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Trump Ruins Democrats' "Witch Hunt Garbage"

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It’s Not About Biden – Deep State Response to Ukraine Call Now Makes Sense – Trump Questioned Crowdstrike

The completely over-the-top response by a Deep State embed whistleblower and his/her political allies withing the administrative state now makes sense; it had nothing to do with Joe Biden.  President Trump asked President Zelenskyy about “Crowdstrike.”


(Page 3 – Source pdf)

To understand how important this is, we must remember the foundation for the entire Russian election interference narrative, ‘Muh Russia – writ large, is built on the claim Russians hacked the servers of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), and subsequently released damaging emails that showed the DNC worked to help Hillary Clinton and eliminate Bernie Sanders.

Despite the Russian ‘hacking’ claim the DOJ and FBI previously admitted the DNC would not let FBI investigators review the DNC server or cloud-based network.  Instead the original claim was that the DNC provided the FBI with analysis of a technical review done through a cyber-security contract with Crowdstrike.  ...

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  On 9/25/2019 at 7:17 AM, Zhong Lu said:

Trump is being impeached for doing what the Republicans accuse Hillary of doing.  

If it was Hillary Clinton who talked to a foreign politician for dirt on a US national like Donald Trump, how would you be reacting?

I find the hypocrisy here amusing.  Party before country, eh? It's alright if it's a Republican who goes to foreign countries for dirt on US nationals, but God forbid if a Democrat should do it.  In that case: Oh Lord, the horror.  The horror.  


[EDIT: The House of Representatives have accomplished a lot by making sure Trump doesn't do much of anything.  Just like how the House during Obama's presidency made sure Obama did nothing, too.  The House in both cases is doing their job: i.e. sticking their middle fingers up the asses of whoever is president.  I like divided government.  I like divided government very much]


That is how the country is designed to work. My only faith in in government is that the corruption by one party is balanced by the corruption in the other party. 

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  On 9/25/2019 at 5:37 PM, Zhong Lu said:

I'll make a thread on this on the trading forum.  


Is this place a Safe Space, I have heard of it, but never visited have they bean bags?

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  On 9/26/2019 at 9:03 AM, James Regan said:

Is this place a Safe Space, I have heard of it, but never visited have they bean bags?


Yes. Yes it does.


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  On 9/26/2019 at 8:41 AM, Boat said:

That is how the country is designed to work. My only faith in in government is that the corruption by one party is balanced by the corruption in the other party. 


Again the french have a lot to answer for......

Borrowed from French corruption

Edited by James Regan
unable to spell french, typically English mistake
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Relevant legal docs that CNN won't tell you about:

United States Treaty With Ukraine On Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters

President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky are bound by law to assist one another in legal matters.

Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs) allow for the exchange of evidence and information in criminal and related matters. In money laundering cases, they can be extremely useful as a means of obtaining banking and other financial records from our treaty partners
There are a total of 20 Articles in the Treaty. Several of which shall be highlighted here. (To read them all see PDF link above)
Article 1 sets forth a NON-EXCLUSIVE list of the major types of assistance to be provided under the Treaty. 
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