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James Regan

Impeachment and Foreign Conflicts in USA Politics

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  On 9/26/2019 at 10:19 AM, Boat said:

Well let’s hope not. Cowboy military intervention didn’t work for GW spending trillions in treasure along with the legacy costs of the dead and wounded. 

The US doesn’t need the oil from the Middle East. This is conflict for the Asian importers to deal with.


The US doesn’t need the oil NOW....but what if the shale oil miracle falters and fails (which it is showing signs of doing)...then what?

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  On 9/27/2019 at 1:17 PM, Hotone said:

More world leaders reveal that they were pressured by Donald Trump


Surprise, surprise!!! One world leader (Head of State) is pressured by another world leader (Head of State). Damn man, that’s part of the game! Do you believe that perhaps other Heads of State have tried to influence or pressure or influence Trump or is it a one way street.

You are really reaching with this nonsense.

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Saw an interview in which Queen Pelosi said her regular words, he committed this crime  and that then moves onto saying its all in the "sequencing"?

So now they are going to stretch it as far as their feeble imagination can run!

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I do not know what to think about this whole Trump impeachment thing.

On one hand it is true disgrace on the part of Democrats, it shows that in love, war and politics you can stick to whatever disgusting tricks, to win. But as Lewinsky affair shows it is not only used by Democrats, although the Clinton case had some sense as he allegedly lied under oath.

My opinion is that Trump impeachment thing is a sort of insane filibuster and it weakens American democracy, to me a common citizen it shows that politicians have no morals, just ugly type of w*ores.


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The Republican's plan to "let them speak and hang themselves" is working out great!! Why is it that any Democrat that did anything wrong in office has not been investigated? Hilliary, Biden, Comey, and the list goes on and on!!

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And I would not be surprised if the leak is actually a set-up. They are SO willing to get ANYTHING they can to impeach Trump, they just jump on it without looking first. Wouldn't be that hard to goading them into an impeachment hearing, they are DESPERATE now that everything else has failed. No different than Clinton using INTERNS to fulfill his lusts, but that was OK. But they got so worked up about Stormy Daniels, and she is basically a whore, she gets paid money for sex, and we were all supposed to care about something that happened way before the White House....

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  On 9/30/2019 at 2:51 PM, SERWIN said:

And I would not be surprised if the leak is actually a set-up. They are SO willing to get ANYTHING they can to impeach Trump, they just jump on it without looking first. Wouldn't be that hard to goading them into an impeachment hearing, they are DESPERATE now that everything else has failed. No different than Clinton using INTERNS to fulfill his lusts, but that was OK. But they got so worked up about Stormy Daniels, and she is basically a whore, she gets paid money for sex, and we were all supposed to care about something that happened way before the White House....


Maybe.   I thing Pres. Trump might have stepped in it a little this time.  What was probably a well made plan to have Rudi do all the detective work, has blown up in their face somewhat.    The DEMs focus on hearsay and hyperbole to create an over-bloated delusion.  Problem for them is it will wear off by election time, to expose them making yet another hoax.   Half the DEMS are happy to see Joe get thrown under the bus anyway.

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  On 9/30/2019 at 1:34 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Surprise, surprise!!! One world leader (Head of State) is pressured by another world leader (Head of State). Damn man, that’s part of the game!


Pressuring other leaders is a big part of the job (not game).  However, pressuring others to investigate your domestic political rivals is much different than pressuring over international matters (trade, military, etc.).  

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  On 9/30/2019 at 9:03 PM, Enthalpic said:

Pressuring other leaders is a big part of the job (not game).  However, pressuring others to investigate your domestic political rivals is much different than pressuring over international matters (trade, military, etc.).  


Maybe I missed something, but I thought Trump pressured them to investigate the possibility that taxpayer money, to the tune of $1 Billion dollars, was being withheld unless specific and personal stipulations were met to advance the personal agenda of a Mr. Joe Biden, who also happens to be a political rival. 

Running for president makes you immune to inquiry I suppose. Most recently Hillary has demonstrated that. Now, I guess investigating criminal activity at a Federal and international level, involving the country you've asked to help investigate the issue, is an impeachable offense? Everything sure is a lot easier when you make up the rules as you go.....

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  On 9/30/2019 at 9:14 PM, PE Scott said:

Maybe I missed something, but I thought Trump pressured them to investigate the possibility that taxpayer money, to the tune of $1 Billion dollars, was being withheld unless specific and personal stipulations were met to advance the personal agenda of a Mr. Joe Biden, who also happens to be a political rival. 

Running for president makes you immune to inquiry I suppose. Most recently Hillary has demonstrated that. Now, I guess investigating criminal activity at a Federal and international level, involving the country you've asked to help investigate the issue, is an impeachable offense? Everything sure is a lot easier when you make up the rules as you go.....


Impeachable offense maybe not; but certainly requires massive ethics review.  I would argue that the investigation responsibility falls on non-partisan civil servants not the POTUS himself - especially when he clearly has a conflict of interest



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Are you saying that the issue in the Ukraine, involving a large amount of US foreign aid....was NOT an international matter?

Are you invoking a double standard where it was fine for Biden to meddle in the Ukraine while in office, but Trump should not?

Is there a list somewhere detailing what issues discussions between Heads of State can or cannot touch on?

Why are the Dems so focused on impeaching Trump for what Biden not only did, but bragged about in public...oh yeah, it’s coming up on an election year and none of the other obstructionist strategies have panned out.

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At this point the whistleblower evidence is all heresay, which became sufficient to initiate impeachment hearing only after the Dems changed the rules AFTER Trump was elected.

I seriously doubt this will be allowed by the Supreme Court, regardless what the House of Representatives believe.

If I am correct, the impeachment effort is simply another was of our elected representative’s time and the taxpayers money.

When will the House be held responsible for THEIR ACTIONS (or lack thereof)?

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  On 10/1/2019 at 4:13 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

When will the House be held responsible for THEIR ACTIONS (or lack thereof)?


Every two years. 

Easy to see how the founding father's didn't trust us for our voting decisions much, we humans tend to get tribal too easily have our head turned. Hence the electoral college, and not voting for senators, etc.. And even less say on the judicial side. The more fractured we become the more basic run of the mill bureaucracy runs things.

In Pelosi and McConnell, love them or loath them, are both masters of governmental dark arts. Trump is like a piñata to both of them, Trump's basic protection being the votes and money he brings to the table.

First time wandering to this side of the board in some time. Probably be a while before I come back again. 

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My next question is, if the Democrats are saying Trump was using political pressure against an opponent running against him in the next election, does that mean that the Democrats have already decided who is running for 2020? Biden is NOT a candidate right now, they are still in the primaries. Is it decided then? Is that why they can say that? Sounds to me like the Democrats have decided for everyone. I remember Hilliary talking about the "dumb masses" with great disdain, and yet they still cast voted for her. I was insulted and I would have NEVER voted for her anyway, why aren't the masses of Democrats insulted? Maybe they are dumb, just as she said.....

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  On 10/1/2019 at 4:38 PM, SERWIN said:

My next question is, if the Democrats are saying Trump was using political pressure against an opponent running against him in the next election, does that mean that the Democrats have already decided who is running for 2020? Biden is NOT a candidate right now, they are still in the primaries. Is it decided then? Is that why they can say that? Sounds to me like the Democrats have decided for everyone. I remember Hilliary talking about the "dumb masses" with great disdain, and yet they still cast voted for her. I was insulted and I would have NEVER voted for her anyway, why aren't the masses of Democrats insulted? Maybe they are dumb, just as she said.....


Almost certain that was a reference to trump supporters. The shoe fits at the very least. ;)

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  On 10/1/2019 at 5:12 PM, Enthalpic said:

Almost certain that was a reference to trump supporters. The shoe fits at the very least. ;)


She was referring to ALL Americans when she said that.....I recall the word "deplorable" coming out of her mouth on more than one occasion. Funny that a person that has lost her license to practice law can be so snotty when talking about the general populace. Personally I believe that if your professional organization deems you so dishonest that you lose your license to do that profession anymore, you should never be allowed to go into politics.(Clinton's, Obamas, etc)

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Funny thing about it all is that the world has not come to an end, we are not at war with anyone, and our economy is actually doing better than is has in years. Unemployment at record lows, and a POTUS that actually cares about US, not them. Personally I think it is about time we had someone on our side that was actually ON OUR SIDE! Screw being politically correct, it is about time our voices were heard by the other countires, not the voices of the political pansy asses we have had for so many years. Reagan wouldn't have put up with this crap!! He would have smiled and told them to go screw themselves, in a polite way mind you.

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  On 10/1/2019 at 5:27 PM, SERWIN said:

Our economy is actually doing better than is has in years.


Yes, but still a very uneven recovery, the old rust belt industries aren't coming back. Nothing can make them strong again. That is not that way the world is headed. Trump's been pumping money into the system enough to make a Keynesian blush so with zilch for interest rates of course equity is inflated.

Reagan oozed empathy and caring, and still kept faith with a market based approach. Trump, just about the opposite on the empathy scale. The danger if you want Trump isn't his policies, it's the deal with the devil to get those policies, Trump might united unbelievably fractured opposition. Trump's side will vote. A lot of non-Trump couldn't hold their nose to vote for the stink of Hillary. Reagan's "big tent' has been napalmed.

Personally hope the Ukrainian is the end of Biden. He was stupid with the nepotism, but Trump supporters accept nepotism on a grander scale. Never wish illness on anyone, but Sanders is probably out, thankfully. Heaven help them if they try and resurrect Clinton. Talk about deserving to get you ass kick.

The sooner the old democrat guard is gone, the sooner we'll know what the heck. But from my perspective Dems need real alternatives, not the Green Deal, though it's not anymore unrealistic than thinking Mexico would pay for the wall. And we know a lot voters buy the message, not the reality. 

Give me a real tax structure (taxing wealth just makes money away), get us out of foreign wars, industrial policies that protect IP and encourage innovation. And my one bow to socialism, estate taxes. Pass on $50 million tax free, sure, allowing generational oligarchs, nope. The offspring of uber-wealthy have more than enough advantages already. 

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  On 9/29/2019 at 1:40 AM, James Regan said:

Wow good point or Julian Assange and wikileaks etc, in fact Trump is getting JA in shape, maybe he will be an advisor to Trump would make great business sense.

CNN is utter Vommit, I watch it just to get annoyed and then come here to vent.

Imagine the calls between Boris J and DT, ooh I bet there Juicy

Reagan and Gorby.

DT and Kim

Obama and Hillary and her private mails, its all a bullshit which hunt going nowhere


If the Obama Administration was Republican he would have been impeached for sure. He has ten times the scandals that Trump does. 

Part Two of the Obama Administration Scandals

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  On 10/2/2019 at 10:04 PM, ronwagn said:

If the Obama Administration was Republican he would have been impeached for sure. He has ten times the scandals that Trump does. 

Part Two of the Obama Administration Scandals


18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally



Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.

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Thanks, isn't it strange that we never heard about this information from the mainstream media, even Fox News. Imagine how many thousands of counts, times three years, could still be filed. All the offenders should be disgraced if not imprisoned.

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Looks like POTUS has proved himself on wall building, one more Stonewall won't harm, Pelosi is crutching her straws. Sleepy Joe was caught with his fingers in the honey pot while in power but not any more, jail the sleazy lizard.

POTUS may want to warn Biden....

Edited by James Regan
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  On 9/25/2019 at 6:14 AM, Jakridge said:

This is going to fall apart for the Democrats just like all the other faulty attempts to destroy this president have. This is Politics on a new level. It's like a spiritual battle and the Democrats do not have God on their side. The Democrat Stampede could not wait one day to read the actual reports and now it is determined that The Whistleblower is a complete partisan. This is going to be ugly for them and I'm damn glad of it.  These people are Beyond derangement. They are demented.


Demoncrat stampede has more oomph and more reality. 

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The whole charge of treason or Russiagate against Trump comes down to the simple fact that this POTUS finally listened to experts in the style of Graham Alisson or Kissinger who told him clearly that the biggest rival for the US for at least 15 years is not Russia but China. 

So extreme stupidity is Obama's or even more G.W. Bush  policy of antagonizing Russia and pushing regional power but also at the same time  the largest raw material exporter and second biggest arm exporter into hands of largest commodities importer and your stategic rival in XXI century as this happeened after 2004, 2008 2014 .

America brought up for last 40 years a rival much more dangerous than the USSR, and Trump finally took actions to change this policy.

Because you can critisize Russia but no great power can allow country like Ukraine to join hostile millitary power without fight so you should decide whats more important NATo expansion or China threat..

This is not a betrayal but taking care of American strategic interests, although quite brutal and without sentiments.

Backed by simple conclusion that China is nowadays much bigger threat to America than Russia Iran or any other country. 

I discussed it with my friends back to 2003 and I read Graham Allison book couple of years ago so Im trully amazed Democrats or MSM really dont undestand it even now.. Because  as far as I know for example Biden even wrote a enthusiastic review of this book.

Its late so just read this article by  Allison or some Kissinger speeches

Edited by Tomasz
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  On 9/26/2019 at 1:30 AM, Okie said:

I did not say that, what I said is that these groups vote differently.  If you look at a map of voting patterns around college campuses, you will see that these are Democratic strongholds, as is the Silicon Valley area.  Voting patterns in rural areas (where oil is drilled) typically vote Republican.  That is not to say these areas do not have people who vote the other way, but the generalized rule holds true.


This story lays out how Trump won. It had little to do with educational level compared to other factors. My take. Of course the vote was so close that any one factor was important. 7 charts show who propelled Trump to victory

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