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Trump will capitulate on the trade war

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you got me

usa bad, canada untouchable ;) 

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  On 10/21/2019 at 9:36 PM, Jan van Eck said:

Not quite, chum.   China exports various component parts to other countries such as Canada that in turn incorporate those parts into their own manufactures and then exports the finished assemblies to the USA.  Without that US demand, those secondary channels would disappear. 


Population of the US is about 330 million, population of the world is about 7.5 billion; other markets can be found.

Furthermore, there is zero chance that the US will stop consuming cheap Chinese goods. If they truly stop being available their "leader" will get the boot even faster than he is.

Edited by Enthalpic
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  On 10/21/2019 at 11:52 PM, DayTrader said:

you got me

usa bad, Canada untouchable ;) 


I don't hate the states; I will return there frequently once trump is gone. #Boycott

Why do you love them so much?


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  On 10/21/2019 at 11:23 PM, remake it said:

Some people can work out that you have little to offer aside from copious copypastes and personal attacks


Well if they have worked it out, they have a very odd way of telling me ... it seems YOU have a different view to everyone on the forum. Oh, apart from your 2 troll chums. Now who would have thought that? 

It seems people prefer truthbombs, logic and humour to brainwashed Orwellian nonsense.

Droids are no match for humans. Some people, when they become adults, actually develop a mind of their own. Not always though. Clearly. 

  On 10/21/2019 at 11:59 PM, Enthalpic said:


Why do you love them so much?


Hahaha boycott, you're funny man 🤣   I don't, I just like fair reasoning. I never said you hated States. 

You don't like Trump, I don't like Xi.  It's swings and roundabouts - (an orange swing and an evil, Orwellian, nightmare roundabout). 

I love England for the record. We are pretty damn fantastic.

#freetibet #freehk #freethescsea #freepooh #freefreespeech #ministryoftruth

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  On 10/22/2019 at 12:09 AM, DayTrader said:

Hahaha boycott, you're funny man 🤣  


No Joke, I use to vacation there a couple times a year; this year I've just being going to Vancouver island (3 trips thus far).

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  On 10/21/2019 at 11:52 PM, DayTrader said:

Canada untouchable ;) 


I hate my own province man. Saudi Alberta - Canada's version of a state you should fly over.

Well the edge near the mountains is really nice; as is the left-leaning city where I live (Edmonton).

Edited by Enthalpic

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I'd love to chat but I have some copy and paste drivel to do ... ;)

Six warning lights flashing for China’s slowing economy

BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s $13 trillion economy is slowing and indicators showing that range from freight shipments to factory power generation and from employment to expenditures on entertainment.

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Not looking too hot there is it?

I'll visit Canada and USA one day by the way.

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  On 10/21/2019 at 10:43 PM, Marcin said:

I know that Russia can cripple Poland in about 240 seconds.


Not exactly difficult

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  On 10/22/2019 at 1:37 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

No, it is a valid observation.


That was shockingly ignored.

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  On 10/21/2019 at 9:28 PM, Jan van Eck said:

The thinking is unshakable. Facts mean nothing.  It is this altered mental state, where the real meets the surreal, where the wanderer enters the phantasmagoria of the mind;  yes, you too have entered -  The Twilight Zone.


🤣 Mate I've had this shit for like 2 weeks. Hilarious stuff, any logic just out the window. 

''Facts? Meh, boring.. check out what my newspapers say''  🤣  these are the clowns talking to me about good journalism 🤣

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  On 10/21/2019 at 10:51 PM, Marcin said:

Day Trader is traffic maker here at forum /  (most efficient, 3 threads, 5-10 posts per hour, follows nearly all threads) /  My take is he is good at the job. His cover: I will start the blog so busy training here is also very plausible.


Of course I'm good at it. Duh.

And yes the blog is pretty great too. Well spotted. 

I'm flattered by your stalking... though it's a little odd. 


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Perhaps I’m wrong again, but I thought that the whole idea of a forum such as this was for people to start threads, then others post to debate/discuss the thread.

If people do not initiate threads, the forum withers on the vine.

Of course, the danger is attracting trolls or those that do not want to constructively debate or simply want to push their agenda’s. In this event, not taking the bait and ignoring them is your best defense. 

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Partisanism is the result and propaganda is the new norm.

When people believe socialism and/or communism has virtue, and also believe freedom on an individual basis is an obstacle to society, then God help us all.  That thinking can only be born of brainwashing.  I would love to hear a leftists explain to me how taking freedoms from humans (freedom of speech, religion, self defense, right to assemble, right to vote, etc.) and letting a beauracrocy make it's decisions, can possibly make humanity better, when those God given rights have enabled a relatively new nation to become the success that it has.  China, standing juxtaposed to those rights and freedoms for its people, is an anathema to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  I stand opposed to them but, the elephant in the room is that we will all have to make a stand on one side or another eventually. 

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  On 10/22/2019 at 3:26 AM, Jakridge said:

explain to me how taking freedoms from humans (freedom of speech, religion, self defense, right to assemble, right to vote, etc.) and letting a bureaucracy make it's decisions, can possibly make humanity better,


Apparently you have not had much interaction with Canadians - the ones that live in Southern Ontario. They are really big on the idea.

One time there was a calendar date where auto registrations all had to be renewed (end of month date).  The Public had this silly idea that a Registration would expire at midnight on the last date.  The Ontario Provincial Police decided that the expiry would be the minute that the DMV offices closed - a 4:30 p.m.  The end of month date was coincidentally a Friday.  So swarms of OPP were out on the roads corralling thousands of motorist commuters heading home on the fateful last day, stopping and ticketing cars for "expired registration" after 4:3- p.m.  

Now you would think, logically, that the registration was good until midnight, so the motorist could take it home, park it in the garage  (not on the street!  Horrors!) and go get the renewal sticker on Saturday morning or whenever.  (Drive it without a sticker?  Horrors!)  No chance.  Some bureaucrat inside the labyrinth of the OPP hierarchy decided it would be ticket-time.  And anybody who got irate would have the car towed and could go walk home.  See if they care. Yup, folks, this is Canada - the softer, gentler nation.

This is what happens when you surrender your liberties.  Nameless, faceless bureaucrats proceed to decide how they will run your lives.  You, a mere peon, a peasant serf, have nothing to say.  You object?  Spend the weekend in jail!   Now, for you Communists out there, please explain to me how this is any different than being a serf in 1800's Russia. Nobody had anything to say then, either.

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  On 10/22/2019 at 2:36 AM, DayTrader said:

I'm flattered by your stalking... though it's a little odd. 


Nah, your admirers are simply left breathless by your stunning good looks.  

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That too yes. They're only human. 

Well, apart from the droids. More loose wires no doubt. 

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  On 10/22/2019 at 4:02 AM, Jan van Eck said:

Nah, your admirers are simply left breathless by your stunning good looks.  


Don’t get him started Jan!

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  On 10/21/2019 at 11:56 PM, Enthalpic said:

Furthermore, there is zero chance that the US will stop consuming cheap Chinese goods.


Actually, you will find that Americans will do a swap-out, replacing cheap Chinese stuff with expensive Canadian imports  (a purchase level now up to $2 Billion a day, incidentally).  OK,except for automobiles.  The US manufacturers have given up on those plants in Canada; looks like the last two left are closing this year  (if not already shuttered).  What is left?  That Fiat-Chrysler one down in Windsor, good for a few handfuls of some Fiat car?  I lose track.  GM - Ste.Therese:  gone.  Plant bulldozed.  Ford Oakville:  gone.  Plant to be dismantled for scrap.  GM - Oshawa:  gone.  Plant still standing, but might as well be a bowling alley.  GM - Ste. Catharines:  shuttered.  Transmission plant in Windsor?  I think the castings plant is still there, not sure, lost track on that one.  And Honda still does assembly from car kits in SW Ontario, where is that one, London? 

There is a price to be paid for destroying free enterprise and installing faceless bureaucrats to control everything.  It is called unemployment.  Food for thought.

Oh, and except for railroad locomotives.  That big EMD plant in London used to produce 55% of all locomotives sold in North America.  Guess what: all that is left there is cobwebs.  Guess the Americans will have to go build their own, the "cheap Chinese" ones not cutting it.  Oh, well.  And what was that: 5,400 workers?  

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  On 10/22/2019 at 4:18 AM, Jan van Eck said:

Actually, you will find that Americans will do a swap-out, replacing cheap Chinese stuff with expensive Canadian imports  (a purchase level now up to $2 Billion a day, incidentally).  OK,except for automobiles.  The US manufacturers have given up on those plants in Canada; looks like the last two left are closing this year  (if not already shuttered).  What is left?  That Fiat-Chrysler one down in Windsor, good for a few handfuls of some Fiat car?  I lose track.  GM - Ste.Therese:  gone.  Plant bulldozed.  Ford Oakville:  gone.  Plant to be dismantled for scrap.  GM - Oshawa:  gone.  Plant still standing, but might as well be a bowling alley.  GM - Ste. Catharines:  shuttered.  Transmission plant in Windsor?  I think the castings plant is still there, not sure, lost track on that one.  And Honda still does assembly from car kits in SW Ontario, where is that one, London? 

There is a price to be paid for destroying free enterprise and installing faceless bureaucrats to control everything.  It is called unemployment.  Food for thought.

Oh, and except for railroad locomotives.  That big EMD plant in London used to produce 55% of all locomotives sold in North America.  Guess what: all that is left there is cobwebs.  Guess the Americans will have to go build their own, the "cheap Chinese" ones not cutting it.  Oh, well.  And what was that: 5,400 workers?  


 Detroit drug us down.

I think one or two plants reopened

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  On 10/22/2019 at 4:02 AM, Jan van Eck said:

Nah, your admirers are simply left breathless by your stunning good looks.  


As a child, his mother had to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the dog to play with him! 😂

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  On 10/22/2019 at 4:32 AM, Enthalpic said:

I think one or two plants reopened


Nah.  The domestic car assembly industry is Canada is history.  Just collapsed under its own weight.  Couple of Japanese ones thee, and a Kia plant I think, some parts plants including that transmission casting plant in Windsor, for the rest. it got wrecked. 

Now keep in mind that it was not wrecked by the unions, as so many rabid anti-unionists would say.  It got wrecked by the inability of management to be left alone to run their plants without constant interference from Govt bureaucrats, who had this congenital nasty habit of butting in and ordering the auto company managers around.  When Ontario ran the price of electricity through the roof, that was the final straw.  It just became too expensive to operate in Canada, and the big industrial plants started falling like dominos.  Even plants like Campbell Tomato Soup closed the doors; got driven out by electricity costs and over-regulation.  What the "left" fail to realize is that modern industrial economies run on cheap power.  You hve to have cheap industrial electricity for the machinery and cheap fuel for the heat, or you cannot operate.  And the Left, in their myopic stupidity, do not grasp that simple truth. And that is what wrecked Ontario. 

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