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Angela Merkel take notice. Russia cut off Belarus oil supply because they would not do as Russia demanded

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Don't put all your energy "eggs" in one basket.  Especially, when it's Russia you're depending on. 

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My father's birthplace, Danville Virginia, industry almost shut down in the 70s because they were overly-dependent on one source, natural gas. The general population cooperated, reduced personal use, and Dan River Mills continued on (for a time, DR didn't do too well against overseas competition).

Crazy to depend on one source if there are options, if for no other reasons you leave yourself open to price increases without competition.

In the case of over-relying on Russia, it's worse than crazy. The 70s suggest the same for Middle East oil and gas. I wonder how sanctions on Iraq will work out? Maybe we'll just invade, teach them a lesson and take over, but wait, we already did that. Pretty sure we won't consider invading Russia. The Princess Bride was right, never start a land war in Asia.

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How is this surprising to anybody??  

Posted hours ago in another thread!!

It's no surprise Russia finally meshed its natural resources and its proximity to Europe. But it takes a naive European populace and government to think Russia is a long term solution to anything other than Russia's success. Russia will eventually have a massive hold on Europe's energy security. Russia will eventually do to Europe what it did to Ukraine. Does anyone not believe this is a likely outcome?? And this outcome is exactly what US diplomacy has been fighting against. The odds were very low that the energy resources of Russia and the European demand center could be kept apart. The economics are simply too favorable to stop.

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  On 1/6/2020 at 8:41 PM, Bob D said:

How is this surprising to anybody??  

Posted hours ago in another thread!!

It's no surprise Russia finally meshed its natural resources and its proximity to Europe. But it takes a naive European populace and government to think Russia is a long term solution to anything other than Russia's success. Russia will eventually have a massive hold on Europe's energy security. Russia will eventually do to Europe what it did to Ukraine. Does anyone not believe this is a likely outcome?? And this outcome is exactly what US diplomacy has been fighting against. The odds were very low that the energy resources of Russia and the European demand center could be kept apart. The economics are simply too favorable to stop.


There are two pipeline coming.  One from Azerbaijan already started construction and a  second proposed from Eastern Mediterranean thru Greece, to Italy and throughout Europe.  

That should help. 

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  On 1/6/2020 at 8:41 PM, Bob D said:

How is this surprising to anybody??  

Posted hours ago in another thread!!

It's no surprise Russia finally meshed its natural resources and its proximity to Europe. But it takes a naive European populace and government to think Russia is a long term solution to anything other than Russia's success. Russia will eventually have a massive hold on Europe's energy security. Russia will eventually do to Europe what it did to Ukraine. Does anyone not believe this is a likely outcome?? And this outcome is exactly what US diplomacy has been fighting against. The odds were very low that the energy resources of Russia and the European demand center could be kept apart. The economics are simply too favorable to stop.


Europe would be close to independent in natural gas if it had developed its own resources. Globalist greenies stopped that. Now there is talk of not developing new Norwegian natural gas finds. Maybe Russian will be their second language some day. 

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I am convinced the greens across the globe are Chinese agents clearing away demand for resources China needs in the near future. I think the Russians are doing the same in supporting greens attacking production from local sources such as France and the Norse countries that could compete with Russian supplies. 

Drilling in Europe was  expanding fast last year. LNG facilities are being built to provide all of Europe competing supply to Russia. The terminal in Croatia, which is centrally subsidized from the EC is supposed to eventually reach Ukraine as an alternative source to Russia, Polish terminals may provide similar access for Ukraine and the rest of East central Europe.

2019 Latin America Europe Africa Middle East Asia Pacific Total Intl. Canada U.S. Total World
Jan 195 86 109 402 232 1024 176 1065 2265
Feb 182 94 113 398 240 1027 230 1049 2306
Mar 188 95 127 395 234 1039 151 1023 2213
Apr 190 98 126 412 236 1062 66 1012 2140
May 179 186 123 410 228 1126 70 986 2182
Jun 189 193 116 413 227 1138 114 969 2221
Jul 201 200 111 424 226 1162 121 955 2238
Aug 194 193 115 416 220 1138 142 926 2206
Sep 189 176 115 425 226 1131 132 878 2141
Oct 189 175 116 424 226 1130 145 848 2123
Nov 196 147 116 417 220 1096 136 810 2042
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Russia is the most reliable gas supplier for Europe and has not stopped supplying even at the height of the Cold War. By the way, Russian gas is about 30-50% cheaper than your democratic LNG from America.


If you want to sell your gas to Europe, you must offer it at a lower price than Gazprom, and that this is impossible, propaganda raises that security must cost. And we Europeans want to pay as little as possible and we don't care that you have excess gas in the US

So please sell it cheaper if you can or stop sowing propaganda that Europe should buy tens of percent more expensive LNG.

Edited by Tomasz
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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:55 PM, 0R0 said:

I am convinced the greens across the globe are Chinese agents clearing away demand for resources China needs in the near future. I think the Russians are doing the same in supporting greens attacking production from local sources such as France and the Norse countries that could compete with Russian supplies. 


Just seeing this comment now.

Excellent opinion / observation.

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  On 1/21/2020 at 11:46 PM, Tomasz said:

Russia is the most reliable gas supplier for Europe and has not stopped supplying even at the height of the Cold War. By the way, Russian gas is about 30-50% cheaper than your democratic LNG from America.


If you want to sell your gas to Europe, you must offer it at a lower price than Gazprom, and that this is impossible, propaganda raises that security must cost. And we Europeans want to pay as little as possible and we don't care that you have excess gas in the US

So please sell it cheaper if you can or stop sowing propaganda that Europe should buy tens of percent more expensive LNG.


Yavol tovarisch 

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  On 1/7/2020 at 6:55 PM, 0R0 said:

I am convinced the greens across the globe are Chinese agents clearing away demand for resources China needs in the near future. I think the Russians are doing the same in supporting greens attacking production from local sources such as France and the Norse countries that could compete with Russian supplies. 

Drilling in Europe was  expanding fast last year. LNG facilities are being built to provide all of Europe competing supply to Russia. The terminal in Croatia, which is centrally subsidized from the EC is supposed to eventually reach Ukraine as an alternative source to Russia, Polish terminals may provide similar access for Ukraine and the rest of East central Europe.

2019 Latin America Europe Africa Middle East Asia Pacific Total Intl. Canada U.S. Total World
Jan 195 86 109 402 232 1024 176 1065 2265
Feb 182 94 113 398 240 1027 230 1049 2306
Mar 188 95 127 395 234 1039 151 1023 2213
Apr 190 98 126 412 236 1062 66 1012 2140
May 179 186 123 410 228 1126 70 986 2182
Jun 189 193 116 413 227 1138 114 969 2221
Jul 201 200 111 424 226 1162 121 955 2238
Aug 194 193 115 416 220 1138 142 926 2206
Sep 189 176 115 425 226 1131 132 878 2141
Oct 189 175 116 424 226 1130 145 848 2123
Nov 196 147 116 417 220 1096 136 810 2042

Europe put itself in an energy pinch when it decided to kill its nuclear instead of waiting a few decades for renewables to take over. It was the weirdest decision. 
What would help Europe the most is kill immigration and embrace a slow depopulation/slowing energy consumption scenario.

Someday “growth is good” will be recognized for the folly it is. 

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  On 1/22/2020 at 12:56 AM, Boat said:

Europe put itself in an energy pinch when it decided to kill its nuclear instead of waiting a few decades for renewables to take over. It was the weirdest decision. 
What would help Europe the most is kill immigration and embrace a slow depopulation/slowing energy consumption scenario.


How can I argue with you if I agree with you.  This is weird.

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Merkel is an idiot, The German people need to get rid of her, She is bad news! Russia will always use it’s energy as the boot on the neck of any Country! Putin wants the old USSR back. Obama lack the balls to stop them from invading it’s breakaway Countries and Putin will keep pushing the envelope if gets no pushback. The EU better realize the U.S. won’t continue to bail there ass’s out forever.

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  On 1/22/2020 at 12:56 AM, Boat said:

Europe put itself in an energy pinch when it decided to kill its nuclear instead of waiting a few decades for renewables to take over. It was the weirdest decision. 
What would help Europe the most is kill immigration and embrace a slow depopulation/slowing energy consumption scenario.

Someday “growth is good” will be recognized for the folly it is. 


That is not that weird. My cuz was living in Berlin the year before and it is quite clear that Chernobyl=nuclear. The fact that the special brand of incompetence that was its management and controls is nothing like the sort of super careful and precise and safe system that Germany has for its nukes, they just don't want them period. But that really is not rational. France is not going to ever turn off a reactor. 80% of electricity. Not any less dangerous than their domestic nukes. Just for fun, If I were in Poland and the other E European countries I would build nuke plants and sell the electricity to Germany. I think Siemens is still in the business and may be willing, if not, Russian mini Chernobyl plants are another option. .  

Growth is good. it is folly to reject it. You will see what a lack of growth looks like in the next few decades as the overall global population peaks now that we have passed peak babies, and then contracts as it gets older. The sad closure of schools, the shrinkage of demand, The loss of viability of industries due to shrinking markets or lack of labor. Only a handful of countries have a stable demographic that is not shrinking nor a rural population that keeps growing and dragging down investment like many African nations. Those few stable countries are not going to be able to absorb the production of aging countries of OECD + China . . 

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  On 1/21/2020 at 11:59 PM, Ward Smith said:

If you want to sell your gas to Europe, you must offer it at a lower price than Gazprom, and that this is impossible,


Yes, it is impossible to compete because Gazprom is majority owned by the Russian government.  It can operate at a loss (or very low margins) for a longer period of time than a for profit company.  This is classic marketing by a company trying to corner the market. First you run the competition out of business, then you are free to charge whatever you want.   They are playing the long game.

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  On 1/6/2020 at 8:41 PM, Bob D said:

How is this surprising to anybody??  

Posted hours ago in another thread!!

It's no surprise Russia finally meshed its natural resources and its proximity to Europe. But it takes a naive European populace and government to think Russia is a long term solution to anything other than Russia's success. Russia will eventually have a massive hold on Europe's energy security. Russia will eventually do to Europe what it did to Ukraine. Does anyone not believe this is a likely outcome?? And this outcome is exactly what US diplomacy has been fighting against. The odds were very low that the energy resources of Russia and the European demand center could be kept apart. The economics are simply too favorable to stop.


The 50 year plan of Russia is dead because of Renewables and other efficiencies, think electric.

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