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Yesterday Angela Merkel stopped Trump technology war on China – the moral of the story is do not eavesdrop on ladies with high ethical standards

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Of course we cannot be sure about ultimate outcome but probability of Huawei building 5G network in Germany just skyrocketed.

No backdoors policy

Angela Merkel is a daughter of Lutheran clergyman and was living in communist East Germany. East Germany was one of more tough communist regimes with omnipotent brutal secret police Stasi. Family of Lutheran priest was for sure subject of strict invigilation by Stasi. She had to think what she was talking about even at home in order to not be thrown out of school or her father jailed. In 1989 Merkel joined politics in a free country, when she suddenly could speak freely and after stellar career became GErman Chancellor in 2005.

That is why it really hurt Chancellor Merkel when whistleblowers uncovered US eavesdropping on her private phone.


Germany says it won’t ban Huawei or any 5G supplier up front

Germany is resisting US pressure to shut out Chinese tech giant Huawei from its 5G networks — saying it will not ban any supplier for the next-gen mobile networks on an up front basis, per Reuters.

“Essentially our approach is as follows: We are not taking a pre-emptive decision to ban any actor, or any company,” government spokesman, Steffen Seibert, told a news conference in Berlin yesterday.

German business newspaper Handelsblatt, which says it has reviewed a draft of the incoming 5G security requirements, reports that chancellor Angela Merkel stepped in to intervene to exclude a clause which would have blocked Huawei’s market access — fearing a rift with China if the tech giant is shut out.

According to Handelsblatt’s report, Germany’s incoming guidance for 5G network operators will require carriers identify critical areas of network architecture and apply an increased level of security. (Although it’s worth pointing out there’s ongoing debate about how to define critical/core network areas in 5G networks.)

Huawei is working for a long time with German government officials to pamper them with anything they want in security area. Simply Germany will have the best telecom deal the world ever seen.

Huawei already has 2,550 employees in Germany.

The strict security requirements are very costly for Huawei, but that suddenly makes security requirements Huawei’s competitive advantage

 versus 2 major 5G competitors : Nokia and Ericcson.

Huawei (104.9 billion sales) is much larger than Nokia (25.8 billion) and Ericsson (23.5 billion)  combined. Huawei R&D budget is twice Nokia&Ericsson combined budgets.


US embargo on business with Huawei has not crippled the company yet, as per press release below:

Huawei Technologies Ltd. said Wednesday that its sales rose 24.4% in the first nine months of 2019 to 610.8 billion yuan ($86 billion). That was faster than the 23.2% gain reported for the first half.


Summary&conclusion: Germany does not trust United States because of spying on Germans and personally on Angela Merkel. Spying had enormous costs for Germany: enabled US political influence&interference and industrial espionage. Germany does not trust China or Huawei either. But because contract for German 5G is very important for Huawei (which is under enormous pressure because of US embargo), Germany can tailor contract with Huawei so as to fulfill its very high security requirements. Germany just applies no backdoors policy - both from allies and others. Yesterday Germany announced decision to not cave to US political pressure and gave green light to Huawei, with personal involvement by Angela Merkel. Huawei potential is 2 times larger than Nokia&Ericcson combined and Huawei can bear high costs of German security requirements, that could be too high for smaller entities. This makes highly probable fact that Huawei will be 1 of 2 entities awarded major contract for 5G infrastructure in Germany.


Edited by Marcin
added summary&conclusion
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So, I guess that by Germany possibly buying the Huawei 5G system, somehow this equates to:

Merkel having high ethical standards, and

Stopping Trump’s ‘technology war on China.

Anybody else get that out of the article?

Edited by Douglas Buckland
Fat fingers
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  On 10/16/2019 at 12:26 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

So, I guess that by Germany possibly buying the Huawei 5G system, somehow this equates to:

Merkel having high ethical standards, and

Stopping Trump’s ‘technology war on China.

Anybody else get that out of the article?


The conclusions suggested are not reasonably supported by the evidentiary matters set forth in the article.  Nor are they realistic.  The German wish to not place an embargo on Huawei is more  reaction to the oil embargo and secondary boycotts that the Trump administration has done than anything else.  Those secondary embargoes hamper German business, especially in the transport sector of selling rail and aircraft equipment to Iran, and that irritates the German government community. What you are seeing here is a reaction to those secondary boycotts, that's all. 

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I also got that we need to have another look at the obama administration, we know they did this but have never gotten a GOOD reason why they thought they had the right to spy on Germany. Just another in a LONG list of investigations that I am sure hiliry worked hard to cover up. Suicides and accidents happening to people in the know.....Just like spying on the Trump campaign without solid justification seems to be falling by the wayside. So many things to investigate in the demorat party that you can't even keep up anymore. I sincerely hope Trump gets an investigation going into all the crap they have pulled over the last ten years. They need to be EXPOSED for what they are.... 

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  On 10/16/2019 at 3:19 PM, SERWIN said:

I also got that we need to have another look at the obama administration, we know they did this but have never gotten a GOOD reason why they thought they had the right to spy on Germany. Just another in a LONG list of investigations that I am sure hiliry worked hard to cover up. Suicides and accidents happening to people in the know.....Just like spying on the Trump campaign without solid justification seems to be falling by the wayside. So many things to investigate in the demorat party that you can't even keep up anymore. I sincerely hope Trump gets an investigation going into all the crap they have pulled over the last ten years. They need to be EXPOSED for what they are.... 


It was in US national interest to spy on Germany, 3rd most important country for US interests (after China&Russia), it would be unpatriotic for Obama to ban this. Germans were foolish in the first place to enable this by insufficient use of cryptography or lack of telecom regulatory control over US actions.

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I think I need glasses.

I'm sure I just read a suggestion that Merkel has high ethical standards. 

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  On 10/16/2019 at 3:35 PM, DayTrader said:

I think I need glasses.

I'm sure I just read a suggestion that Merkel has high ethical standards. 


I was thinking WTF myself, but....

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Angela Merkel <- Worst leader ever.  Can't trust her. She opened up the floodgates and Europe is no longer Europe, it's part of the Middle East now. BTW, she's buying gas from the USSR as well.


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  On 10/16/2019 at 6:01 PM, fozzir said:

it's part of the Middle East now.


Haha is that the photo Farage originally used?

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  On 10/16/2019 at 3:19 PM, SERWIN said:

I also got that we need to have another look at the obama administration, we know they did this but have never gotten a GOOD reason why they thought they had the right to spy on Germany. Just another in a LONG list of investigations that I am sure hiliry worked hard to cover up. Suicides and accidents happening to people in the know.....Just like spying on the Trump campaign without solid justification seems to be falling by the wayside. So many things to investigate in the demorat party that you can't even keep up anymore. I sincerely hope Trump gets an investigation going into all the crap they have pulled over the last ten years. They need to be EXPOSED for what they are.... 


Part Two of the Obama Administration Scandals

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  On 10/16/2019 at 3:34 PM, Marcin said:

It was in US national interest to spy on Germany, 3rd most important country for US interests (after China&Russia), it would be unpatriotic for Obama to ban this. Germans were foolish in the first place to enable this by insufficient use of cryptography or lack of telecom regulatory control over US actions.


I think it is standard operating procedure for nations to spy on one another while trying to hide it and deny it. This regards foreign policy, military secrets, economics, business, and everything else of importance. Businesses and individuals also spy on one another at times. 

Be careful out there, modern technology is everywhere, it increases the likelihood that we are being spied on all the time. The biggest culprits are social media and our own deep state. 

Edited by ronwagn
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  On 10/16/2019 at 3:34 PM, Marcin said:

It was in US national interest to spy on Germany, 3rd most important country for US interests (after China&Russia), it would be unpatriotic for Obama to ban this. Germans were foolish in the first place to enable this by insufficient use of cryptography or lack of telecom regulatory control over US actions.


Everybody spies on everybody else to the extent that their capabilities allow. To think otherwise is foolish.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 3:49 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Everybody spies on everybody else to the extent that their capabilities allow. To think otherwise is foolish.


I agree, nothing wrong US spying on Germany or the other they around, it is morally wrong of course, but countries do not have moral values. This time Germans want to diminish the probability of spying by US. Huawei will for sure not spy on Germans, any upsides from spying will be much lower than the effects of German discovery of the fact of spying. And also US will be trying hard to penetrate Huwaei 5G in Germany.

The ultimate prize of all of this is RESERVE CURRENCY STATUS. Imagine you cannot print US dollars, has to liquidate fiscal and trade deficits, no  money for bloated military, American level of personal consumption decreases by at least 20% for 15 years.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 8:05 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Why is spying ‘morally wrong’?


The most valuable commodity I know of is information. Spying is stealing this commodity.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 8:05 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Why is spying ‘morally wrong’?


It is not. Unless of course it is China doing it... Then it is wrong categorically, ethically and morally. If the US does it, it is OK... 

imagine the activity on this forum if China had been caugth spying... 

Edited by Rasmus Jorgensen
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You nailed it in a oner!

It is not morally or ethically wrong to spy (everyone is doing it!), it is only wrong if you get caught!

Now, continuing this thread:

Are cyber intrusions (hacks) by a nation/state wrong? Is this considered ‘spying’?

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  On 10/17/2019 at 1:25 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

Are cyber intrusions (hacks) by a nation/state wrong? Is this considered ‘spying’?


Of course.

We are by the way on the same page. Everyone does it, but by that token you also do not get bitch about being spied on. 

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You should listen to the discussion between Wilbur Ross and Sunil Mittal (Owner of Bharti Airtel) regarding Huawei at the World Economic Forum.

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  On 10/17/2019 at 12:25 PM, Marcin said:

The most valuable commodity I know of is information. Spying is stealing this commodity.


Privacy is a valued part of liberty. Taken to the extreme, spying destroys all sense of privacy, freedom and liberty. We are getting close to that. We are in a vice between our own deep state, bureaucracy, the internet titans, and small time hackers. 

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  On 10/17/2019 at 6:25 PM, ronwagn said:

Privacy is a valued part of liberty. Taken to the extreme, spying destroys all sense of privacy, freedom and liberty. We are getting close to that. We are in a vice between our own deep state, bureaucracy, the internet titans, and small time hackers. 


Yes, cyber age is a great time for blackmailers and lot of other scums, I think Germans will get a best deal from Huawei, no backdoors. Although I do not know what will be in 15 years when China will not need any allies as too powerful and technologically on par with the best. My personal opinion is China in the future will be in such a vast economic advantage that they will be crippling nations much more economically by sanctions and less by military measures like US at present.

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No backdoor....Chinese hardware and software...😂😂😂

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It is illegal to enlist a foreign country, have them spy, for the purpose of swaying an election. This is why Trump is part of the swamp. He touts the practice and will even withold promised weapons if said country doesn’t perform due diligence and dig up the dirt. 
This is different than opposition research which is legal. 

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  On 10/18/2019 at 3:22 AM, Boat said:

It is illegal to enlist a foreign country, have them spy, for the purpose of swaying an election. This is why Trump is part of the swamp. He touts the practice and will even withold promised weapons if said country doesn’t perform due diligence and dig up the dirt. 
This is different than opposition research which is legal. 


If you have proof of your allegations, please provide it. Nobody else does!

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