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Democrats and Gun Views

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Let's chat guns... hey, it's been a while   :)    Saw this article that may interest some regarding NRA and election time, as I imagine the candidate who said he'd take away guns got quite a reaction there. Next year will be interesting....  #MAGA  - FULL ARTICLE. 

A Third Of Democrats Favor Declaring NRA as a 'Terrorist Organization'.      

28% Say It Should Be Illegal To Join.


Meanwhile, 28% of Democrats say Americans should be banned from joining pro-gun rights organizations like the NRA - a view surprisingly shared by 15% of Republicans and 10% of unaffiliated voters. 

- Just 13% of likely voters believe NRA members are more likely to commit a crime with a gun - and in fact 47% believe that members are less likely to commit such a crime.

- 28% think NRA membership makes no difference vs. the general population.  The poll also revealed that 50% of voters have a favorable impression of the NRA, while 44% do not. Of that, 30% have a Very Favorable view of the group, while 33% have a Very Unfavorable one - virtually the same opinion as those polled held in March of last year. 

Republicans (78%) are far more likely to have a favorable opinion of the NRA than Democrats (32%) and unaffiliated voters (42%). But even among Democrats, only 17% think NRA members are more likely to commit a crime with a gun. 

- Voters under 40 are far more supportive than their elders of making it illegal to belong to gun rights groups like the NRA.

- While Americans argue over the availability of guns, most of those with a gun in their house continue to say it makes them feel safer.

- Attorney General William Barr hopes to make it easier and quicker to sentence mass shooters to death, and most Americans think that’s a good idea. Interestingly, however, these findings come at a time when support for the death penalty in general has fallen to a new low.

- 70% agree with President Trump when he said, “It’s not the gun that pulls the trigger; it’s the person that pulls the trigger.”    AUTHOR NOTE - how this is only 70% is rather baffling to me. 



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Many Democrats hate memes.  Why?  Because they can be effective at getting a simple message across.

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What's the criminal record?

Haha you need a new Washington meme. The spelling mistakes are not very you Tom. 


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I am curious as to why membership in the NRA would somehow make them “...more likely to commit a crime with a gun.”

I wonder what the percentage of ‘members more likely to commit a crime with an illegal gun’ is among such organizations such as MS13, the Bloods, the Crips, the Hell’s Angel’s, the Banditos, etc....

It would be instructive to know, historically, how many or what percentage of gun crimes have been committed by NRA members?

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I'm assuming that that 13% are just anti gun anyway so are going to reply like that.

Is the NRA huge there? No offence to anyone, but is it just like the proper hardcore gun fans there, or something the average gun owner joins?

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I’d say that it is likely that ‘hardcore gun fans’ join the NRA. I would also say that it is likely that your run of the mill John and Jane Doe firearm enthusiast and hunters join the NRA for exactly the same reason - it is perceived to be the only effective lobby to preserve their right to keep and bear arms.

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Ron is blatantly in it.

Bet his basement is like the Pulp Fiction pawn shop. Samurai and everything.

Just no gimp. 

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Good for him! I believe that if it were not for the NRA that gun owners’ rights would have been removed, or strictly curtailed, decades ago.

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🤣🤣  He has a point

Image result for very insightful gun control meme

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Just take guns away from the security watching over top Dems like Pelosi, Bernie and Pocahantas and such. Lets see how well that goes down.

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  On 9/14/2019 at 5:17 AM, fozzir said:

security watching over top Dems


Well I'm sure they will have pepper spray

**(NOTE - you may need to be aware of other threads to get this joke)

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  On 9/14/2019 at 5:26 AM, DayTrader said:

Well I'm sure they will have pepper spray

**(NOTE - you may need to be aware of other threads to get this joke)


And tasers....don’t forget the tasers!

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  On 9/14/2019 at 5:28 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

And tasers....don’t forget the tasers!


Tasers are dangerous and violent instruments that should be banned.  Their construction is done by the poorly informed and their use is done by people who have no appreciation of the medical consequences of their deployment.  Putting a taser in the hands of a cop is totally reckless. Would you let a cop practice medicine in your hospital by handing him your electroshock therapy machine?  No?  Well, then don't hand him an electroshock machine to use on the public streets.  Cops are not smart enough to be near that stuff.  

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  On 9/14/2019 at 8:01 AM, Jan van Eck said:

Tasers are dangerous and violent instruments that should be banned.  Their construction is done by the poorly informed and their use is done by people who have no appreciation of the medical consequences of their deployment.  Putting a taser in the hands of a cop is totally reckless. Would you let a cop practice medicine in your hospital by handing him your electroshock therapy machine?  No?  Well, then don't hand him an electroshock machine to use on the public streets.  Cops are not smart enough to be near that stuff.  


They should be forced marched to watch all of Greys Anatomy- I concur 

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  On 9/14/2019 at 8:01 AM, Jan van Eck said:

Tasers are dangerous and violent instruments that should be banned.  Their construction is done by the poorly informed and their use is done by people who have no appreciation of the medical consequences of their deployment.  Putting a taser in the hands of a cop is totally reckless. Would you let a cop practice medicine in your hospital by handing him your electroshock therapy machine?  No?  Well, then don't hand him an electroshock machine to use on the public streets.  Cops are not smart enough to be near that stuff.  



Your typical reprobate 14 year old can fashion a 'taser' out of one of those old paper box cameras as long as it has a flash and he has a paperclip. If you say not to arm the cops with a taser, are you fine with them carrying a handgun?

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Typical Republicans twisting gun enthusiasts right to own guns for hunting and protection who want assault, automatic weapons and clips that hold more than three bullets banned. 

Like pollution there seems to be a mental block for the death, pain and suffering many innocent citizens suffer. There are no perfect answers for these issues but there are many steps that could be accomplished to midigate the worst of these tragic events. 

These same Republicans support Canadian oil that is not needed for US consumption, Saudi and Venezuelan refineries churning out pollution along the gulf that is also not needed for US consumption. They complain about trade imbalances with the US and rightly so IMHO but want yet another pipeline from Canada that would exacerbate pollution and the risks of transportation. 

I personaly appreciate the role FF and guns has played in the rise of the US. But common sense cannot be abandoned. Fueling the world through the gulf for a buck is quite different than fueling our country to keep mobility. Hunting and sport is quite different than assault rifles. Keep the conversation real instead typical Republican talking points.

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  On 9/14/2019 at 4:15 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

I am curious as to why membership in the NRA would somehow make them “...more likely to commit a crime with a gun.”

I wonder what the percentage of ‘members more likely to commit a crime with an illegal gun’ is among such organizations such as MS13, the Bloods, the Crips, the Hell’s Angel’s, the Banditos, etc....

It would be instructive to know, historically, how many or what percentage of gun crimes have been committed by NRA members?


Practically none IMHO. Many more gun crimes prevented by NRA members. The NRA provides safety training, and self defense training, hunter safety, marksmanship etc. 

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  On 9/14/2019 at 11:34 AM, Tom Kirkman said:

(picture of crazed woman with very big gun)


Tom, where did you lift this picture from, LIberia?  

She looks like she has the emotional stability of a trapped  rat. 

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  On 9/14/2019 at 4:46 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

I’d say that it is likely that ‘hardcore gun fans’ join the NRA. I would also say that it is likely that your run of the mill John and Jane Doe firearm enthusiast and hunters join the NRA for exactly the same reason - it is perceived to be the only effective lobby to preserve their right to keep and bear arms.




  On 9/14/2019 at 12:31 PM, Boat said:

Typical Republicans twisting gun enthusiasts right to own guns for hunting and protection who want assault, automatic weapons and clips that hold more than three bullets banned. 

Like pollution there seems to be a mental block for the death, pain and suffering many innocent citizens suffer. There are no perfect answers for these issues but there are many steps that could be accomplished to midigate the worst of these tragic events. 

These same Republicans support Canadian oil that is not needed for US consumption, Saudi and Venezuelan refineries churning out pollution along the gulf that is also not needed for US consumption. They complain about trade imbalances with the US and rightly so IMHO but want yet another pipeline from Canada that would exacerbate pollution and the risks of transportation. 

I personaly appreciate the role FF and guns has played in the rise of the US. But common sense cannot be abandoned. Fueling the world through the gulf for a buck is quite different than fueling our country to keep mobility. Hunting and sport is quite different than assault rifles. Keep the conversation real instead typical Republican talking points.


There are other good groups though.Many are state and local. Guns Save Life is another one we belong to. 

Americans greatly value our Second Amendment RIghts. I am sure many Canadians would prefer to have our rights. Canada is more like Europe IMHO.




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  On 9/14/2019 at 5:15 AM, DayTrader said:

🤣🤣  He has a point

Image result for very insightful gun control meme


Having fewer "cars" in general would save many lives.  I hear that even responsible car owners have had serious accidents and killed using them.

At least cars do something useful besides kill things and go boom for excitement.  Oh I guess they also give some people a temporary set of balls* they lack when not carrying.

*Around here it's also guys in oversized trucks, once they get out of the truck their nads suck back inside.

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  On 9/14/2019 at 7:55 PM, ronwagn said:



Abortions are not considered deaths as there was no time of birth. #FakeNews!

Most "meme" stuff is garbage FYI


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