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And I think it is entirely possible that the dinosaur-killing cloud millions of years ago could have resulted from a meteor igniting a pool of oil.

Which doesn't really change anything. 

When an old volcano comes alive, it puts more SOX into the atmosphere than the 90,000 oceangoing freighters. 

We humans are likely affecting climate change to some degree--it is, after all, the Anthropocene Period--but this will be first climate change (of 40 or 50 that preceded this one) where humans were actually burning fossil fuels. What causes all the others? And why is there evidence of much, much higher CO2 levels back in previous climate changes? Maybe one of those meteors. 

Or, as some wag put it, since there is some evidence that the larger dinosaurs had multiple stomachs, perhaps they just burped methane gas until they committed suicide by eating, getting too big, and doing themselves in. Sound familiar?


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  On 2/4/2020 at 12:29 AM, Gerry Maddoux said:

When an old volcano comes alive, it puts more SOX into the atmosphere than the 90,000 oceangoing freighters.


I stand by that argument, just as its written.

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