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Zhong Lu

Trading Strategy

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Find a non-penny stock on this list (top gainers) @ 9:45 am.  


Sell by noon.

Logic: if a biopharm stock zooms upwards, it's because some drug got approved.  So this momentum trade is low risk.  If it zooms up during premarket hours, it's likely to zoom up during regular trading hours, too.  Start tomorrow with experiment money.  Will post results.  

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9:45 AM.  Half in RAD.  In @ 9.27.  Already out @ 9.47 (a couple of minutes later).  

9:45 AM Other half in BYND.   In @ 154.63.  Limit @ 156.4 (about 1% higher than entry point).  That's not going as well.  Still, 3 bucks away currently.  Come on.  Will sell @ 12 pm regardless.  

Maybe I should stay away from stocks that rise more than 10% premarket.  Looks like the selling pressure on those are pretty high in the morning.  

Will update in afternoon.  

Out of BYND @ 154.16.  Sold earlier 'cuz wasn't feeling it.  10:25 AM.

Up 0.79% overall. Ok.  Not bad. That's about what I was looking for. See how it goes tomorrow.  



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LTM.  In @11.7.  2/3's position.  9:41 AM.

Out @ 11.82.  9:42 AM.  Got my 1 percent.  +0.74% for day.  Not bad.  

Might come back in afternoon, but might be done for day.  Let's see how Monday goes!

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Not bad for 1 minute's work  :) 

I rode DAX up all morning, was pretty sweet

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Making money trading is easy.  The difficult part is not doing stupid shi-.

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Hahah true!

@Zhong Lu  , Was just shorting SP500 then Trump / China news came out.

Fantastic sell off. Kaboom.

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Ugh.  What a waste of a morning.

SRPT in @ 75.68  Out @74.85.  Wasn't even part of my trading strat to trade only top gainers of the day.  Happened to be on radar from Friday and decided to jump in, stupidly, and lost 1%.

THO.  In @55.3 Out @55.75.  That's what I should have traded and only traded that.

BBBY In @ 10.41.  Out @ 10.44.  [It wasn't going anywhere, and so just traded the top and bottom of the candlestick so I can at least end the day green].

Technically green.  +.07% overall. Mostly a wash.  If I had stuck to THO (as per this strategy) I would have gotten my 1%.  Done for day. 

All that work has made me tired.  Time for a nap.  

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  On 9/30/2019 at 2:46 PM, Zhong Lu said:

If I had stuck to THO (as per this strategy) I would have gotten my 1%.  

All that work has made me tired.  Time for a nap.  


What did you say about not doing stupid shit? :)  Enjoy your doze.

I traded GBP/USD, don't do FX that much, but rode it up then down, from NY open to European close. Was weird day, end of Q and little volume.

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All US Steel today (X)
In @ 12.577.  Out @ 12.58.  Bad entry point.  Could have been 30 seconds faster and gotten in @ 12.4.  Exited because it looked like whoever moved the stock up was distributing their shares @ 12.5.

Ended up shorting it 20 or 30 minutes later @ 12.4.  Exit @ 12.32.  

+0.65%.  That's enough I guess.  Might do another short if it gets close to 12.5.  

EDIT: Then a small little dink trade with a smaller position.  Short @ 12.42.  Out @ 12.37.

Now done for day.  +0.8% overall. Difficult day.  Could have been easier.  Time to relax, maybe nap.  

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TSG.  In 19.4 @ 9:37 am.  Out @ 19.57 @ 9:38 AM.

+1.07% for the day.

Done.  Got my 1%.

Woohoo! Easy day.  Time to sleep again.  Relaxing is important in life.

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And... today's why this might not work.  Bought too early (never buy in the first 15 minutes) CRWD @ 60.  Out @ 58.5.  -3.5%. Big red candle stick, wiping out most of last week's gains.  Obviously it was distributing @ 60 but I was like "hey, maybe I can buy @ 60 and sell @ 60.6." Nope.  Should have shorted GPRO, but I wanted to avoid shorting sub 5 dollar stocks.  

Back to swing trading.  NOK and holding until it goes over 5.  NOK is trading at year lows because the market is spooked. Very solid fundamentals.  Even has a dividend. Will go back to day trading once I sell NOK above 5.  I still think I can do this strategy, but my confidence in day trading is shot and I'm very confident NOK will see 5 again this year.  

Time to nap again.  

EDIT: One final point.  To add insult to injury, CRWD is now trading above 60 (went to 57, then bounced).  This strat can work.  Will need to tweak it once I'm back into it.  Until then, NOK for the win! 


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DPZ.  Short @155.8.  Cover @ 154. +0.5%  Gold's doing alright but that's a separate thing.

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Shorted £ all day. DING. 

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A few days ago I paid $200 for the option to buy 4500 shares of Whiting Petroleum co. at $31 per share before mid March of 2020.  This was an ultra high risk trade. Whiting is currently trading at $7 per share, but traded at $53 per share in September 2018 when oil was at $75 and everyone was optimistic. Whiting was $370 per share at the peak in 2014. Whiting is the most volatile oil company that I play with because they produce oil at about $60 per barrel, so right now they're going to die, but if oil moves up they are suddenly making a nice profit. 

Sooo...if we get some shooty shooty, or if the Saudis are not able to deliver product, and the oil producers go back to their September 2018 prices....and Whiting goes back to $53 per share before March 2020...then my investment is suddenly worth $99000. Yep, I would pull in a hundred grand....but if Whiting does not go above $31 per share before March 2020, I lose my entire $200 investment.

Buying lottery tickets is for the mathematically challenged, buying high risk options contracts is how real men gamble.

Whiting produced 125k barrels per day in 2014, and they still produce 125k barrels per day. Same company on the same land. 


I tried making offers today to buy the same options contract, but nobody was willing to sell so low, maybe I will try the January contract.


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+0.5% overall.  Blargh. 

Lots of missed chances.  Should have just bought ROKU and held for 1%.  Ended up shorting Z @30 and covering @ 29.7

Eh whatever. Money's money.  Don't want to stare anymore.  

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I have told you guys over and over until I am blue in the face!

Go long on pork bellies and short on orange juice!

Is it that hard to understand?

( Wait for it....wait for it... Lu and DT are about to defecate on me from a great height...😈).

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Big red candlestick of death. BBBY.  In @ 12.5, out @ 12.2.  -1%.  

Not losing money but the gains are minimal.  

Decided to UGAZ with main fund and wait.  12.8

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Waaaaaaaaaay too many bulls on the UGAZ forums.  Took the loss and got out.  Ugh.  Just a bad day.  But they'll be opportunities in natty soon.  

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Lu, you guys speak a totally different language!😂

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  On 10/11/2019 at 2:59 AM, Zhong Lu said:

Just a bad day.


Mate is your first name Zhong or Lu ?? I call you Zhong, Doug calls you Lu!

Come on Doug, you know what bull / bull market is. And natty.

Remember that mental thread you started about drill bit blah blah and Jan was saying 'oh come on it's not that hard' to me and it went on for weeks!! 🤣 This is nothing to that.

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Usually, for Chinese, the surname is written first and the given name second. My wife is Malaysian Chinese...maybe she’s been lying to me!

Anyhow, that is why I have been addressing Mr. Zhong as Lu. If I am mistaken, please accept my apologies!

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I think I will wait for the backwardization of the bull/cow/squirrel market to come to fruition and then short pork bellies...

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ooh I like the backwardation bit 👍

don't forget contango though

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Don’t ignore the fandango tango when you have a helical futures curve!

Ancient Mayan would be easier to learn!

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