+ 2,198 November 14, 2019 Quick charging just got solved using current tech. The only improvement required? A battery built in heater and gigantic charging cables good for at least 6C! Highlights: 6C charging by heating battery to 60C which limits exposure to high temperatures and lithium plating. Likewise active cooling of batteries holding them to ~20C will be a higher priority going forward. This will allow ~ 200 miles charge in 8min and going towards 5min which means this is the ~same as a gasoline fill up. All of this for 2000 cycles with a battery capacity retention of 90%! It also means you cannot charge your car at home anymore unless cars start installing single "cell" switching/charging/isolation which costs $$$. But it also means people like TESLA will LOVE this as it means their supercharging stations now become true 100% bonified money making ventures. It also means charging stations can be TAXED massively by governments which will also LOVE it as it would not surprise me if car manufacturers, if for NO other reason than for warranty, REQUIRE a 6C or greater, heated, charge cycle. Which... get this, means charging at said stations will mean massively INCREASED costs to "fill up". Video version if you do not want to read: Tesla stock is WAAAAYYY up right now, not sure it is a good time to buy and likewise they have to get this into battery/car production. Of course no one can patent any part of the above so... TESLA stock may not be a good thing to buy. Who makes the money? The Car manufacturers or the new Charging stations? --> My bet? The government and taxes at said charging stations. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites