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FUSION REACTOR: Ultimate "Holy Grail" of Clean Energy. Becoming a reality ? The hydrocarbon killer

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Once a distant dream .  .  . now Nuclear Fusion in our lifetime ? Maybe ?

The last six months have seen announcements as to the advancement of the developing of compact Nuclear Fusion reactors.  Some projecting first compact technology demonstration models built by 2025.

Serious Venture Capital firms have started to put real money in to some of the more promising startups. They don't invest their capital lightly.

Fusion v. Fision .  Today's Fision reactors can be unstable and possess inherent danger from radioactive materials. Fusion reactors, on the other hand are stable and produce very little if any radioactive danger.


TAE  , General Fusion , Agni Energy , Lockheed Martin , First Light Fusion , Tokamak , Commonwealth.  

Commonwealth Fusion , an MIT based startup,  has garnered the backing of numerous Venture funds.  They believe they will complete the build of a prototype by 2025 with commercialization by 2040.  Seems awfully ambitious but let's hope. 


"CFS is on track to commercialize fusion and deliver an inherently safe, globally scalable, carbon-free, and limitless energy source,” he said in a statement. .  .  .  Commonwealth Fusion expects to have its smallest possible reactor built by 2025  .  .  . "

Upon successful 2025 proof of technology Commonwealth Fusion likely sold to a company like Siemens, GE or H ,  that know how to construct a nuclear power plant. 

If successful say goodbye to natural gas electricity generation.  

Naturally upon commercialization all the natural gas electricity power plants are not going to stop.  Transition to fusion will take decades.  

PS : note Sandia National Laboratories has recently announce a promising novel Fusion approach using Plasm Guns. (2) U.S. Navy just patented a compact Fusion Nuclear reactor that can fit on a boat or truck. 

Edited by BLA
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  On 2/4/2020 at 10:32 PM, BLA said:

Once a distant dream .  .  . now Nuclear Fusion in our lifetime ? Maybe ?

The last six months have seen announcements as to the advancement of the developing of compact Nuclear Fusion reactors.  Some projecting first compact technology demonstration models built by 2025.

Serious Venture Capital firms have started to put real money in to some of the more promising startups. They don't invest their capital lightly.

Fusion v. Fision .  Today's Fision reactors can be unstable and possess inherent danger from radioactive materials. Fusion reactors, on the other hand are stable and produce very little if any radioactive danger.


TAE  , General Fusion , Agni Energy , Lockheed Martin , First Light Fusion , Tokamak , Commonwealth.  

Commonwealth Fusion , an MIT based startup,  has garnered the backing of numerous Venture funds.  They believe they will complete the build of a prototype by 2025 with commercialization by 2040.  Seems awfully ambitious but let's hope. 


"CFS is on track to commercialize fusion and deliver an inherently safe, globally scalable, carbon-free, and limitless energy source,” he said in a statement. .  .  .  Commonwealth Fusion expects to have its smallest possible reactor built by 2025  .  .  . "

If successful say goodbye to natural gas electricity generation.  

PS : note Sandia National Laboratories has recently announce a promising novel Fusion approach using Plasm Guns. (2) U.S. Navy just patented a compact Fusion Nuclear reactor that can fit on a boat or truck. 


Wow a demo model in 25 years!

Commercial fusion has been "twenty years away" since the 1950s - so much it's now a common joke.

We have a perfectly good fusion reactor already; it just happens to be about 147 million Km away.

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  On 2/4/2020 at 11:46 PM, Enthalpic said:

Wow a demo model in 25 years!

Commercial fusion has been "twenty years away" since the 1950s - so much it's now a common joke.

We have a perfectly good fusion reactor already; it just happens to be about 147 million Km away.


Demo by 2025

Thats 5 years knucklehead NOT 25 YEARS

You're a joke

GO back to kindergarten.  Learn your math

The company name is: COMMONWEALTH FUSION. 




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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:13 AM, BLA said:

Demo by 2025

Thats 5 years knucklehead NOT 25 YEARS

You're a joke

GO back to kindergarten.  Learn your math






well, YOU and others here should learn some history.  China and Russia are far ahead of the USA. China has already passed the proof of concept stage and is now working on a commercial prototype. fact: the Americans have stolen some key technology; there is no way they could claim a time-line of 5 year otherwise.  concepts and prototypes are one thing; commercial viability for energy production and safety are entirely other things.  the temperatures involved are over 100 million C.  the coolants are hydrogen and helium, extremely combustible.  what could go wrong?   

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One day I believe sustainable fusion power generation will be a reality. The jury is still out on the economics of these systems, but I have no doubt theyll be developed. 

As working with high energy potentials and combustible materials goes, many industries do it safely every day. That's what engineers are  here for.

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I’ve posted this before

read it!!

it’s all the best brains on the planet and most of the advanced countries working together

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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:18 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Hydrocarbon fat ass!


As far as a safe clean source of electricity generation it most certainly would be if proven.

yes a big IF!!

however the financial returns on whoever cracks it are astronomical, which is why most billionaires around the globe e have some sort of stake in one of the projects around the globe. They aren’t stupid so there must be real progress being made!

not the end for FF by any means but a big hole in them!!

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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:18 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Hydrocarbon fat ass!


Don't know how fat your ass is, but they aren't talking about commercialization in the nearterm. 

I'm skeptical, but the recent activity and interest from the noteworthy venture capital funds is a positive sign.  

Bill Gates or Jeff Bezo throwing some money at Fusion does not mean much as far as I'm concerned. However,  recent reputable Venture Capital firms investment in companies like Commonwealth Fusion out of MIT says something.  Not only solved the high temperature requirements with proprietary superconductor magnets, but have lowered production costs substantially.

Might be 30+ years or maybe 10 years or maybe never.  I believe will be during my lifetime.  So do some of the smartest Venture Capital firms.



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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:46 AM, frankfurter said:

well, YOU and others here should learn some history.  China and Russia are far ahead of the USA. China has already passed the proof of concept stage and is now working on a commercial prototype. fact: the Americans have stolen some key technology; there is no way they could claim a time-line of 5 year otherwise.  concepts and prototypes are one thing; commercial viability for energy production and safety are entirely other things.  the temperatures involved are over 100 million C.  the coolants are hydrogen and helium, extremely combustible.  what could go wrong?   


There are probably 20 to 30 different approaches to fusion.  I don't know about stealing China's tech.  Who cares.

Commonwealth Fusion has been working on prototype for 7 years. Their CEO is the head of MIT Plasma Labs.  All scientist build on the work of their predecessors. 

Why the negativity?

Correct : addressing the high heat requirements is a major engineering concern. That's why U.S. venture firms loves Commonwealth Fusion, proprietary superconducting magnets control plasm.

Plus low cost manufacturing. 

You ask what can go wrong ?  If you can't control million° temperature your equipment melts.  But No radioactive material.  No other danger.

The international consortium ITER in France ($20 Billion) will probably turn out to be a "white elephant".  Even though they have contributed some base technology, the startups bypassed them. That's usually how it ends up. 


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I want one in my car ... so I can go ... back to the future! Lol (just having fun)

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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:13 AM, BLA said:

Demo by 2025

Thats 5 years knucklehead NOT 25 YEARS

You're a joke

GO back to kindergarten.  Learn your math

The company name is: COMMONWEALTH FUSION. 





Okay 5 years, silly mistake, I added the twenty that always happens.

Commercialization of fusion, like using it to make money and real energy, not just a big bomb or fancy research devices.

Come back in 5 years and show me wrong.

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  On 2/5/2020 at 3:55 PM, BLA said:

The international consortium ITER in France ($20 Billion) will probably turn out to be a "white elephant".  Even though they have contributed some base technology, the startups bypassed them. 



Ya think. 

People here complain about the cost of solar panels, the "unproven technology" of electric cars, batteries etc. Yet a thread on the most expensive way of making energy ever, with completely undeveloped technology is getting discussed like it's a real solution. 

Even if a demo model comes out in 5 years, a sale model would be much longer after that, then you have to get buyers, install, troubleshoot.  By the time this goes, however unlikely, climate change will have screwed us already.  Or climate change is a big hoax (unlikely) in which case demand for such things would decrease.

Is it beautiful theory on paper? yes. Will we get it working someday? Yes.  Is it the answer now? No.


I used to be a huge fusion supporter, but reality beat that out of me, now it feels like praying for warp drive to be invented.



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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:18 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Hydrocarbon fat ass!


I agree with you! 

Hydrocarbons will have been phased out, or burnt up, long before this works on a meaningful scale.


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  On 2/5/2020 at 3:55 PM, BLA said:

Correct : addressing the high heat reguirements is a major engineering concern. That's why U.S. venture firms loves Commonwealth Fusion, proprietary superconducting magnets.  Plus lower cost manufacturing.



Venture capital firms never waste money, nope, never.  You know they use other peoples' money right?  They get paid regardless.

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"Holy Grail" of clean energy is a good name.... it doesn't exist.



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  On 2/5/2020 at 7:38 PM, Enthalpic said:

"Holy Grail" of clean energy is a good name.... it doesn't exist.




We would still be living in caves if everyone thinks like you. 

Is everyone on this blog like you.  God I hope not. 

Just trying to discuss some interesting developments in Fusion tech.  You start hyperventilating and attacking everything.  

Express your opinion. Fine. You need to chill. 

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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:18 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Hydrocarbon fat ass!


Just how fat is your ass , if you don't mind me asking.

A picture would be helpful.

Have you tried the "keto diet"  ?

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  On 2/5/2020 at 8:12 PM, BLA said:

We would still be living in caves if everyone were like you.  GET A LIFFE.  Is everyone on this blog like you.  God I hope not. 



This trash will probably interest you:

Stay classy.

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  On 2/5/2020 at 4:16 PM, Rob Kramer said:

I want one in my car ... so I can go ... back to the future! Lol (just having fun)


If it works no need to go back to the future!

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  On 2/5/2020 at 7:09 PM, Enthalpic said:

Okay 5 years, silly mistake, I added the twenty that always happens.

Commercialization of fusion, like using it to make money and real energy, not just a big bomb or fancy research devices.

Come back in 5 years and show me wrong.


Ok we will

@Enthalpic you seem so willing to consider all useless uneconomic unrealistic crap green energy and then you mock fusion??

you must  be retarded or the ancestor of those that didn’t believe in the wheel!

for thousands of years man wanted to fly and it was ludicrous to those of a closed mind like you!

guess what it’s a reality now!


Edited by Rob Plant
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  On 2/5/2020 at 7:09 PM, Enthalpic said:

Okay 5 years, silly mistake, I added the twenty that always happens.

Commercialization of fusion, like using it to make money and real energy, not just a big bomb or fancy research devices.

Come back in 5 years and show me wrong.


There will be plenty of people lined up to buy Fusion reactors when/if they are developed at reasonable prices. 

Scientists have developed sophisticated desalination plants using nuclear reactors. If a safe low cost Fusion reactors were developed think of what that would mean to world health and economies. 

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  On 2/5/2020 at 8:14 PM, BLA said:

Just how fat is your ass , if you don't mind me asking.

A picture would be helpful.

Have you tried the "keto diet"  ?


In all honesty...I don’t have a fat ass, more like I have that old man ‘where’d my ass go?’ thing going and I need to wear a belt. It was more a ‘matter of speaking’ comment.

Regardless, thanks for the concern over the size of my ass.

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  On 2/6/2020 at 2:06 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

In all honesty...I don’t have a fat ass, more like I have that old man ‘where’d my ass go?’ thing going and I need to wear a belt. It was more a ‘matter of speaking’ comment.

Regardless, thanks for the concern over the size of my ass.


Glad you can appreciate my attempt to inject some levity into the discussion.  

You must have meant flat ass.

I know what you mean about the no butt , I can relate.  


My guess (and its only a guess) Commercial Fusion 16 1/2 years away.

Oil and gas not going away.  I think plentiful supply for at least 10 years maybe longer. 

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