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  On 10/23/2019 at 8:15 PM, Ward Smith said:

First, CO2 is NOT deadly above 3% or you'd asphyxiate before you could exhale. Hint:  You exhale 4% CO2 with every breath.


I'll give you that, it should have read 30% but regardless, as far as I'm aware cognitive issues can be verified in human beings beyond 1-2% and since we are talking planetary scale it's not something people should be ignoring unless the idea is to strive towards a Homer Simpson world. Sometimes I get the impression that many on this forum would like nothing less.

As for ignorance, CO2 is at about 0.04%. The current annual average increase in CO2 PPM for the last 10 years (about 2.5 PPM) is enough to increase the concentration by more than 0.02% on top of what we already have within less than a century and I don't see much reason to expect this to fall any time soon, in fact it'll almost certainly continue rising the way things are progressing. The "supposed increase" as you put it is more or less what I said above, I'm not counting the rate of what was 200 years ago since it is irrelevant to the rate of PPM increase today. In that respect, it's not a case of ignorance on my side and neither was the previous value I gave which was basically a typo.

The numbers, well if you want to dispute them you can but you are just some random person on a commenting website much like the rest of us so your position in regard to numbers that are being used across the globe by many, many people with quite high levels of education means next to nothing.

It's also worth mentioning that there's a lot more to it than just the CO2 concentration, any person that considers himself or herself not to be ignorant shouldn't be dismissing the issue of AGW. In my experience, only selfish and/or ignorant people tend to dismiss it as a "hoax" or a non-issue. Those that think they and theirs won't be affected personally by said issue.

Edited by David Jones

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  On 10/23/2019 at 8:15 PM, Ward Smith said:

In other words, how much of the 0.000401 can we lay at the feet of mankind? 


Talking of ignorance, apparently it's possible to technically track anthropogenic CO2 and it has been possible for almost half a century. Maybe you should look into that assuming you aren't already aware of it. If you are, then it doesn't paint you in the best of light and your opinion on the matter from my perspective drops to about 0.

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  On 10/24/2019 at 7:56 PM, ronwagn said:

They are beautiful though! I once had a Golden Retriever that would bring me wildlife. He was a beaut too. I have loved dogs and grieved over their deaths more than people. 


I've got a 7 month old cocker spaniel, she's crazy and eats everything and anything but is incredibly cute and loving at the same time.


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  On 10/24/2019 at 7:56 PM, ronwagn said:

They are beautiful though! I once had a Golden Retriever that would bring me wildlife. He was a beaut too. I have loved dogs and grieved over their deaths more than people. 


Im afraid I have to agree with you, I now have Basset Hounds, best dogs I have experienced, and your right letting go is hard, I also take it harder when they go, unconditional love is something humans do not posses.

Edited by James Regan
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  On 10/23/2019 at 9:59 PM, El Nikko said:

Saying "I'm going out to smoke a fag" might get you some serious FBI attention but it's still perfectly acceptable here 😆



Its common in Britain to ask if they have any fags behind the bar, meaning do you sell cigarettes, it always raised eyebrows in Texas, may get you jailed now... or Shot

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  On 10/25/2019 at 11:05 AM, James Regan said:

any fags behind the bar


pff 10 years ago maybe mate 

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  On 10/25/2019 at 11:06 AM, DayTrader said:

pff 10 years ago maybe mate 


Yeah right. i forgot, so we can now officially say that the collective of a fag is a packet?😂

The English language is fantastic, so colourful 

Edited by James Regan

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You can't beat wanker and bellend sometimes.

There is even a 'beat/bellend' joke there somewhere ... 

And indeed for wanker ... 

Edited by Guest

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  On 10/25/2019 at 11:15 AM, DayTrader said:


You can't beat wanker and bellend sometimes.

There is even a 'beat/bellend' joke there somewhere ... 

And indeed for wanker ... 


Indeed Bellend is genius , literary diamonds such as knob-jockey and tosspot always make me giggle

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hahah yes we have the best insults easily 

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  On 10/25/2019 at 11:19 AM, DayTrader said:

hahah yes we have the best insults easily 


Hey dude, you need hear a Dutchmen swearing, they have the full package, guttural and the colour, a pleasure to watch a cloggie letting either English or Cloganese 

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hahaha like @Jan van Eck 's ego isn't big enough ...

Cloganese haha 🤣   Windmillese

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there is a road in Dudley called Bell End!

Makes me laugh everytime I see it

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How did you wankers get from suffocating on exhaled CO2 to dogs to fags behind the bar to bellends?

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Easy. It's quite a skill.

Don't forget the cows. 

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  On 10/25/2019 at 12:08 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

How did you wankers get from suffocating on exhaled CO2 to dogs to fags behind the bar to bellends?


Only wankers know this Douglas!

Edited by Rob Plant
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Must be the case. ‘Knowing’ James and DT, this comes as no surprise. Don’t get them started on dead cows and aliens!😂

  • Haha 2

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The key is lifting the cow up for signs of abduction

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  On 10/25/2019 at 12:29 PM, DayTrader said:

The key is lifting the cow up for signs of abduction


Usually, after your normal alien cow abduction, the twits simply discard said cow, alive or deceased, from a great height. The deformation and resulting crater are obvious and telling.

Over to you @James Regan

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How much do you want to bet that Rob Plant is a Zeppelin fan? 

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haha I've made the joke but he either didn't get it or ignored, maybe both or sick of hearing it 

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On second thought....his parent’s were Zeppelin fans...😂

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  On 10/25/2019 at 12:47 PM, DayTrader said:

haha I've made the joke but he either didn't get it or ignored, maybe both or sick of hearing it 


Probably heard it a million times! I’m guessing many on this forum won’t get the connection....

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or the actual Plant is his dad 

he's sick of hearing it or he's like 25 and has no idea what we're on about

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  On 10/25/2019 at 12:52 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

I’m guessing many on this forum won’t get the connection....


then they need to sort their lives out 

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