Tom Kirkman

Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, Ukraine Oil & Gas exploration company Burisma, and 2020 U.S. election shenanigans

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How does this Examiner article not qualify as pure hearsay and speculation?  And if folks think hearsay is bad, why post and perpetuate more of it? 

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  On 11/29/2019 at 8:00 AM, Rhino said:

How does this Examiner article not qualify as pure hearsay and speculation?  And if folks think hearsay is bad, why post and perpetuate more of it? 


What are you talking about??  It's a fact that Hunter Biden is suspected of smoking crack.  😅

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Looking forward to the impeachment inquiry fiasco once it moves from the House of Reps to the Senate, and Hunter Biden gets subpoenaed by the Senate to testify under oath.


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The whole Ukraine Natural Gas corruption fiasco is getting ready to really blow up, and snare both corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans.

All around the same time that the Democrat's Impeachment Inquiry nonsrmse and the Inspector General's report on FBI and FISA abuses are released today.

Giuliani's letter below (toward the bottom of the article) is pretty remarkable.  Side note, I was working in New York City when Giuliani was Mayor, and he did a bangup job in cutting down crime and reigning in the Mafia.


Former Ukraine Prosecutor Shokin: Joe Biden “Outraged We Seized Burisma Assets”, Could No Longer Pay His Son

Rudy Giuliani traveled to Ukraine with OAN investigative journalist Chanel Rion.  The U.S. media are going absolutely bananas after finding out Giuliani is now gathering even more information about Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt endeavors within Ukraine.

In this interview former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin spoke to OAN about Joe Biden’s direct role in getting his office to stop investigating his son Hunter.  The problem for Joe Biden was when Shokin seized all of Burisma’s assets the Ukranian gas company could no longer pay his son Hunter Biden.  So the vice president demanded Shokin be removed.


When you combine this interview with the damning public statements delivered by the Ukraine prosecutor that replaced Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, things really get troublesome for Joe Biden, the Obama administration and Adam Schiff.

Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko stated that after he replaced Shokin he was visited by U.S. State Dept. official George Kent and Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch; they provided a list of corruption cases the Ukraine government was not permitted to follow.

Prosecutor Lutsenko dropping specific corruption cases was critical because that allowed/enabled a process of laundering money back to U.S. officials.  [SEE HERE]

The potential for this background story to become part of a larger impeachment discovery is what has the U.S. media going bananas against Rudy Giuliani.

Senator Lindsey Graham is directly connected to the group of U.S. politicians who were participating in the influence network within Ukraine.  One of the downstream consequences of Rudy Giuliani investigating the Ukraine corruption and money laundering operation to U.S. officials is that it ends up catching Senator Graham.

Hence, earlier today Senator Graham said he would not permit Senate impeachment testimony that touched on this corrupt Ukraine aspect.

In essence Senator Graham is fearful that too much inquiry into what took place with Ukraine from 2014 through 2016 will expose his own participation and effort along with former Ambassador Marie Yovanovich.

Graham is attempting to end the impeachment effort quickly because the underlying discoveries have the potential to expose the network of congressional influence agents, John McCain and Graham himself included, during any witness testimony.

Senators from both parties participated in the influence process, and part of their influence priority was exploiting the financial opportunities within Ukraine while simultaneously protecting fellow participant Joe Biden and his family.

If anyone gets too close to revealing the process, writ large, they become a target of the entire apparatus.  President Trump was considered an existential threat to this entire process.  Hence our current political status with the ongoing coup. The Giuliani letter:






It will be interesting to see how this plays out, because in reality many U.S. Senators (both parties) are participating in the process for receiving taxpayer money and contributions from foreign governments.

Those same senators are jurists on a pending impeachment trial of President Trump who is attempting to stop the corrupt financial processes they have been benefiting from.

The conflicts are very swampy….

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I have already mentioned in several posts that the idea of freeing Ukraine from the position of a neutral state and making it a NATO base 400 km from Moscow hostile to Russia was a mistake. This is a matter of Russian national security just like the Cuban crisis of 1961, and no sanctions or condemnations will change Russia's position.

I would be very pleased if Mr. Biden who was responsible for overseeing the pacification of Donbass and generally overseeing these issues on behalf of the US President and several other hawkish American politicians would pay for it with a political career.

We had to wait for more sensible politicians in Washington like Trump who listened to the advice of Henry Kissinger as well as to the voice of Eastern and Central Ukraine in the person of President Zelenski to reach a meaningful agreement in Paris today.

Among others, they agreed on gas transit and both parties found the agreement fruitful.

Because with all due respect, if some American analyst seemed to have a NATO fleet base in Crimea, I would like to inform you that for this purpose you only need to win World War III.


Edited by Tomasz
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  On 12/9/2019 at 10:30 PM, Tomasz said:

We had to wait for more sensible politicians in Washington like Trump who listened to the advice of Henry Kissinger as well as to the voice of Eastern


I seriously doubt Trump listens to Kissinger at all. Too much of Trump’s policy is apolitical to Kissinger. 

But with Crimea, for different reasons, the same end.

Peter the Great is resting a bit better now. Georgians and Ukrainians, not so much.

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PDF text (excluding the 10 footnoted links and notes)


February 5, 2020 

Mr. James M. Murray


United States Secret Service

Dear Mr. Murray:

The Committee on Finance and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs ("the committees") are reviewing potential conflicts of interest posed by the business activities of Hunter Biden and his associates during the Obama administration, particularly with respect to his business activities in Ukraine and China. 

In addition to several letters that the committees have sent to other agencies as part of that inquiry, 1 the Committee on Finance also has written to the Department of Treasury regarding potential conflicts of interest in the Obama-era CFIUS approved transaction which gave control of Henniges, an American maker of anti-vibration technologies with military applications, to a Chinese government-owned aviation company and China-based investment firm with established ties to the Chinese government. That transaction included Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, Christopher Heinz, and others. 2

We write to request information about whether Hunter Biden used government-sponsored travel to help conduct private business, to include his work for Rosemont Seneca and related entities in China and Ukraine. In December of 2013, one month after Rosemont Seneca's joint venture with Bohai Capital to form BHR, Hunter Biden reportedly flew aboard Air Force Two with then-Vice President Biden to China. 3 

While in China, he helped arrange for Jonathan Li, CEO of Bohai Capital, to "shake hands" with Vice President Biden. 4 Afterward, Hunter Biden met with Li for reportedly a "social meeting." 5 After the China trip, BHR's business license was approved. 6 Then, in 2015, BHR joined with Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to acquire Henniges, which was the "biggest Chinese investment into US automotive manufacturing assets to date." 7

In addition to business dealings in China, Hunter Biden also served as a board member for Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. 8 In April 2014, around the time Hunter Biden joined Burisma, Vice President Biden reportedly became the "public face of the administration's handling of Ukraine." 9 It is unclear whether Hunter Biden received government sponsored travel or a protective detail for these endeavors.

Accordingly, to help the committees better understand Hunter Biden's travel arrangements to conduct business related to his dealings in Ukraine and China, among other countries, while he received a protective detail, please provide the following information no late than February 19, 2020 10:

1. Please describe the protective detail that Hunter Biden received while his father was Vice President.

2. Please provide a list of all dates and locations of travel, international and domestic, for Hunter Biden while he received a protective detail. 

In your response, please note whether his travel was on Air Force One or Two, or other government aircraft, as applicable and whether additional family members were present for each trip.

We anticipate that your written response and most of the responsive documents will be unclassified. Please send all unclassified material directly to the Committees. In keeping with the requirements of Executive Order 13526, if any of the responsive documents do contain classified information, please segregate all unclassified material within the classified documents, provide all unclassified information directly to the Committees, and provide a classified addendum to the Office of Senate Security. The Committees comply with all laws and regulations governing the handling of classified information. The Committees are not bound, absent their prior agreement,by any handling restrictions or instructions on unclassified information unilaterally asserted by the Executive Branch. 

If you have any questions about this request, please contact Joshua Flynn-Brown of Chairman Grassley's staff at (202) 224-4515 or Brian Downey and Scott Wittmann of Chairman Johnson's staff at (202) 224-4751. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 


Charles E. Grassley


Committee on Finance 


PDF attached:

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Oh boy!  Here we go?

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Oh looky




'$1 billion of US taxpayers'\'' money in exchange for maintaining Burisma schemes.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 11, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 18, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 19, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on March 22, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on May 13, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on November 16, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between John Kerry and Petro Poroshenko on May 13, 2016.mp4'

'Facts of international corruption - Conversations between P. Poroshenko, J. Biden and J. Kerry.mp4'

'Facts of international corruption - External governance of Ukraine.mp4'

'New facts of international corruption - tariff issues.mp4'





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  On 11/29/2019 at 8:00 AM, Rhino said:

How does this Examiner article not qualify as pure hearsay and speculation?  And if folks think hearsay is bad, why post and perpetuate more of it? 


Well i do believe this all had its foundations in a Russian/Collusion hoax....then there was this Kavanaugh debacle and finally a impeachment trial. All inspired by one party in a two party system of government.

A modern thought process comes to mind...Deal With It. 

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  On 5/19/2020 at 8:40 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Oh looky




'$1 billion of US taxpayers'\'' money in exchange for maintaining Burisma schemes.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 11, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 18, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on February 19, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on March 22, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on May 13, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko on November 16, 2016.mp4'

'An audio recording of a conversation between John Kerry and Petro Poroshenko on May 13, 2016.mp4'

'Facts of international corruption - Conversations between P. Poroshenko, J. Biden and J. Kerry.mp4'

'Facts of international corruption - External governance of Ukraine.mp4'

'New facts of international corruption - tariff issues.mp4'






So generally I'm rather glad it leaked.

But I will only add that Americans have the famous PRISMA system.

Only someone should inform vicepresident Biden and Poroshenko  that the Russians have highly effective SORM and PAK which did great job during the Olympics in Sochi and the World Cup in football in 2018.

So at least after Sochi Biden, the US Vice President should be aware of this.

And if he was really so stupid to be recorded  he will pay for it in November 2020.

Edited by Tomasz
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Seem to remember that there was hoopla about President Clinton making hundreds of millions from giving paid talks after leaving office.

Edited by canadas canadas

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