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MBS Interview: 60 Minutes Norah O'Donnel should have asked if Medical Bone Saw is Intel Agent's Standard Travel Gear

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If MBS didn't plan to kill Khashoggi and it was a good plan that went arye, WHY DID HIS AGENTS BRING BONE SAWS ?

Saudi Intel Agent Travel Packing Checklist

* toothbrush , toothpaste 

* hair brush, comb 

* extra shirt 

* spare underware briefs (qty 2) 

* socks (3 pair argyle) 

* MEDICAL GRADE BONE SAW (spare blade and lithium battery) 

MBS wants the international community to rein in Iran aggression.  

They should also rein in MBS and his right hand man that organized Ritz jailing of wealthy Sauds , detained and beat Lebonese Prime Minister Hariri, and managed Khashoggi killing via Skype , his name Saoud al- Qahtani

Saudi Arabia New Tourist Mecca

Saudi tourist visa now available.  World wide advertising campaign started.  A kinder gentler KSA ? Just don't go if you are gay, adulterer or criticize the monarchy. You get the death penalty for these "crimes".

Edited by Jabbar
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Dang @Jabbar , these titles kill me

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''The only strategic goal is to prove that they're stupid''

Love the logic there, and the irony.

''The US AND China, and the whole world''

So... the whole world

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I get your point, but this just supports my feeling that something is not quite right in the whole Khashoggi narrative.

First, although the Saudi military may be amateurish and ill trained, I think it is safe to assume that the Saudi intelligence apparatus is not.

If that assumption is correct, don’t you find it odd that a Saudi assassination team would fly into a commercial airport, in an aircraft with a Saudi tail number, which was all captured on CCTV?

Furthermore, don’t you find it remarkable strange that they would get captured on the CCTV’s around their own embassy when they undoubtedly knew where each and every camera was surrounding their embassy?

Finally, why would you pick YOUR OWN EMBASSY as the location for the hit!

There are many parts of this narrative (bone saw included) that simply make no sense unless you assume that the Saudi intelligence service is just a bunch of untrained idiots.

I am sure that there were many other, less public venues where Khashoggi could have been killed and his body made to disappear.

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  On 10/2/2019 at 1:34 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

I get your point, but this just supports my feeling that something is not quite right in the whole Khashoggi narrative.

First, although the Saudi military may be amateurish and ill trained, I think it is safe to assume that the Saudi intelligence apparatus is not.

If that assumption is correct, don’t you find it odd that a Saudi assassination team would fly into a commercial airport, in an aircraft with a Saudi tail number, which was all captured on CCTV?

Furthermore, don’t you find it remarkable strange that they would get captured on the CCTV’s around their own embassy when they undoubtedly knew where each and every camera was surrounding their embassy?

Finally, why would you pick YOUR OWN EMBASSY as the location for the hit!

There are many parts of this narrative (bone saw included) that simply make no sense unless you assume that the Saudi intelligence service is just a bunch of untrained idiots.

I am sure that there were many other, less public venues where Khashoggi could have been killed and his body made to disappear.


Everything you say makes sense.

Turkish Intelligent agencies have the recorded audio of inside the embassy which they shared with the U.S. CIA .


I go by their assessment. 

The plane and group have diplomatic immunity.  

This wouldn't be the first time Saudi gov did or said something stupid.

Saudi gov has their own sense of justice.  They play by THEIR RULES not international norms.  

They hold all the oil.  It's their party. 

My opinion.

Edited by Jabbar
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Okay, look at your comments.

1.  How did Turkish intelligence manage to get an audio recording of an event which occurred INSIDE the Saudi embassy - which is essentially sovereign Saudi territory? They were not legally required to release it!

2.  The plane and group may have had diplomatic immunity....BUT WHY WOULD THEY CHOOSE THIS METHOD OF GETTING INTO THE COUNTRY knowing they would be caught on camera! There are many other ways to infiltrate without drawing such significant attention to yourself!

There just seems to be too many ‘issues’ which defy common sense with this narrative.

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  On 10/2/2019 at 2:07 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

Okay, look at your comments.

1.  How did Turkish intelligence manage to get an audio recording of an event which occurred INSIDE the Saudi embassy - which is essentially sovereign Saudi territory? They were not legally required to release it!

2.  The plane and group may have had diplomatic immunity....BUT WHY WOULD THEY CHOOSE THIS METHOD OF GETTING INTO THE COUNTRY knowing they would be caught on camera! There are many other ways to infiltrate without drawing such significant attention to yourself!

There just seems to be too many ‘issues’ which defy common sense with this narrative.



Saudis have admitted he was killed. 

While MBS states he didn't know he admits it happened and blames on rogue agents. 

Secret trial that all know will never amount to anything.

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  On 10/2/2019 at 1:34 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

I am sure that there were many other, less public venues where Khashoggi could have been killed and his body made to disappear.


You are not considering two basic points.

1st, KSA is an absolute monarchy. Completely legal and ethical actions from MBS's perspective, and those advisors who would council MBS otherwise had been casted aside some time ago.

2nd. The monarchy wants every potential dissident to know what happened. 

Clearly MBS did not account for the global reaction. He also thought Qatar would roll over quickly and become a pawn like Bahrain. The Yemenis adventure was supposed to only last days as well. The 2 trillion IPO should have happened long ago. I could go on. IMHO the country needs different leadership. But the people, or even the elites, don't get a say in the matter. 

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  On 10/2/2019 at 4:39 PM, John Foote said:

You are not considering two basic points.

1st, KSA is an absolute monarchy. Completely legal and ethical actions from MBS's perspective, and those advisors who would council MBS otherwise had been casted aside some time ago.

2nd. The monarchy wants every potential dissident to know what happened. 

Clearly MBS did not account for the global reaction. He also thought Qatar would roll over quickly and become a pawn like Bahrain. The Yemenis adventure was supposed to only last days as well. The 2 trillion IPO should have happened long ago. I could go on. IMHO the country needs different leadership. But the people, or even the elites, don't get a say in the matter. 


1. I agree with first point. As I said they play by their rules.  I listed some of their capital offenses with penalty of death.

2. I agree in part with number two.  MBS might of wanted the "disappearence" of Khashoggi to be known without being accountable. 

They just didn't realize his fiance` was waiting outside in the car.  

They're stupid. 

They're barbaric.

But still some of the top 15 Investment Banks in the world can't wait to work with them.  Not to mention Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner considers him a close friend. 

Can't wait to see if the banks sign off on Aramco IPO 2 Trillion dollar valuation. When the IPO crashes going to be a lot of lawsuits.

Fiduciary responsibility.



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Of course they knew his fiancé was outside! What about all the cameras that caught the hit team!

KSA may be an absolute monarchy....within it’s own borders!

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  On 10/3/2019 at 1:43 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

...within it’s own borders!


Legally speaking the Consulate is within their borders. I used to do American things in the Consulate in KSA. Of course that meant a beer, not a bone saw.

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  On 10/2/2019 at 9:55 PM, Jabbar said:

But still some of the top 15 Investment Banks in the world can't wait to work with them.

Can't wait to see if the banks sign off on Aramco IPO 2 Trillion dollar valuation. When the IPO crashes going to be a lot of lawsuits.

Fiduciary responsibility.


Downside of capitalism, a buck is a buck. The world is lined up to bleed Saudi dry. The term you hear over there time and again,”they want to suck our blood.” And by and large they are right on that one. The righteous Muslims I met who came for the holy land tended to be disappointed.

those banks are far better and protecting themselves than any KSA accountant, and as long as it’s a percentage cut, they’ll do fine. Let the buyer beware.

I don’t see how the IPO can happen, yet it’s so much face invested, it has to. 

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True, but when you are operating in a foreign country you embassy is a small island in which to operate.

The question is, why would you intentionally fly a hit team in to a commercial airport, on an aircraft registered to you, knowingly get caught on CCTV at both the airport and outside your embassy, commit a gruesome murder inside your own embassy and not only allow an audio tape of the murder to be recorded....but supply it to Turkish intelligence or the CIA?

Doesn’t anyone else find this just a little odd?

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  On 10/2/2019 at 9:55 PM, Jabbar said:

Can't wait to see if the banks sign off on Aramco IPO 2 Trillion dollar valuation. When the IPO crashes going to be a lot of lawsuits.

Fiduciary responsibility.


^ this

Any Aramco IPO will crash and burn investors.  I have said this repeatedly for a couple years.  Disaster waiting to happen, if an Aramco IPO ever actually happens.

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  On 10/3/2019 at 3:04 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

True, but when you are operating in a foreign country you embassy is a small island in which to operate.

The question is, why would you intentionally fly a hit team in to a commercial airport, on an aircraft registered to you, knowingly get caught on CCTV at both the airport and outside your embassy, commit a gruesome murder inside your own embassy and not only allow an audio tape of the murder to be recorded....but supply it to Turkish intelligence or the CIA?

Doesn’t anyone else find this just a little odd?


Because they dont care. And they dont have to. 

Literally as simple as that. 

It also serves as a deterrent. If we are willing to do this in the public eye, shape up. Imagine what we will do in private. 

Fear is power. Fear retains power. 

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So you are assuming that either the Saudi intelligence service is incredibly incompetent or that MBS is so politically inept that he could not foresee the international backlash of killing and dismembering a dissident in your own embassy.

This makes no sense at all! A car bomb in a foreign country, a sniper in a foreign country, poisoning as per the Russian playbook, etc... These make sense, gets the same message across, does not make you look incompetent and leaves your hands clean.

What are the advantages of making a hit in your embassy on foreign soil and leaving so much evidence behind that you are guaranteed to be caught?

Think what you want, your opinion is just as valid as mine, but to me something just does not ring true with this narrative.

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I like the way MBS is now trying to pull off a Henry 2 (ie Thomas Beckett assassination)

Clearly one of his minions has been studying English Medieval history🙄

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Whacking someone in your own embassy is a good idea if you absolutely, positively do not want any plausible deniability in the future.

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  On 10/3/2019 at 3:49 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

So you are assuming that either the Saudi intelligence service is incredibly incompetent or that MBS is so politically inept that he could not foresee the international backlash of killing and dismembering a dissident in your own embassy.

This makes no sense at all! A car bomb in a foreign country, a sniper in a foreign country, poisoning as per the Russian playbook, etc... These make sense, gets the same message across, does not make you look incompetent and leaves your hands clean.

What are the advantages of making a hit in your embassy on foreign soil and leaving so much evidence behind that you are guaranteed to be caught?

Think what you want, your opinion is just as valid as mine, but to me something just does not ring true with this narrative.


Per a partial transcript from the day of the murder.

The Saudi agents told Khashoggi they were bringing him back to Saudi Arabia, an extradition. They tried to force him to send email his son and tell him he would be going away for a while and not to be worried.  Khashoggi refused to email his son.

The one year anniversary of Khashoggi murder was yesterday.

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  On 10/3/2019 at 2:58 AM, John Foote said:

Downside of capitalism, a buck is a buck. The world is lined up to bleed Saudi dry. The term you hear over there time and again,”they want to suck our blood.” And by and large they are right on that one. The righteous Muslims I met who came for the holy land tended to be disappointed.

those banks are far better and protecting themselves than any KSA accountant, and as long as it’s a percentage cut, they’ll do fine. Let the buyer beware.

I don’t see how the IPO can happen, yet it’s so much face invested, it has to. 



Saudis did not "allow" the murder to be audio taped. How the murder was recorded has not been disclosed.

1. There are surveillance technologies now that can penetrate inside a building , as was done on U.S. embassy in Cuba not to long ago.  

2. The kidnapping and murder was managed live by MBS right hand thug Saoud al-Qhatani from Saudi Arabia via Skype.  Brilliant , lol. This communication was most likely intercepted.  

Remember, Turkey sides with Iran and Qatar against Saudi Arabia.  The Turkish intelligence definitely has surveillance on the Saudi consulate. 

I agree. It doesn't make sense.  One has to accept the premise that the Saudis are so arrogant and so stupid to actually attempt such a feat.  They can and do anything they want in their world , their country.  

Saudis and also OPEC don't know how to operate and compete in the real world. This is becoming more evident each passing month.

What do you think happened to Khashoggi ?

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I have absolutely no idea what happened to Khashoggi. As far as I know, his body has never been found.

I was simply pointing out that the accepted theory about what happened is so childish and amateurish that it defies common sense.

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  On 10/3/2019 at 3:04 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

and not only allow an audio tape of the murder to be recorded....but supply it to Turkish intelligence or the CIA?


I doubt they allowed the taping. But that building, and all embassy and consulate buildings,  are probably bugged beyond belief though we'd take massive efforts to debug ours. Plus external listening devices. The technology for snooping is advanced. The surprise to me was Turkish and USA folks coming public with having the information because you have to reason to explain having it. This also when it became evident to the general public WhatsApp isn't as secure as we thought.

What matters most here, we aren't dealing with allies at all. There are shared interests, but not allies.

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