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hahahaahh @SERWIN , I just noticed end of article!

Yes, really. “It’s literally that the racism that you’re experiencing and the struggle to make ends meet actually means the diet don’t work for you the same,” she claimed. Now a generation of clinically obese black women can just blame racism for their inability to lose weight and continue stuffing their faces with cake.

How inspiring!


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It's Duncan Hienz fault, it's Betty Crocker's fault, its Frito lay's fault, Coca Cola did this to me.....LMAO. And then when they can't work anymore(can't fit through the front door anymore) we'll end up taking care of them on disability while they have a looong sloooow expensiiiive miserable death.

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@Douglas Buckland ... you'll like this one ...   🤣🤣

NY Times Columnist Blames "Whiteness" For Two Indian Boys Racially Abusing Black Girls In New Jersey

A New York Times columnist blamed “whiteness” for an alleged racist attack where two Indian students assaulted an African-American girl at a high school football game in New Jersey. Yes, really. 

The two 17-year-old Indian boys allegedly used racial slurs against a group of African-American girls and urinated on one during the game at Lawrence High School last Friday night. Who’s to blame for the attack? White people, of course. That’s according to New York Times columnist Nell Irvin Painter, who says that the Indian boys were “enacting American whiteness through anti-black assault in a very traditional way.” 

“In doing so, the assailants are demonstrating how race is a social construct that people make through their actions. They show race in the making, and show how race is something we perform, not just something we are in our blood or in the color of our skin,” she added. 


How convenient. By making race a “social construct,” the racist actions of non-white people can still be blamed on white people. Incredible. “In the New Jersey incident, the heritage or skin color of the boys suspected of the assault doesn’t matter,” writes Painter. “What matters is that they were participating in this pattern and thus enacting whiteness in a very traditional way.”

Her entire argument appears to stem from her claim that a football game is a “white space” and therefore white people are to blame for anything that happens there.

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There’s an argument that the word “rape” shouldn’t be used lightly. It’s an ugly word, referring to an ugly, inhuman thing. But when that word is part of a longer word, like, say, rapeseed?

Welcome to Tisdale, a town in Canada that’s famous for rapeseed and honey. For decades, their town slogan referred to both these local industries. Then, a couple of years back, their slogan came to the attention of the wider world, shocking PC sensibilities everywhere. Tisdale, you see, calls itself “the land of rape and honey.”

Predictably, to the town voted to rebrand itself as the place “where opportunity grows.” Perhaps it’s no wonder people have started referring to rapeseed as canola.


I dont want to go there!

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So, as a ‘social construct’, are black folks to be blamed for slavery now?

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no that's still us 

that's us as in 'whites' , not 'usa' 

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  On 10/29/2019 at 12:24 PM, DayTrader said:

no that's still us 

that's us as in 'whites' , not 'usa' 


Who invented slavery?

Was that the Egyptians?

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doesn't matter, it's our fault 

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What I'm seeing here is racism is the problem, not slavery. So, abolishing slavery wasn't the solution, integrating the slaves is the solution! I mean, look at the Roman's. They were equal opportunity slavers and they don't get shit for it.

I have a sister-in-law, white, somewhat useless, would make an excellent candidate for indentured servitude. A lack of options and some solid leadership would benefit her.....what's more is you could probably convince her it was some kind of new age socialism and she would eagerly participate!

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Majority Of American Students Want Wearing "Offensive" Halloween Costumes To Be Punished Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

Tue, 10/29/2019 - 15:55

More than half of American university students believe that wearing “offensive” Halloween costumes is not part of free expression and should “be punished.”


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So, I suppose masturbating Aussies, who are wearing offensive costumes while doing so, this Halloween, are really in deep do-do!

Edited by Douglas Buckland
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  On 10/29/2019 at 12:28 PM, Rob Plant said:

Who invented slavery?

Was that the Egyptians?


Nope, it was white slave traders imbedded in the ancient Egyptian cultures.

Get with the program, Rob!😂

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  On 10/30/2019 at 8:00 AM, DayTrader said:

Masturbating Australians May Soon Have To Use Facial Recognition To Access Online Porn


Can an ‘offensive costume’ defeat this facial recognition software?

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not sure, maybe trudeau can give it a bash ...  ?


















Literally ... 

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  On 10/29/2019 at 10:25 PM, DayTrader said:

Majority Of American Students Want Wearing "Offensive" Halloween Costumes To Be Punished Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

Tue, 10/29/2019 - 15:55

More than half of American university students believe that wearing “offensive” Halloween costumes is not part of free expression and should “be punished.”



100% of the normal guys, in non-Ivy League, non-Californian universities, said that in an effort to instill transparency, really hot chicks (sound the alarm for the PC cops here) could don Saran Wrap costumes without fear of offending them during the Halloween festivities.

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  On 10/30/2019 at 8:16 AM, DayTrader said:

not sure, maybe trudeau can give it a bash ...  ?


















Literally ... 


He’d need to report his findings...

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  On 10/30/2019 at 8:11 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Nope, it was white slave traders imbedded in the ancient Egyptian cultures.

Get with the program, Rob!😂


Dunno what I was thinking!

My apologies Douglas! 😂

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  On 10/31/2019 at 8:51 PM, SERWIN said:



You mean they have electricity, like, all the time? Woahhh

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  On 10/31/2019 at 9:06 PM, PE Scott said:

You mean they have electricity, like, all the time? Woahhh


It only goes out when there is a REAL excuse, like we just got pounded with a cat 5 hurricane. I have a generator anyway so I can at least keep the fridge and lights running. And my vehicles only plug into a gas pump, not the wall, so I can "recharge" from a gas can.....

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  On 11/1/2019 at 2:23 AM, DayTrader said:

@SERWIN   this also happens in Texas ...

Texas School District Mandates Transgender Education For 8-Year-Olds


Yeah, the libtards are getting stupid in Austin, too much of the stupid college student influence there for my taste. I have never been to Austin more than to pass through on the freeway, nothing there I want to see. 

Here's my 2 minute class on gender identification....well, two minutes if you have to read it a couple of times to let it sink in.

#1 If you were born with a PENIS, you are a boy, male, man....

#2 If you were born with a VAGINA, you are a girl, female, woman....

#3 If you feel you have the been given wrong genitalia, you should seek counseling and work it out.... You are what you are. It is what it is.

Pretty straightforward, don't you think?

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