Should U.S. request extradition of Prince Andrew for trial as a Pedophile ?

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  On 1/6/2020 at 11:28 AM, James Regan said:

These families are beyond elite they are connected to a bloodline that is traced back to JC (apparently ), why do you think they are incestuous?


Incestuous?  That strikes me as a bit far-fetched.  Assuredly at least one Prince has no self-imposed restrictions on any requirement that mate selection be limited to royal families.  Hey, he chose an American.....


Prince Harrry will marry!.PNG

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  On 1/7/2020 at 5:15 AM, Jan van Eck said:

Hey, he chose an American.....


We all have faults. Oh, was this not your point?

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  On 1/7/2020 at 5:23 AM, DayTrader said:

We all have faults. Oh, was this not your point?


I know better than to get sucked into this discussion thread, despite your many unsubtle invitations to do so......

You fellas go enjoy your coffee and hot dogs  (meat inside cylinder, with mustard, on a slit roll).  And watch baseball!

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Translation = I like awful cheese and DT as always is spot on, despite never having been to America.


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  On 1/7/2020 at 4:41 AM, DayTrader said:

The obesity rate is just a side issue, totally unrelated to their mindblowing cuisine.


Completely related. What you fail to recognize is the U.S. does with food what China (boom, I got it in here) does with technology.....we steal it and manufacture an inexpensive alternative with cheaper ingredients. The difference being that our bastardized versions are somehow so far superior to their predecessors, we can't stop shoveling them into our cavernous mouths. Truly, our food is mindblowing.....packing enough calories in a single meal to feed an average family for a week. If only other countries went to the great lengths we do here in the U.S. to prepare our bodies for times of scarcity, the world would be a better place.

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  On 1/7/2020 at 5:40 AM, PE Scott said:

If only other countries went to the great lengths we do here in the U.S. to prepare our bodies for times of scarcity, the world would be a better place.


For times of scarcity? Oh that makes sense now. There I was thinking that when you guys read ''all you can eat'' you see it as some kinda competition. Either that or the plan is to scrap baseball and replace it with sumo wrestling.

  On 1/7/2020 at 5:26 AM, Jan van Eck said:

(meat inside cylinder, with mustard, on a slit roll). 


See, Jan knows.

la la la 

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sarcasm master, deal with it

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  On 1/7/2020 at 4:26 AM, DayTrader said:

''It is believed that the very first hot dog – once called 'dachshund sausages' – was sold by a German immigrant out of a food cart in New York in the 1860s. Around 1870, a German immigrant by the name of Charles Feltman opened the first hot dog stand on Coney Island. He sold over 3,600 frankfurters (in a bun) that year.''

Oh I see, so when Americans change something that already existed for 150 years, it's suddenly genius is it?

Sounds about right mate.

Well I know it's German for a kick off. Anyway, please keep praising your stolen cuisines, I bet you miss it loads and eat it quite a bit there? I always thought Asian, Italian, etc food was good, but nope, another win for America apparently. Who can compete with a fancy hot dog? Trophy time ...

@Papillon - Translation = we always lose to him (English).

@Enthalpic , that's green, not purple.


Again, you foreigners tell us we are a nation of immigrants only when it suits your agenda!

Notice, from the information provided above, the FIRST hotdog was sold in New York in the 1860’s.

We then see the comment suggesting that Americans apparently ‘highjacked’ the noble hotdog from the Germans.

This does not follow from the information provided. What the information suggests is that the FIRST hotdog was sold in New York, in 1860, by an American of German ancestry.



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  On 1/7/2020 at 4:41 AM, DayTrader said:

No no, we are discussing Americans and so the meat is probably the best in the world, like everything else. 

The obesity rate is just a side issue, totally unrelated to their mindblowing cuisine.



Have the Brits looked in the mirror lately?

Soooo, you can repeatedly claim that the English are the greatest, most advanced people on the planet, but woe to anyone else who professes national pride!

What a dork!😂

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🤣  When it comes to food yes !!! National pride in international foods !!!

LOL this is amazing stuff. How to wind up an American in 3 easy steps ...

Mention God.

Mention guns.

Mention food.

Ok Doug, you got me. 'Your' cuisine is astounding. That's why one was ''TexMEX''

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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:17 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

the English are the greatest, most advanced people on the planet


Finally you are making sense.


Did you atleast notice the 'FRANKFURTer in a bun' bit?  ;) 

Very American yes. Silly me.

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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:17 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Have the Brits looked in the mirror lately?


Yep, though I can see my toes without one.

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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:23 AM, DayTrader said:

Finally you are making sense.




  On 1/7/2020 at 6:24 AM, DayTrader said:

Yep, though I can see my toes without one.


Man, you are really getting feisty today.  What brings this on?  Where is Mellow Yellow?

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Hahahahaha I'm just messing around, he knows that. Just winding up Americans with banter. It's real hard to do as you can imagine. He's giving me abuse on the messenger too.It's my birthday and I'm not listening to this ''we have decent food'' crap from Mr Frankfurter / TexMex.

A Chinese family, in 2020, moves to New York, become citizens and open a restaurant. So is their food suddenly now made by an ''American of Chinese ancestry'', and you feel this is something you can claim as your cuisine now, or is it deep down Chinese food?

A German introducing frankfurters (dachshund sausages) from his homeland, and then becoming American, does not make the food American. If Jan took a load of Edam there years ago when he arrived and became a US citizen, and you didn't have it before, does that make Edam American now? 

You can't claim something as yours if it already existed before arriving in your country surely??

@Jabbar  Are you liking how we stay on topic here? 

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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:20 AM, DayTrader said:

🤣  When it comes to food yes !!! National pride in international foods !!!

LOL this is amazing stuff. How to wind up an American in 3 easy steps ...

Mention God.

Mention guns.

Mention food.

Ok Doug, you got me. 'Your' cuisine is astounding. That's why one was ''TexMEX''


You are nit-picking now....Dork

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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:29 AM, DayTrader said:

Hahahahaha I'm just messing around, he knows that. Just winding up Americans with banter. It's real hard to do as you can imagine. He's giving me abuse on the messenger too.It's my birthday and I'm not listening to this ''we have decent food'' crap from Mr Frankfurter / TexMex.

A Chinese family, in 2020, moves to New York, become citizens and open a restaurant. So is their food suddenly now made by an ''American of Chinese ancestry'', and you feel this is something you can claim as your cuisine now, or is it deep down Chinese food?

A German introducing frankfurters (dachshund sausages) from his homeland, and then becoming American, does not make the food American. If Jan took a load of Edam there years ago when he arrived and became a US citizen, and you didn't have it before, does that make Edam American now? 

You can't claim something as yours if it already existed before arriving in your country surely??

@Jabbar  Are you liking how we stay on topic here? 


Shitbird, you said the FIRST hotdog was served in NY by a Yank!

If the Chinese family came to the States, opened a restaurant which served never-before-seen Chinese STYLED cuisine...would it be American or Chinese cuisine?

You can’t have it both ways, claiming Americans never created anything because they are a land of immigrants or they created tons of stuff after they became Americans.

This post-empire justification stuff makes good reading....😂

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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:24 AM, DayTrader said:

Yep, though I can see my toes without one.


...while laying on the couch with your feet up on the armrest eating a sausage roll, no doubt.

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  On 1/6/2020 at 7:22 PM, Jabbar said:

"hanging with no proof"

I said bring him to trial.  

"If" convicted he should be punished.  

Gotta be careful.  There are a lot of powerful people that want this to go away at any cost.  

This is angry young man ? You'll know if I get angry.  This banter is comical.  

Call me when you find your sense of humor. 



Openly calling him a pedophile without a conviction or trial sounds like you have already been appointed judge + jury to me!

I'm not defending him either, I agree nobody should be above the law and he should go to trial IMO if there is enough evidence and not just hearsay.

If you cant see how angry your posts are in particular to Papillon then I feel sorry for you.

By all means state your opinion but please stop the name calling as it belittles you and its not very supportive of any arguments you may have with him or any other poster on here.

And no that has nothing to do with my sense of humour (2 "u"'s in humour by the way)😊

Just saying!

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  On 1/7/2020 at 4:41 AM, DayTrader said:

No no, we are discussing Americans and so the meat is probably the best in the world, like everything else. 

The obesity rate is just a side issue, totally unrelated to their mindblowing cuisine.



Guys just how the hell have we got onto hotdogs??

The title of this thread is

 Should U.S. request extradition of Prince Andrew for trial as a Pedophile ?

I think Douglas and DT deserve a trophy for managing to get to hotdogs from this and its only page 2!😂

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And no that has nothing to do with my sense of humour (2 "u"'s in humour by the way)😊

Typical Brit, ‘if some is good, more is better’. Let’s just throw in another vowel to confuse those arrogant Yanks!😂

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”I think Douglas and DT deserve a trophy for managing to get to hotdogs from this and its only page 2!😂
We have very agile minds and see connections where others cannot!
Or, we are just childish idiots with too much time on our hands...🤔
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  On 1/7/2020 at 9:11 AM, Rob Plant said:

Guys just how the hell have we got onto hotdogs??


Because these are the important issues of life that annoy Americans ... the origin of the hotdog. It tells me something, dunno about you. 

  On 1/7/2020 at 7:54 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

FIRST hotdog was served in NY by a Yank!


No a German. The 'frankfurter' bit is the clue mate, like the 'dachshund sausage' reference. 

  On 1/7/2020 at 7:57 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

while laying on the couch with your feet up on the armrest eating a sausage roll, no doubt.


Well as I'm veggie probably not, though if I did do this I could admit the sausage was German. 

  On 1/7/2020 at 7:54 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

claiming Americans never created anything


Never said anything like that, I'm saying you can't claim foods as American if they existed before arriving in America. And when we are talking a f**king HOT DOG, I don't know why you would want to, unless of course you have no foods of your own. You will remember this chat started by me admitting OUR cuisine is crap, after you stated it was, but you seem to think yours is amazing. 

And your insults are crap. ''Shitbird'' ?  LOL .You said arguing with me was like banging your head on a wall (translation - you will not win). Have another bash dickhead ;) 

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  On 1/7/2020 at 9:25 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Let’s just throw in another vowel to confuse those arrogant Yanks!😂


No the vowels were already there ... YOU removed them for your rather simple minds I guess?  :) 

I hope people know we are joking LOL

Well, I half am.

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I’ll form a reply when I finish bashing my head repeatedly, and with gusto, into the wall.

Hold that thought....

You seem to be morphing into our old friend Captain Ethanol, maybe you should add some animal protein, say a proper hotdog, to your politically correct diet....just saying.  

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  On 1/7/2020 at 9:32 AM, DayTrader said:

No the vowels were already there ... YOU removed them for your rather simple minds I guess?  :) 

I hope people know we are joking LOL

Well, I half am.


It’s called efficiency. Not in the toffee-nosed version of the dictionary.

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  On 1/7/2020 at 7:54 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

If the Chinese family came to the States, opened a restaurant which served never-before-seen Chinese STYLED cuisine...would it be American or Chinese cuisine?


I'd go with Chinese as it's Chinese styled cuisine and not American styled cuisine. Also I wanna see this magical restaurant that makes 'never before seen' food. 

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