Tom Kirkman

Senator Elizabeth Warren Promises to Rebuild Russian Economy, Grow China’s Influence and Support Maduro Regime in Venezuela

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  On 9/10/2019 at 12:49 AM, Ward Smith said:

I'm not sure everyone is qualified by citizenship


Well I'm English but meh, details. Yeah we'll sort it. 

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To understand Elizabeth Warren you have to understand how she grew up. In my home state. In Oklahoma City. With her single parent mother yanking her from one apartment to another, one step in front of the landlord. I'm not defending her, understand, just explaining what made her so damn angry.

I think she is, today, the most dangerous person on the planet. Because to me she seems the most likely to beat Trump. There are an awful lot of very angry people out there--women, people of color, farmers--who have just flat had enough. There are also an awful lot of Americans who have missed the Gravy Train. They're angry too. 

If Warren were to win the presidency, and the Senate was still firmly controlled by the Republicans, nothing much would happen . . . under normal circumstances. But these aren't normal circumstances: Each president for the last half dozen has eroded into the purview of Congress, exerting more and more authority through executive priviledge. So she might be able to find some long extinct rule of law that would allow her to do exactly what she says she will do. But how will she fly on Air Force One? Or field a military? A conflict is coming soon to a theatre somewhere in the world. 

We should not get smug, we Republicans who like oil and gas. There is a swell building.

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  On 9/7/2019 at 11:54 PM, DayTrader said:

I rest my case...


Trump Will Win In 2020

DayTrader 23 hours ago in Geopoliticstrue

I would guess the latter. 


I suspect she would get assassinated by the secret service within a month.

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  On 9/11/2019 at 5:26 AM, Wombat said:

I suspect she would get assassinated by the secret service within a month.

  On 9/10/2019 at 9:38 PM, Gerry Maddoux said:

There is a swell building.


Definitely some kinda evil building over there, can feel it from here. 


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  On 9/9/2019 at 10:22 PM, Tom Kirkman said:






Have you heard of "Modern Monetary Theory" (MMT)? Otherwise known as "Mad Monetary Theory", used to be called "money printing". The loonie left think they have discovered a new way to print money without creating hyperinflation.

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  On 9/11/2019 at 5:40 AM, Wombat said:

Have you heard of "Modern Monetary Theory" (MMT)? Otherwise known as "Mad Monetary Theory", used to be called "money printing". The loonie left think they have discovered a new way to print money without creating hyperinflation.


Yes.  Utter insanity.  A Perpetual energy money machine powered by unicorn farts and promoted by politicians who use the theory the justify outrageous tax and spend (and tax & tax & tax & tax & spend) schemes.  The Holy Grail of "Get Rich Quick" schemes for politicians - the politicians get filthy effing rich and citizens ... not so much.

“Modern Monetary Theory” Will Pay for AOC’s Green New Deal

... In simple terms, MMT is the new alchemy, a reiteration of a 4,000-year-old dream of tyrants, a medieval chemical pseudo-science that aimed to change lead into gold, a philosophy that promised a universal cure for cancer and a means of indefinitely prolonging life on earth.  ...

... MMT will not fool Mother Nature for very long. Money is not wealth. Multiplying it will not make it more valuable, but less.  ...







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Asking Kelton doesn’t help. She won’t even address the question: “Politicians need to reject the urge to ask ‘How are we going to pay for it?’ and avoid the trap when it’s asked of them. A better question is: What’s the best use of public money?”

- this is a university economics professor?! 

''avoid the trap''

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  On 9/11/2019 at 7:16 AM, DayTrader said:

What’s the best use of public money?”


"Public money" is actually "taxpayer money".

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Haha yep, I'm quoting your link. Just keep printing, it'll work out Tom. 

LOL I was thinking ''what? when did I say that?''

Get a load of lead in too. It's worth a shot. 

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You folks do realize the current guy in charge is calling for negative interest rates. Make people pay for the right to lend money. And that's a Republican, the party that long ago abandoned fiscal discipline when they are in power. They do rein spending a bit when a Democrat is in power, creating the effect of Democrats being the more responsible president fiscally.

These are mad times with a well overdo correction, but neither party is offering that, a different flavor of madness. Populism got Trump in, maybe a Democrat version of a populist tosses him, but I doubt it. We complain about a too strong executive branch (I agree) and then elect someone who takes executive privilege on a joy ride and yes, payback will be a bitch (party in power does change, it's just a when). 

AOC is a wild card, but she probably benefits Republicans more the Democrats. I've never heard anyone over 30 say anything favorable about her. Warren is a genuine policywonk, who fundamentally believes in more government. She might be electable, but I kind of doubt it. 

In all the craziness there are fundamentally sound things trying to happen in this administration. Dealing with China is one, although I believe it must be a concerted multinational effort. Various government agencies have over-reached, that is kind of better, but mostly different as opposed to fundamentally better and effectively not having leadership with the hyperdrive turnover at the top does produce hunker down in the agencies. Folks think China is doing a wait and see on 2020, the far bigger wait and see is the Federal bureaucracy. 

If the government was an electronic operating system you'd turn it off, take out the battery, wish you weren't so invested in the platform, then buy a new one. 

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