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Yawn... Parliament Poised to Force Brexit Delay Until Jan. 31

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  On 9/4/2019 at 3:35 PM, DayTrader said:
  5 hours ago, Zhong Lu said:

In the last 3 years Leavers have failed to present a convincing picture to Remainers of how Brexit would benefit them


Please take the time to look at the  referendum that SNP and Devolution of the Scots wanted so bad apparently, but when it came down not the vote, they agreed to stay, good for them as there whole economy was based on the Oil Business model that the UK was stealing their oil, Scotland could not have got where they are today without the injections of funding from the UK and foreign (American) Countries.

Shortly after the 2014 Referendum the oil market crashed, who would have bailed them out, who would have provided their security?

Scotland is a small country with 8/9 million, more expats than Scots, they are all in Australia or further afield, its to dam cold. Most of the voters were what the Scots like to call FEBs (FFen English Bas$%^ds), Yes the leavers have had a hard time to convince the remainers, maybe the remainers will get off their asses and vote this time. I doubt it as they are too lazy and don't really understand whats going on, so expect a radicle turn out if we do go to General Election and the left will lose. 

We will get back our little quaint Island, fill in the tunnel and go about being celtic heathens led by Boadicea.


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To be frank, I find all of this factionalism (Scottish, English, Chinese, Trump supporters, Obama supporters, etc.) odd.  I don't see why people feel the need to defend a "team" when the "team" is so large and abstract that it has almost no relationship to your actual day to day wellbeing.

I'm against both Scotland leaving England and England leaving the EU because it means more borders and less trade.  This talk of the importance of defending national identity is strange because if you look at recent history national identity changes every 50 years or so.  England today is quite different from 50 years ago- the same is true for almost every other country in the world (except North Korea). What exactly are people defending? 

Edited by Zhong Lu

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''Little quaint island''  :) 

Love it.


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Leavers tend to skew old and Remainers skew young.  The younger Remainers feel like a bunch of old Leavers are screwing them over by forcing a long-lasting generational decision on them that they'll have to reverse and deal with in the future.

Edited by Zhong Lu
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  On 9/4/2019 at 8:56 PM, James Regan said:

We will get back our little quaint Island, fill in the tunnel and go about being celtic heathens led by Boadicea


While your photo of the seriously aggrieved warrior woman of A.D. 61 is impressive, the reality is that today's Brits are not much impressed.  She (or her offspring) are not about to inspire anyone any more, it would seem.  That Statue is at the foot of Westminster Bridge, just down the street from Buckingham Palace and Victoria Abbey.  Here is what today's Brits do when they are at the site.  They don't even look up:


"Old soldiers never die; they just fade away."  

The worst part about winning is being ignored. 

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Speaking of which, younger people in the US have a similar feeling, too.  Some boomers are telling everyone how government spending is socialism, and yet that never stopped their generation from running a trillion dollar deficit and a gigantic national debt.  

Edited by Zhong Lu

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  On 9/4/2019 at 9:25 PM, Jan van Eck said:

Here is what today's Brits do when they are at the site.  They don't even look up:


In this photo maybe.

5 mins before, that photo was full of people with their phones out, in awe. I'm sure of it  ;) 

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(When the road crossing symbol was red, that's when @Jan van Eck )

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  On 9/4/2019 at 9:05 PM, Zhong Lu said:

I'm against both Scotland leaving England ... 


Any Scottish on the forum will love this comment  ;) 

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LOL.  I never said I was likeable.  

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  On 9/4/2019 at 9:05 PM, Zhong Lu said:

To be frank, I find all of this factionalism (Scottish, English, Chinese, Trump supporters, Obama supporters, etc.) odd.  I don't see why people feel the need to defend a "team" when the "team" is so large and abstract that it has almost no relationship to your actual day to day wellbeing.


Zhong, most days you are here arguing about China / USA or Trump / Obama etc?

Not having a pop but can you expand on this comment please?   :) 

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Most days I'm here shitting on Trump/Obama/China/USA/boomers (and watching natty prices go up and up and up).  How often have you heard me write something positive about any side? 

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Try it once in a while  :) 

  On 9/4/2019 at 10:04 PM, Zhong Lu said:

and watching natty prices go up and up and up



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I switched out of DGAZ real fast this morning and now I'm actually green again.  

And ugh. I don't like writing positive things about people.  It'll just give them a big head and encourage them to misbehave more.  Also, I find that I do better trading when I'm miserable, antisocial, and cranky.  

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hahah it's all making sense  ;) 

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  On 9/4/2019 at 10:22 PM, Zhong Lu said:

I find that I do better trading when I'm miserable, antisocial, and cranky.  


Best of luck on your trading.


  • Haha 1

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  On 9/4/2019 at 9:25 PM, Jan van Eck said:

While your photo of the seriously aggrieved warrior woman of A.D. 61 is impressive, the reality is that today's Brits are not much impressed.  She (or her offspring) are not about to inspire anyone any more, it would seem.  That Statue is at the foot of Westminster Bridge, just down the street from Buckingham Palace and Victoria Abbey.  Here is what today's Brits do when they are at the site.  They don't even look up:


"Old soldiers never die; they just fade away."  

The worst part about winning is being ignored. 


There not even British , throw a stone into a crowd in London and 9 out of 10 times you will hit a foreigner...👍🏻

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James speaks from experience

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Just so people are aware of the mentality of some in the UK that we are dealing with ... 

I'm listening to an argument on the radio about Brexit.

The caller, a 'remoaner', rings up and says ''The vote was 3 years ago, many of those that voted may be dead now, and at the same time many people have become of voting age''.

The presenter says ''Well surely you could say that about every vote ever?''

The caller hung up. 

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'' I'd rather be dead in a ditch then go to the EU and ask for a Brexit extension.''   - Boris Johnson.

The next day "And so what we will do is we will go to the summit on the 17th, we'll get a deal and we'll come out on October 31." 



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  On 9/4/2019 at 3:13 PM, Zhong Lu said:

The lack of mutual respect is precisely the problem here.  The nature of the debate has both sides feeling like they have to play for all the marbles.  The result is political stalemate.  


They might be in the process of wanting their glorous past of sovereignty back.......... They might want to know who can lead them through with win-win conditions by provoking the same arguments relentlessly..........

  On 9/4/2019 at 8:31 PM, Jan van Eck said:

The EU leadership and bureaucrats in Brussels have bigger problems than figuring out some Plan for trade and labor mobility with Britain.  They have to ensure that the price of leaving is so painful that no other sovereign State will bolt.  

..........Leavers then re-denominate their debt into local currencies, and then devalue those currencies, the big German banks would take a huge hit.  The Leavers cannot be permitted to do that.  So, how to discourage?  Why, just make Britain an example of what happens if you attempt to dump the EU. 

.......Is the EU, with its ossified labour markets, able to absorb a flood of 3.7 million "Returnees"?  No chance.  


Pardon me...... I'm not sure why would the Southern rim ......... especially Turkey....... want to leave EU shall they are generally not a spender of their own money but EU's....... (except may be France)......?? O.o:$

To devalue their own currencies shall they choose to leave might create a debt that they might not be able to repay and consequently functionless growth in economies until the next ice age.......??

Regarding the returnees....... if we could recall the number of refugees two courageous countries agreed to receive a while ago.............. we might deduce that 3.7 million scattered returnees (shall it happen) is probably nothing........ 

  On 9/4/2019 at 6:35 AM, DayTrader said:

Exactly yes. National vote means nothing it seems. It was leave or remain. Not leave with ton of conditions. There is No Deal? Ok we're off, have fun. People talking of another vote ffs. So will the 2nd one be ignored?! Shall we say best of 3?

Now EU and whole world sees even the government is divided, so EU holds all the cards. This vote kills Johnson's potential discussions with Europe now. Hope not, we'll see. I'm sure there are like 25 more chapters to go just this year. 

I hear you but they shouldn't need convincing of respecting the vote in the first place Zhong. 


EU is a membership of countries located in the vicinity...... Every member pays certain fees to be in it.......... Referring to common scenario............. shall one would like to discontinue the membership...... one just needs to discontinue the payment of membership fees and the rest would remain status quo...??

Many conditions mentioned in the paper e.g. travelling pets might need seperate visas; multiplication of importing and exporting documents required; different charging fees of defecating in a toilet located in one country (waste handling) but flush and wash hands (water and letric charge) in another ........ and etc...... shall they produce a leader............ amidst the attendees........... in the parliament............ the pet dogs and cats might not need to be quarantined twice or more across borders; the documents could be................ and the ........... could be................ etc etc............ May be we shall let Mr. Kirby and Mr. Boris Johnson work together like Macron and friends of France??   

The greatest controversy might probably be Scotland (as mentioned by Reagan) or Ireland ............... or both.......... ?? What is there of great interest that could be changed after Brexit?? 

The reason we have parts and pieces and then go back again and again for more than 3 years might be as followed:


Edited by specinho

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Well I'm confused.

We are now on to pets and shitting in certain countries.

Life changing stuff. 

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British politics ... 

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Conservatives branded Mr Corbyn "chicken" for refusing to vote for an election which he has long demanded. Speaking during a visit to Aberdeenshire, Mr Johnson said: "I've never known an opposition in the history of democracy that's refused to have an election, but that's their choice.

"I think obviously they don't trust the people, they don't think that the people will vote for them, so they're refusing to have an election.

"And so what we will do is we will go to the summit on the 17th, we'll get a deal and we'll come out on October 31."  The bill includes provisions for MPs to vote on the final version of Theresa May's withdrawal agreement, thanks to an amendment passed by accident when tellers were not provided to record votes against.

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I think the larger question is, ‘Why have a vote on a referendum if you do not intend to honor the result?’

Does this mean that all electoral results will be open to interpretation and change in the future?

Talk about governmental deadlock and stagnation!

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