Should U.S. request extradition of Prince Andrew for trial as a Pedophile ?

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  On 1/6/2020 at 10:23 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

Looks like we need to start a Sarcasm Contest.

First prize is a purple cup upvote.



Why bother with a contest. DT would win. 

Edited by Jabbar
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No need to delete but do you see my point? You say it's a shame about 10% of your country, but bring up people here that are 0.000000001% of the population. That's all I don't appreciate, comparing me to this royal family scum or suggesting it represents the English. 

I don't mean you shouldn't be proud to be Iranian, you get that yeah?

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  On 1/6/2020 at 10:22 PM, Jabbar said:

Tom if you want to delete this thread it's fine by me.


Nope, but thanks for the offer.  Just keep on posting.  It would be helpful if everyone pays a bit more attention to the issues and pretty unusual humor in this forum, rather than focusing on the personal foibles of others.

This forum is generally entertaining.  I come here mostly to crack jokes, post memes, chat about oil & gas and its related politics, and mostly just have some fun with the regular cast of characters here.  Your mileage may vary.

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  On 1/6/2020 at 10:28 PM, Tom Kirkman said:

pretty unusual humor in this forum


And spelling.

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Yep loving the D, pretty accurate.

Why say water when you can say waah-der and ignore the T?

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  On 1/6/2020 at 10:43 PM, DayTrader said:

Yep loving the D, pretty accurate.

Why say water when you can say waah-der and ignore the T?


I dub thee Sir Day Drader

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I like it, but don't say 'sir' too much or it gets abuse. 

Cheers Dom. 

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  On 1/6/2020 at 7:14 PM, Jabbar said:


I was talking about the elites in the U.S. 

I am very critical of the U.S.  The thing is if you have to pick the fairest option for now I would have to pick the U.S. 

Do you think Andrews buddy Epstein committed suicide ? Deadmen don't talk. 

I'm anti blowhards, sanctimoneous,   entitled elite know-it-alls.  Especially ones that put on an act as an older English Country Gentleman.  Nobody talks like that .  .   Sir . . Sir . . Sir crap

What happened you lost your sense of humor . The world has lost its sense of humor.  

Let me ask you since Papillon won't answer. Do you think U.S. should stay or leave Iraq ?

Do you think Suleimani is a terrorist or a martyr ? Or something else.  

Just because Suleimani puts on an Iranian uniform shouldn't excuse him for imprisonments, torture, and murder of thousands.  Agree or disagree ?

European jump on every word out of Trump's mouth.  It's very easy to criticize.  So go ahead laugh at Trump   criticize him and his country.  Those Trump supporters are just a bunch of bumpkins.  

I thought it was just the U.S. Democratic Party that had Trump Derangement Syndrome.  I guess it spread to Europe .

Europe won't be laughing when U.S. pulls out of NATO.

Europe won't be laughing if U.S. Pulls out of Middle East.  

Europe won't be laughing when U.S. puts a reciprocal 25% tariff on German vehicles and car parts.

But ya know DT , Trump won't do any of that.  It's not his nature. He believes in loyalty. Even if U.S. partners never pay their fair share (or even 10% of their fair share) or are nowhere to be found when the situations get tough. 


And once again, I can’t believe I am agreeing with Jabbar! Of course I haven’t had a coffee yet...😂

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Yep you need a coffee. Tom was bang on, and my servant agreed. Tea anyone? 

It is 2020 just so everyone knows. When you picture the English then try not to picture a castle.

@Jan van Eck  

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“We get it, you have a problem with England and the whole of Europe.”

Well DT, as far as England goes, the problem is the cuisine. Haven’t you guys heard of chilis, herbs, spices, cheese, etc...?

The bland diet must effect the decision making process!

Just saying mate...😂

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I admit all the time our cuisine is dreadful, but I can cook. 

American cuisine though? Now there's a whole new ballgame. I stand in awe of that, for example the hamburger (German) and fries (French). How do you come up with these culinary delights? Luckily you can just down another beer and forget the crap you're eating.

I bet you miss the amazing diet over in Malaysia ...?

Cheese?? @Jan van Eck  = Mr rubbery flavourless cheese fan, and you're giving me shit about English cheese?? On my birthday no less!!

Seriously have that coffee Doug. You're losing it.

Oh and don't forget pizza (Italian).

What is this famous American cuisine? A steak? Errr we have different ways of cooking a cow, with different cooking times or sauces, and sometimes we use a bbq to do it ... mindblowing stuff. On a par with the caveman, but with sauce :)  

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caveman cuisine

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What about BBQ, Cajun cuisine (best in the world), TexMex, Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches, Coney Island (real) hotdogs, etc...

Once again, in your zeal to promote everything English, you have cherry picked your ‘examples’.

If you are not careful you’ll start believing in climate change!

Having the first coffee of the day as we speak....

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I stand corrected ...  the hotdog (Frankfurt), TexMex (presumably half Mexican), and cheese on a steak in a sandwich. My mind has been blown LOL  ;)  

Face it, your food is as shit as ours, you just think putting a bit of Mexican spice on it makes it a big deal, or 'American'. Same as changing the odd word of English ... 

I have no need to 'promote' England, we are damn amazing, and I didn't even name one English food, I admitted it was awful in the first line.

Make it a large coffee. 

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  On 1/6/2020 at 11:18 AM, Jabbar said:

Prince Andrew Duke of York has a new title.

Andrew Mountbatten-Windsor the Pediphile of York.

The Queen just booted him from the Buckingham palace.

He should be tried for his crime, but the elites will protect him. 



Members of the royal family have what is described as sovereign immunity, at least with respect to crimes in foreign countries. During times that he is in the US, he has diplomatic immunity, which means that all the US can do is notify the UK government that he is suspected of criminal activity, and he will not be allowed to enter US territory or possessions. Since the royal family 'is the government', Queen Elizabeth would have to notify the Foreign Office to revoke Prince Andrews passport (which may already have happened), and then strip him of all royal titles and privileges - essentially, throwing him out of the household. This is a bit of a stretch given he is her son.

British sovereigns throughout history have done a lot of stuff that commoners would certainly have hung for, including rape, murder, and 'treason'. 'Justice' in such contexts is applied by mobs with pitchforks and pruning hooks, or jealous nobles taking the crown by force. Once Britain reverts to a Medieval political power structure, this option will reappear. Once 'Brexit is done', this will just be a matter of time.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but a hotdog is a cylindrical bit of meat put in a long bread roll that's cut in half?

There may be a squirt of mustard or ketchup on it?

Well shit, who am I to stand in the way of this culinary prowess and genius?

@Tom Kirkman @Jabbar @Selva @Douglas Buckland @Jan van Eck @James Regan @Rob Plant @Ward Smith @ronwagn @Rasmus Jorgensen @Papillon @Enthalpic 

I will take those sarcasm and birthday trophies now, no one is beating this and you know it. 

  On 1/6/2020 at 10:25 PM, Jabbar said:

Why bother with a contest. DT would win. 



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  On 1/6/2020 at 10:22 PM, Jabbar said:

I am proud.  You can insult the leadership of Iran all you want , please. You will never come close to my hatred for them.  I would hang them all from the closest iron wood tree.  

I know 90% of Iranians are good, kind intelligent people.  That's why it's a shame that the 10% religious phanatics have such control over the country.  

Enough about home countries.


Tom if you want to delete this thread it's fine by me.


Get used to your leadership. Iran is under oil curse. It will last for at least 2 generations from now.

When US will be weaker and more Iranian oil is exported regime will be only stronger. Peoples living conditions will be much better but regime will be much stronger. 

It is like with Putin’s Russia, the also have sophisticated urban elites, but Putin has tanks.

It would be also vital interest of China that Iran stays some sort of dictatorship, secular or not.

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  On 1/7/2020 at 3:10 AM, DayTrader said:

I will take those sarcasm and birthday trophies now, no one is beating this and you know it. 


I barely had a chance to compete, is there perhaps some form of silver medal equivalent? 

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  On 1/7/2020 at 3:10 AM, DayTrader said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but a hotdog is a cylindrical bit of meat put in a long bread roll that's cut in half?

There may be a squirt of mustard or ketchup on it?

Well shit, who am I to stand in the way of this culinary prowess and genius?

@Tom Kirkman @Jabbar @Selva @Douglas Buckland @Jan van Eck @James Regan @Rob Plant @Ward Smith @ronwagn @Papillon @Enthalpic 

I will take those sarcasm and birthday trophies now, no one is beating this and you know it. 



Comparing a real, Coney Island hotdog to what you described, is like comparing a Ferrari to a Trabant.

You knowledge of the noble hotdog is seriously lacking....😂

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  On 1/7/2020 at 4:14 AM, Papillon said:

I barely had a chance to compete, is there perhaps some form of silver medal equivalent? 


Give it up Papillon, debating with DT is like beating your head against the wall.

The goofball doesn’t even know what a real hotdog is! This just goes to show the mental midget you are attempting to compete with!🤨

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''It is believed that the very first hot dog – once called 'dachshund sausages' – was sold by a German immigrant out of a food cart in New York in the 1860s. Around 1870, a German immigrant by the name of Charles Feltman opened the first hot dog stand on Coney Island. He sold over 3,600 frankfurters (in a bun) that year.''

Oh I see, so when Americans change something that already existed for 150 years, it's suddenly genius is it?

Sounds about right mate.

  On 1/7/2020 at 4:20 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

You knowledge of the noble hotdog is seriously lacking


Well I know it's German for a kick off. Anyway, please keep praising your stolen cuisines, I bet you miss it loads and eat it quite a bit there? I always thought Asian, Italian, etc food was good, but nope, another win for America apparently. Who can compete with a fancy hot dog? Trophy time ...

  On 1/7/2020 at 4:23 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

debating with DT is like beating your head against the wall.


@Papillon - Translation = we always lose to him (English).

@Enthalpic , that's green, not purple.

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schooling doug on food theft

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  On 1/7/2020 at 3:10 AM, DayTrader said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but a hotdog is a cylindrical bit of meat put in a long bread roll that's cut in half?

There may be a squirt of mustard or ketchup on it?

Well shit, who am I to stand in the way of this culinary prowess and genius?

@Tom Kirkman @Jabbar @Selva @Douglas Buckland @Jan van Eck @James Regan @Rob Plant @Ward Smith @ronwagn @Papillon @Enthalpic 

I will take those sarcasm and birthday trophies now, no one is beating this and you know it. 



"Meat" is kind of a stretch with some hotdogs - more like tubes of fat.  The bun often contains as much or more protein than the hotdog!

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No no, we are discussing Americans and so the meat is probably the best in the world, like everything else. 

The obesity rate is just a side issue, totally unrelated to their mindblowing cuisine.


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