ronwagn + 6,290 January 7, 2020 On 1/5/2020 at 4:17 AM, Dr.Masih Rezvani said: A lot of people have asked about doing a breakdown on Iran and how the USA is draw them out to be. So today we are going to look at the US Iran conflict and see why we are in the position we are today. Things we will be looking at in this breakdown are, the current state of economy, what countries play a part in the conflict, we’ll look at a timeline, how the American presidents got along with the different presidents or leaders in Iran, and to wrap things up I will share some of my thoughts on the conflict. First let’s look at the current date of the Iranian economy where young Iranians are experiencing a 27% unemployment rate and university graduates are experiencing a 40% unemployment rate. Inflation is reported to being 40% but people are suspecting it being way higher. Professor Steve Hanke with the Johns Hopkins university, one of the worlds leading economists on inflation suspects the real inflation rate is 250% So what does this mean for the average consumer? In the last 12 months red meat prices are up 57% milk and eggs are up 37% and vegetables are up 47% The Iranian currency called the Rial has lost 60% of it’s value against the USD. In the last 12 months Iran has lost over 10 Billion USD in oil revenue. Both the USA and the UK have played a very large part in recent Iranian history, so have Israel and Saudi Arabia. Russia, Venezuela and Lebanon have also played a big role. Here is the timeline of important events: 1908 -Anglo Persian oil company starts 1914 – British government buys 51% share in the company (the APOC later changed name to BP in 1954) 1925 – 1941 Reza Pahlavi becomes shah 1941 – 1979 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi takes over as shah 1951- Mosaddegh becomes prime minister Parliament votes to nationalize oil Britain imposes embargo, halts exports 1953 – CIA & MI6 orchestrated a coup CIA documents released 60 years later confirming they were behind it 1963 – The shah launches the White Revolution 1. Between 1963 and 1978 the number of students increased from 1.5 million to 10 million 2. Total number of schools multiplied by 3.24 times 3. Education spending increased from 45 billion rials in 1963 – 1967 to 551 billion rials between 1973 – 1977 4. Women gained the right to vote 5. Women were able to run for office, serve as judges and work as lawyers for the first time 6. The marriage age for women was increased to 15 years 7. The personal income of Iranians skyrocketed 8. Oil revenue increased from $555 to over $20 billion by 1976 1978 – The shah kept discounting Ayatollah Khomeini’s influence 1979 – Shah & family forced to leave January 16th 1979 – Ayatollah Khomeini returns after 14 years in exile on February 1st 1979 – Revolutionary forces take the American Embassy on November 4th 1980 – The shah dies from cancer in Egypt on July 27th 1980 to 1988 – Iran/Iraq war – 1.5 million deaths (USA supported Iraq) 1981 – The American hostages are released just as Reagan is sworn into office on January 20th 1988 – Iran air bus shot down by USA killing 290 people including 66 children 1995 – Clinton places oil and trade sanctions on Iran 2003 – Iran suspends uranium enrichment program Allows tougher UN inspections of its nuclear facilities 2006 to 2010 – USA succeeds 4 rounds of sanctions against Iran 1. Stop enriching uranium 2. Stop exporting weapons 3. Banking restrictions 4. Trade and travel restrictions 2012 – Iran currency loses 80% of its value since 2011 2015 – Obama nuclear deal $150 billion or $1.8 billion in cash 2018 – May 8th Trump withdrew from Obama deal 2018 – August 7th Trump enforces new round of sanctions on oil and banking Traditionally the American presidents that are on the republican side have gotten along with the Iranian leaders if they have been more on the pro west side, but as soon as they have been on opposite sides of the specter there has been conflict. If there has been a Democratic president and the leaders in Iran have been pro west there have been some issues, but if the leaders of Iran have been anti west, then there has been little to no conflict. The shah got along with Eisenhower, Nixon, and Ford, but not with Kennedy, LBJ, or Carter. A lot of people ask, “So Masih, do you think this is ever going to stop?” My answer is always “I don’t think so” because if you think about it, the more conflict there is in the middle east the more the US/UK and other countries have to get involved in the region in order to try to “fix it” giving them more power in the region. If there is no conflict in the middle east, then there is no reason for these countries to get involved leaving them no influence in the area. Here are some of the formulas the superpowers have used to keep their influence in the region: 1. Creating sanctions with strong requests that cripple the economy they are targeting 2. They befriend and support the number 1 enemy of the country they are targeting 3. They infiltrate the nation with opposition creating chaos 4. They create internal division weakening the country allowing them to step in and take control easier. You seem to imply that America is creating dissension in Iran whereas IMHO the dissension is natural and internal. Iran has been a police state for many decades and yet America has always been used as a scapegoat along with Israel. Not much differently than Hitler used the Jews also. Jew hatred calls away the attention of some of the masses but doesn't seem to work all that well in Iran. I would guess that one third buy into it, one third are pro American and one third are more ambivalent. Like North Korea, Iran has no nation interested in attacking it yet wants nuclear weapons. America is the only obstacle, yet we are not really willing to kill many thousands of Iranians to destroy nuclear weapons and sites. I see Iran ending up with nuclear weapons but hopefully ending up not using them as Pakistan and others have not. Israel will always be far more capable of destroying Iran, but has had plenty of time to do so and is not interested in doing so unless forced to. I think America is in the same position. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Regan + 1,776 January 7, 2020 60 People Killed at stampede during General Soleimani funeral. Will DT be blamed for that? 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0R0 + 6,251 January 7, 2020 23 hours ago, John Foote said: "You can clearly see the US funding switching from domestic banking to foreign sources during Volcker's term at the Fed" I credit that more to what Bush41 called VooDoo economics. Reagan was ahead of his time in disregarding the spending, and implementing tax cuts (which were needed, but so was adjustments in spending). Bush43 embraced that increase spending, cut taxes approach, and currently we are on deficit steroids as Trump really takes that to heart, but it keeps stocks up and as long as we have free money I suppose it is working. Goes against what I was raised to. At least I have enough to where currently I come out ahead. Fed policy from Carter thru the great depression was essentially the same, independent of the party. Carter/Voelker was a overdue departure from Nixonian attempts to manage everything, and that was always going to have a hell of a hangover. The percentage of money out there from non-Fed effected control now is also much higher. If I think about it, I don't sleep much. On a personal lever there is nothing I can do about it, other than I don't leverage myself much, and with very low interest rates, high debt is a smart move. The issue is that the Eurodollar system has broken down. The only remaining institution central to the system that is not reducing/liquidating its book is JPM. Basel III regulations have pretty much shut it down. And for no good reason. US oil independence means that the system does not have the kind of steady dollar supply it used to get from petrodollars, which were recycled through it and levered up. So it is less liquid and relies on holdings of US clearing funds (onshore US) to run instead of its own internal clearing. The Eurodollar system sucked out practically all of the QE into foreign owned currency and clearing accounts as well as the cash side of repos by foreign holders of eligible securities. If you take that out, essentially, the US system had not seen any quantitative easing at all till the end of QE3, it only got it from its own financing activities and then the Fed took it away with QT. Essentially, the Fed managed to figure out how to ease and remain extremely tight at the same time. All in line with the Volkcer dogma. You can see this in the thick purple line which is US owned clearing funds and currency left for the economy to operate with. You can clearly see how Bankrupt U Bernanke managed to bring the economy to a halt by tightening during the exact time that clearing funds were being sucked out of the system into the Eurodollar system during the China bubble. He essentially took out 70% of the available clearing funds. No different that the kind of move the Fed did in the late 1920s trying to stop the flows from Wiemar Germany and UK off the gold standard from inflating the US economy. It was precisely what he promised not to do when he was picked for the chair position, due to his specialized understanding of the great boom and depression that followed it. He setup a precise duplication of it in modern terms. Thus Powell and Yellen were rushing to repeat the 1937 error of tightening and reserve withdrawal that prolonged the depression till after WWII. They took out $1.4 T in reserves (Top line on the chart in violet), leaving the clearing money down nearly $300 B by the time Powell reversed and started QE4 as the system started crumbling. nd 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strangelovesurfing + 737 JD January 8, 2020 On 1/6/2020 at 1:41 PM, NickW said: I think there is a reasonable probability that is Baghdadi but that isn't Soleimani. I can't see him sitting in a room with a US politician and Sunni extremists. Soleimani is the poster boy for the Shia revival and his boots on the ground probably did most of the damage to ISIS and AQ. I'm having a hard time seeing how Baghdadi can grow a beard that long in one years time. I'm referring to the May 27, 2013 date below the photo versus the lower right photo where he's giving the Basra address reportedly given June 24, 2014. According to Google the average growth rate of human hair including facial is 1/2" per month. Unless it's fake it should only be +/-6" long, but maybe it is fake?? According to Wikipedia, "Al-Baghdadi and his group Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaah joined the Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC) in 2006, in which he served as a member of the MSC's sharia committee.[49]Following the renaming of the MSC as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in 2006, al-Baghdadi became the general supervisor of the ISI's sharia committee and a member of the group's senior consultative council" Skipping ahead, "Al-Baghdadi remained leader of the ISI until its formal expansion into Syria in 2013 when, in a statement on 8 April 2013, he announced the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIL) – alternatively translated from Arabic as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)." That would also mean Johnny Mac. met with Baghdadi and Soleimani 8 years after Baghdadi started his insurgent career with multiple attacks on Iraqi and U.S. citizens and military both. I've never been a fan of our late Senator, but i'm having a really hard time squaring all that destruction to Iraqi and U.S. soldiers and Johnny Mac. sitting down for a coffee break with him. The Syria date does jive with what Wiki. has him being in Syria commanding ISIS though. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strangelovesurfing + 737 JD January 8, 2020 9 hours ago, ronwagn said: You seem to imply that America is creating dissension in Iran whereas IMHO the dissension is natural and internal. Iran has been a police state for many decades and yet America has always been used as a scapegoat along with Israel. Not much differently than Hitler used the Jews also. Jew hatred calls away the attention of some of the masses but doesn't seem to work all that well in Iran. I would guess that one third buy into it, one third are pro American and one third are more ambivalent. Like North Korea, Iran has no nation interested in attacking it yet wants nuclear weapons. America is the only obstacle, yet we are not really willing to kill many thousands of Iranians to destroy nuclear weapons and sites. I see Iran ending up with nuclear weapons but hopefully ending up not using them as Pakistan and others have not. Israel will always be far more capable of destroying Iran, but has had plenty of time to do so and is not interested in doing so unless forced to. I think America is in the same position. I wonder how those educational/economic numbers sited ended up post Shah, especially women's education levels. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ByronWalter + 11 BW January 8, 2020 On 1/5/2020 at 6:39 AM, Tom Kirkman said: You might want to fact check the Russian source for these pics. Here's one spot for reference: And here's another: In the original post I didn't notice any mention of the Iran Contra affair where we while we were backing Iraq we also sold weapons to Iran via Israel to finance Central American Death squads (nice way to skip around Congress). And one final point is that if we just stayed out of Iraq, none of this would have come to pass. Plus we would have saved a trillion or two (and a few hundred thousand lives). Now I'm going to get out of Dodge. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ByronWalter + 11 BW January 8, 2020 (edited) Oops, Double post. My bad. Edited January 8, 2020 by ByronWalter double post Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN January 8, 2020 The Life and Many, Many Deaths of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (7 minute video) Footnotes and references 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Nolan + 2,443 TN January 8, 2020 4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack and Blame it on Iran (10 minute video) Transcript with references - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kshithij Sharma + 78 January 8, 2020 On 1/5/2020 at 5:04 PM, Jan van Eck said: Let's remember that, historically, all Iran's government of the day ever had to do was to give up its nuclear weapons program and the West (and specifically the USA) would be satisfied and leave Iran alone, to its own devices. The US really is not particularly interested in the internal politics or even the social structure of various other countries; they put up will all kinds of oppression and abuse of women in places like Burma, and all through Africa, and do nothing about it. What gets the US going is the thought that nuclear weapons are going t spread, and especially to unstable regimes with loony dictators or mullahs at the helm. It is only a matter of time before some mullah or ayatollah or Guard General decides to go launch one of those bombs. You know it is coming. Firstly, USA tried to intervene in Burma but China & India stand in the way. Secondly, Libya gave up nuclear weapons because they were a country of retards who found the blueprint given by Pakistan as "too complex". The nuclear weapons have already spread via Pakistan and the fun fact is that Pakistan was given nuclear technology by NATO country (most likely with USA connivance). So, this theory does not hold. On 1/5/2020 at 5:04 PM, Jan van Eck said: And the US govt has made the decision to stop it now. If that means the assassination of various Iranian military or political leaders, then that is just seen as collateral damage. As long as the ayatollahs continue to try to build nuke bombs, you can expect the US to respond with a lot more than a hit on some radical general. You can expect a nuke strike on the facilities that manufacture those bombs. Now the Iranian mullahs perfectly understand this and, in concert with their chums inside North Korea, have built those facilities deep inside mountains;. That is not going to work. I predict the US will whack at those mountain tunnel openings with nuke warheads and turn them into molten glass and radioactive dust, specifically to entomb the hidden manufacturing sites. Don't kid yourself: the US government, and with the support I might add of the US people and probably the support albeit silent of the European people, are perfectly prepared to see that happen, and if one of the results is the mass death of say 500,000 Iranians, that will be considered an acceptable collateral damage. Iran can be nuked but Iran will destroy all oil infrastructure in Arab states. Also, Iran has lot of sympathisers in Arab countries and if any state gives platform for USA to launch attack, the people there will also rebel against the head of state for helping an infidel against a muslim state. Only state that was allowed to be conquered by USA by arab states was Iraq and that was because Saddam had invaded Kuwait and created bad will with Arab people. Without a platform to launch attacks, USA destroying Iran will be extremely unlikely. Moreover, the mountain tunnels have underground tunnel systems which may have hidden opening several kilometres away and USA can't simply bomb everything. USA does not have the capability to fight with Iran without the assistance from nearby states. On 1/5/2020 at 5:04 PM, Jan van Eck said: The mullahs are leading Iran into a disaster. Iran cannot survive a direct confrontation with US military might, and it is inexorably headed that way. The best bet for Iran is to overthrow the mullahs and establish a secular society, and I see that coming soon enough. The US could trigger that by simply announcing that, once the mullahs are overthrown, the US will issue 50,000 special student visas for Iranian students to come to the USA to study. With that incentive, the ayatollahs would be history within a week. And airdrop some guns and ammo in the countryside at random, just to spur things along Why would Iranian students want to come to USA by overthrowing Iranian regime? A person who wants a happy life will not be willing to take such risks by confronting a military regime for student visa. These incentives mean nothing and will not help in any way. Destabilising Iran from inside will be extremely hard 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 8, 2020 18 hours ago, Strangelovesurfing said: I'm having a hard time seeing how Baghdadi can grow a beard that long in one years time. I'm referring to the May 27, 2013 date below the photo versus the lower right photo where he's giving the Basra address reportedly given June 24, 2014. According to Google the average growth rate of human hair including facial is 1/2" per month. Unless it's fake it should only be +/-6" long, but maybe it is fake?? According to Wikipedia, "Al-Baghdadi and his group Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaah joined the Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC) in 2006, in which he served as a member of the MSC's sharia committee.[49]Following the renaming of the MSC as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) in 2006, al-Baghdadi became the general supervisor of the ISI's sharia committee and a member of the group's senior consultative council" Skipping ahead, "Al-Baghdadi remained leader of the ISI until its formal expansion into Syria in 2013 when, in a statement on 8 April 2013, he announced the formation of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIL) – alternatively translated from Arabic as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)." That would also mean Johnny Mac. met with Baghdadi and Soleimani 8 years after Baghdadi started his insurgent career with multiple attacks on Iraqi and U.S. citizens and military both. I've never been a fan of our late Senator, but i'm having a really hard time squaring all that destruction to Iraqi and U.S. soldiers and Johnny Mac. sitting down for a coffee break with him. The Syria date does jive with what Wiki. has him being in Syria commanding ISIS though. Senator McCain was famous for chanting bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iraq. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronwagn + 6,290 January 8, 2020 6 hours ago, kshithij Sharma said: Firstly, USA tried to intervene in Burma but China & India stand in the way. Secondly, Libya gave up nuclear weapons because they were a country of retards who found the blueprint given by Pakistan as "too complex". The nuclear weapons have already spread via Pakistan and the fun fact is that Pakistan was given nuclear technology by NATO country (most likely with USA connivance). So, this theory does not hold. Iran can be nuked but Iran will destroy all oil infrastructure in Arab states. Also, Iran has lot of sympathisers in Arab countries and if any state gives platform for USA to launch attack, the people there will also rebel against the head of state for helping an infidel against a muslim state. Only state that was allowed to be conquered by USA by arab states was Iraq and that was because Saddam had invaded Kuwait and created bad will with Arab people. Without a platform to launch attacks, USA destroying Iran will be extremely unlikely. Moreover, the mountain tunnels have underground tunnel systems which may have hidden opening several kilometres away and USA can't simply bomb everything. USA does not have the capability to fight with Iran without the assistance from nearby states. Why would Iranian students want to come to USA by overthrowing Iranian regime? A person who wants a happy life will not be willing to take such risks by confronting a military regime for student visa. These incentives mean nothing and will not help in any way. Destabilising Iran from inside will be extremely hard It is hard to destabilize a regime that is already very unstable and only controls its people through terror while they suffer from the leadership of the Ayatollah and his followers. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Papillon + 485 January 8, 2020 On 1/7/2020 at 5:31 PM, James Regan said: 60 People Killed at stampede during General Soleimani funeral. Will DT be blamed for that? It appears it was his birthday sir so seems a little unfair to blame him without more information. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remake it + 288 January 8, 2020 (edited) 58 minutes ago, Papillon said: It appears it was his birthday sir so seems a little unfair to blame him without more information. @DayTrader's birthday parties are infamously riotous and he does teller killer jokes, however the lesser known DT masquerading as a President may have been Mr Regan's focus on this occasion - just sayin'. Edited January 8, 2020 by remake it advertising for a new handler as current one fell asleep at the wheel 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remake it + 288 January 8, 2020 1 hour ago, ronwagn said: It is hard to destabilize a regime that is already very unstable and only controls its people through terror while they suffer from the leadership of the Ayatollah President and his followers. No need for thanks Ron. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom Kirkman + 8,860 January 8, 2020 29 minutes ago, remake it said: Edited 20 minutes ago by remake it advertising for a new handler as current one fell asleep at the wheel That is funny 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strangelovesurfing + 737 JD January 9, 2020 12 hours ago, kshithij Sharma said: Firstly, USA tried to intervene in Burma but China & India stand in the way. Secondly, Libya gave up nuclear weapons because they were a country of retards who found the blueprint given by Pakistan as "too complex". The nuclear weapons have already spread via Pakistan and the fun fact is that Pakistan was given nuclear technology by NATO country (most likely with USA connivance). So, this theory does not hold. Iran can be nuked but Iran will destroy all oil infrastructure in Arab states. Also, Iran has lot of sympathisers in Arab countries and if any state gives platform for USA to launch attack, the people there will also rebel against the head of state for helping an infidel against a muslim state. Only state that was allowed to be conquered by USA by arab states was Iraq and that was because Saddam had invaded Kuwait and created bad will with Arab people. Without a platform to launch attacks, USA destroying Iran will be extremely unlikely. Moreover, the mountain tunnels have underground tunnel systems which may have hidden opening several kilometres away and USA can't simply bomb everything. USA does not have the capability to fight with Iran without the assistance from nearby states. Why would Iranian students want to come to USA by overthrowing Iranian regime? A person who wants a happy life will not be willing to take such risks by confronting a military regime for student visa. These incentives mean nothing and will not help in any way. Destabilising Iran from inside will be extremely hard Pakistan wasn't "given" nuclear tech from the US or any NATO country, Kahn worked as a scientist for a lab in the Netherlands where he stole the tech and transferred it to whoever could pay apparently. Iran is already destabilizing, they're running out of water, nothing else is going to matter in a few years. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kshithij Sharma + 78 January 9, 2020 13 hours ago, Strangelovesurfing said: Pakistan wasn't "given" nuclear tech from the US or any NATO country, Kahn worked as a scientist for a lab in the Netherlands where he stole the tech and transferred it to whoever could pay apparently. Iran is already destabilizing, they're running out of water, nothing else is going to matter in a few years. Why would a junior scientist like AQ Khan be given such high level blueprints? Moreover, AQ Khan had done his education in metallurgy, not nuclear physics. It was only a cover up by USA/NATO to give an excuse for Pakistan getting nuclear technology from their country. Iran always had water problem. Similarly, all Arab states have water problem. That does not mean Iran will be destroyed. Iran still has plenty of oil and hence enough influence Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strangelovesurfing + 737 JD January 10, 2020 10 hours ago, kshithij Sharma said: Why would a junior scientist like AQ Khan be given such high level blueprints? Moreover, AQ Khan had done his education in metallurgy, not nuclear physics. It was only a cover up by USA/NATO to give an excuse for Pakistan getting nuclear technology from their country. Iran always had water problem. Similarly, all Arab states have water problem. That does not mean Iran will be destroyed. Iran still has plenty of oil and hence enough influence Do you have any proof of this cover up? Yes, all Arab states have water problems and it's only getting worse as things heat up. Don't tell me you think thermometers are fake news. Hierarchy of needs, Air, Water, Food, Shelter. If you can't breath that's the first thing you will fight for if necessary. If you don't have water it's the next thing you will fight for if necessary. Iran won't be destroyed, it'll be depopulated along with the rest of Middle East, it's already starting. For all the conspiracy theories going around people seem to forget the current Syrian civil war was sparked by a massive drought. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan Warnick + 6,100 January 11, 2020 On 1/6/2020 at 12:17 AM, Papillon said: Well someone needs to man the recruiting office sir ... /sarc Suicide vest Instructor: Pay attention lads. I'm only going to show you this once. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
remake it + 288 January 11, 2020 1 hour ago, Dan Warnick said: Suicide vest Instructor: Pay attention lads. I'm only going to show you this once. Logic 101 theme song. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kshithij Sharma + 78 January 12, 2020 On 1/10/2020 at 8:44 AM, Strangelovesurfing said: Do you have any proof of this cover up? Yes, all Arab states have water problems and it's only getting worse as things heat up. Don't tell me you think thermometers are fake news. Hierarchy of needs, Air, Water, Food, Shelter. If you can't breath that's the first thing you will fight for if necessary. If you don't have water it's the next thing you will fight for if necessary. Iran won't be destroyed, it'll be depopulated along with the rest of Middle East, it's already starting. For all the conspiracy theories going around people seem to forget the current Syrian civil war was sparked by a massive drought. I have no proof that AQ Khan was given the blueprint and it was covered up as theft. But considering that AQ Khan was a Pakistani national with a metallurgy degree and working in a very junior role, giving him access to high level blueprint is almost improbable unless it was intentional or AQ Khan was some kind of super spy. Considering that in 1970s the amount of technology, gadgets and tools were limited, I would find it real hard that AQ Khan could simply "steal" the blueprints of nuclear centrifuge In 1990, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) exported 3 million tonne of wheat to international market. KSA grew it using fossil water reservoir. Similarly, Iran will also grow food for some time using fossil water. For now, even imports from African countries like Tanzania, Uganda, Mozambique are also options considered. It is true that Middle east will face severe water shortage. But that will be once its oil reserves deplete and it will have limited resources to purchase food from international market. But that is 30 years away. The damage that Middle east can cause before that happens is enormous. Syrian war started because Syrian oil reserves depleted significantly and was only about 2 billion barrels and was almost about to be 0 export by 2015. It was the limited clout caused by limited oil exports that made Syria an easy target. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
specinho + 495 January 12, 2020 If.... certain extremists were the causal reason of misunderstanding between participants of wars and non-participants..... there might be a need, if we teach the right teaching to the extremists and ............ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
specinho + 495 January 12, 2020 On 1/6/2020 at 5:55 AM, 0R0 said: ......... the funding of the US mortgage bubble coming in from abroad at 8 to 15% of GDP. Remember that these MBS were spread across Europe and even Japanese portfolios. On 1/7/2020 at 4:21 AM, John Foote said: I credit that more to what Bush41 called VooDoo economics. Reagan was ahead of his time in disregarding the spending, and implementing tax cuts (which were needed, but so was adjustments in spending). Bush43 embraced that increase spending, cut taxes approach, and currently we are on deficit steroids as Trump really takes that to heart, but it keeps stocks up and as long as we have free money I suppose it is working. Fed policy from Carter thru the great depression was essentially the same, independent of the party. Carter/Voelker was a overdue departure from Nixonian attempts to manage everything, and that was always going to have a hell of a hangover. Never know the details but vaguely remember the belated Senior Lee Kuan Yew mentioned somewhere (using his words):" So, you are the traitor, "BVooDoo"......... " Aahheeemmm.......... pardon me....... If............ I can fix it........... which Executive Committee were to hire me?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites