,608 August 10, 2019 (edited) China I must remind you is as far as know a sovereign state and maybe it does not want another colorful revolution because somehow the inhabitants of the countries where it happened did not get anything good only chaos drop in living standards and a significant increase in the number of deaths due to civil war. America is already mixed up in the affairs of Hong Kong and protests in Russia and this is a form of aggression against sovereign states. Im sorry but its so predictable another enemy and trade war means another colorful revolution. Maybe not always but it happened so many times in last 100 years thats now common knowledge that revolution means some CIA engagement. I think a result will be another mass represion in Honkong and honestly I understand chinese authorities if they decide to represss opositionists because in a situation of strategic global conflict with USA they have no choice but to repress protesters.. Edited August 10, 2019 by Tomasz 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boat + 1,331 RG August 10, 2019 Maybe the citizens of Hong Kong are just letting China know they like the freedoms they currently enjoy and do not want their big brother taking any away. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 August 11, 2019 3 hours ago, Tom Kirkman said: Now that we have paid for properties it has become abundantly clear that we are not the only "owners". In fact, we are more like renters and the real owners are various governmental entities that are able to tax us. City, county, state and a lot of smaller entities that can possibly raise their rates. They can also come around and tell you that you shouldn't have put in a gravel driveway to your new garage, even though it is an the 21/2 car garage is an enhancement to the neighborhood. Also they can tell me they have a 20 ft. easement at the two streets on my acre. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ward Smith + 6,615 August 11, 2019 1 hour ago, ronwagn said: Now that we have paid for properties it has become abundantly clear that we are not the only "owners". In fact, we are more like renters and the real owners are various governmental entities that are able to tax us. City, county, state and a lot of smaller entities that can possibly raise their rates. They can also come around and tell you that you shouldn't have put in a gravel driveway to your new garage, even though it is an the 21/2 car garage is an enhancement to the neighborhood. Also they can tell me they have a 20 ft. easement at the two streets on my acre. Now imagine you're a Chinese citizen, bought land with every cent of your savings and all you could borrow from friends and relatives. Then the communist party comes along and simply takes it -all. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ward Smith + 6,615 August 11, 2019 22 hours ago, Tom Kirkman said: < eye roll > So far in this and related anti-Trump threads, I've been labelled "stupid", "myopic" and now "no moral standing". Anything else you want to add to the list? @Tom, ask your wife to say this out loud and see if she understands it E hu mau pi 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 August 11, 2019 (edited) 21 minutes ago, Ward Smith said: Now imagine you're a Chinese citizen, bought land with every cent of your savings and all you could borrow from friends and relatives. Then the communist party comes along and simply takes it -all. There has been resistance and rioting over a lot of things like that. The Chinese people can be very brave. Religious groups have long been targeted and persecuted severely as they are serious threats in the mind of the leaders. I think that what President Trump has done the right things at the right time. He must be allowed another four years to finish the job. Edited August 11, 2019 by ronwagn 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR EWING + 123 LM August 11, 2019 15 hours ago, ronwagn said: IMO we need to stop the Demoncrats from taking this country the route of Venezuela. Democratically I hope:), Seen as the US has not acknowledged democratically governments to coexist in countries such as Venezuela. and this didn't all start with Maduro. Surely the route taken will be what the people decide! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR EWING + 123 LM August 11, 2019 15 hours ago, ronwagn said: IMO we need to stop the Demoncrats from taking this country the route of Venezuela. Democratically I hope:), Seen as the US has not acknowledged democratically governments to coexist in countries such as Venezuela. and this didn't all start with Maduro. Surely the route taken will be what the people decide! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR EWING + 123 LM August 11, 2019 15 hours ago, ronwagn said: IMO we need to stop the Demoncrats from taking this country the route of Venezuela. Democratically I hope:), Seen as the US has not acknowledged democratically governments to coexist in countries such as Venezuela. and this didn't all start with Maduro. Surely the route taken will be what the people decide! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR EWING + 123 LM August 11, 2019 15 hours ago, ronwagn said: IMO we need to stop the Demoncrats from taking this country the route of Venezuela. Democratically I hope:), Seen as the US has not acknowledged democratically governments to coexist in countries such as Venezuela. and this didn't all start with Maduro. Surely the route taken will be what the people decide! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dmitry Bedin + 25 August 11, 2019 10 hours ago, Tom Kirkman said: Tom with all respect, US dont have democracy as it defined in dictionary. But easyer to be fixed in propaganda like this picture than find an elefant in your eye. Thats funny, US dont even elect the president, you just vote for you are being fed. Two party only, binar democracy, yes. Lol. Your fixation on others countryes while we talking here only about trade deal apic fail makes you far away to be the brightest crayon in the box. 1 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 August 11, 2019 50 minutes ago, Dmitry Bedin said: Tom with all respect, US dont have democracy as it defined in dictionary. But easyer to be fixed in propaganda like this picture than find an elefant in your eye. Thats funny, US dont even elect the president, you just vote for you are being fed. Two party only, binar democracy, yes. Lol. Your fixation on others countryes while we talking here only about trade deal apic fail makes you far away to be the brightest crayon in the box. You win my "most creative throwing shade of the day award". Have an EU compliant non-meme. 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dmitry Bedin + 25 August 11, 2019 Have fun Tom, you ve got medal “inteligent amrican”. So have a nice day and be rewarded. This is really great medal of honor for great people of the greatest think-tanks wordwide. Enjoy your day! 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites