Tom Kirkman

Charts of COVID-19 Fatality Rate by Age and Sex

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Some success stories in Daegu and Washington, which were the early COVID epicenters in South Korea and the US, as well as in Veneto (Venice), which seems to have faired much better than Lombardia (Milan).

It looks like it will be terrible in New York and London the 30 days before cases peak and social distancing works. I have my fingers crossed that it won't be as bad as recent trends imply.


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There is a problem with Italy in that they didn't suspect the virus propagated as far as it had. So when they suspended schools and large gatherings, nobody thought about child care while parents are working so the kids, by then carrying the virus in large proportions, infected their grandparents who substituted for school to watch the kids. It was the worst possible idea. 

NYC is terrible because of the crowded public transport and the delay in shutting down schools to mid March.


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To match NYC terrible policy, Florida waited to host spring breakers before realizing the disaster they brought upon themselves. Miami to Palm Beach is going to be as bad a disaster as NYC as the wave of infection just went vertical following the arrival of spring breakers. Again, just as in Italy, nobody imagined that so many of the kids would be so broadly infected. That despite knowing the high contagion via touch surfaces as well as aerosol, and large proportion of non symptomatics. 


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What really surprises me is that the epidemiologists are not able to use this easy to access temperature measurement database and forecast according to what it shows. Perhaps because then they will have most of the country open within a week, while the big coastal cities, Michigan and Chicago have to maintain shut down for another 4 weeks because the politicos don't get that they missed the boat a month ago and the populations are 80% or more infected in NYC and likely in Miami by now.

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Yet Cuomo said there was nothing to worry about...until there was! A bit too late at that point.

Edited by Douglas Buckland

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From Italy:

"The biggest mistake we made was to admit patients infected with COVID-19 into hospitals throughout the region," said Carlo Borghetti, the vice-premier of Lombardy, an economically crucial region with a population of 10 million"

"We should have immediately set up separate structures exclusively for people sick with coronavirus. I recommend the rest of the world do this, to not send COVID patients into health-care facilities that are still uninfected."

And, most chilling:

"However, the virus was not only spread to "clean" — i.e. infection-free — hospitals by admitting positive patients. In early March, as the number of infected was doubling every few days, authorities allowed overwhelmed hospitals to transfer those who tested positive but weren't gravely ill into assisted-living facilities for the elderly."

4 hospitals had their initial infection brought in with them from workers:


In the future, you will not have infected patients anywhere near hospitals and assisted-living centers. Temporary field hospitals will be the order of the day. If I was planning in an area that hadn't been hit yet, I would already be doing it. None of the staff in the temporary centers would be allowed to go to a hospital.


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This is a great article on the lies and cover ups coming out of China.  This is a crime against humanity!

“How China’s Fake-News-Machine Is Rewriting The History Of COVID-19, Even As The Pandemic Unfolds” scmp

“Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s retweet of an article blaming the US for infecting Wuhan with coronavirus went viral, viewed 160 million times within hours. But where did the story come from? By now, the early history of Covid-19 is well known, if not clear in its details. The virus was first detected somewhere around Wuhan, in Hubei province, then appears to have entered the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, from where it infected many others. Doctors in Wuhan first noticed the novel coronavirus in December and began exchanging urgent warnings. Local government authorities set out to silence them; some were detained and made to sign documents admitting wrongdoing. Meanwhile, Wuhan officials went about business as usual, which included a disastrous Lunar New Year banquet attended by about 40,000 families. Soon, many more thousands around Wuhan were infected, with hundreds dead or dying, including ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, who had been punished for trying to raise the alarm. Realising it was in the firing line not just for running the nation that had unleashed the deadly virus on the world but also for ignoring, covering up and denying its spread, China’s Communist Party moved into damage-con”

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  On 4/3/2020 at 3:48 AM, Douglas Buckland said:

Yet Cuomo said there was nothing to worry about...until there was! A bit too late at that point.


It also turned out he has a nipple ring...


p.s sorry if I've offended anyone with nipple rings

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ANyone heard about the arrest of Charles Lieber and two Chinese students?

I saw a clip earlier and I could swear they used the word espionage 😯

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“All Trails Lead Back To The Wuhan Bio-Lab”     national review


“It is understandable that many would be wary of the notion that the origin of the coronavirus could be discovered by some documentary filmmaker who used to live in China. Matthew Tye, who creates YouTube videos, contends he has identified the source of the coronavirus — and a great deal of the information that he presents, obtained from public records posted on the Internet, checks out.  The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China indeed posted a job opening on November 18, 2019, “asking for scientists to come research the relationship between the coronavirus and bats.”… The Google translation of the job posting is: “Taking bats as the research object, I will answer the molecular mechanism that can coexist with Ebola and SARS- associated coronavirus for a long time without disease, and its relationship with flight and longevity. Virology, immunology, cell biology, and multiple omics are used to compare the differences between humans and other mammals.” (“Omics” is a term for a subfield within biology, such as genomics or glycomics.)… On December 24, 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology posted a second job posting. The translation of that posting includes the declaration, “long-term research on the pathogenic biology of bats carrying important viruses has confirmed the origin of bats of major new human and livestock infectious diseases such as SARS and SADS, and a large number of new bat and rodent new viruses have been discovered and identified.”… In his YouTube video, Tye focuses his attention on a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology named Huang Yanling: “Most people believe her to be patient zero, and most people believe she is dead.”  There was enough discussion of rumors about Huang Yanling online in China to spur an official denial. On February 16, the Wuhan Institute of Virology denied that patient zero was one of their employees, and interestingly named her specifically: “Recently there has been fake information about Huang Yanling, a graduate from our institute, claiming that she was patient zero in the novel coronavirus.” Press accounts quote the institute as saying, “Huang was a graduate student at the institute until 2015, when she left the province and had not returned since. Huang was in good health and had not been diagnosed with disease, it added.” None of her publicly available research papers are dated after 2015…Tye says, “everyone on the Chinese internet is searching for [Huang Yanling] but most believe that her body was quickly cremated and the people working at the crematorium were perhaps infected as they were not given any information about the virus.”

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  On 4/5/2020 at 12:28 PM, El Nikko said:

It also turned out he has a nipple ring...


p.s sorry if I've offended anyone with nipple rings


Why doesn’t this surprise me... The expression on his face on TV leads me to believe he enjoys a butt plug as well!

(sorry if I’ve offended anyone with butt plugs?

  • Haha 2

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  On 4/3/2020 at 5:47 PM, TooSteep said:

From Italy:

"The biggest mistake we made was to admit patients infected with COVID-19 into hospitals throughout the region," said Carlo Borghetti, the vice-premier of Lombardy, an economically crucial region with a population of 10 million"

"We should have immediately set up separate structures exclusively for people sick with coronavirus. I recommend the rest of the world do this, to not send COVID patients into health-care facilities that are still uninfected."

And, most chilling:

"However, the virus was not only spread to "clean" — i.e. infection-free — hospitals by admitting positive patients. In early March, as the number of infected was doubling every few days, authorities allowed overwhelmed hospitals to transfer those who tested positive but weren't gravely ill into assisted-living facilities for the elderly."

4 hospitals had their initial infection brought in with them from workers:


In the future, you will not have infected patients anywhere near hospitals and assisted-living centers. Temporary field hospitals will be the order of the day. If I was planning in an area that hadn't been hit yet, I would already be doing it. None of the staff in the temporary centers would be allowed to go to a hospital.


I just can't believe they were that stupid.

Then their source of disease propagation was health care workers within and between hospitals and old folks homes. The equivalent of what the public did with the initial soft quarantine closing schools but making no child care arrangements so people dumped the kids on the grandparents. Making sure the carriers of the CV19 virus met the most at risk population. Same as they did in the hospital management scheme by moving infected people to regular wards and to elder care homes. 

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  On 4/5/2020 at 2:17 PM, 0R0 said:

I just can't believe they were that stupid.

Then their source of disease propagation was health care workers within and between hospitals and old folks homes. The equivalent of what the public did with the initial soft quarantine closing schools but making no child care arrangements so people dumped the kids on the grandparents. Making sure the carriers of the CV19 virus met the most at risk population. Same as they did in the hospital management scheme by moving infected people to regular wards and to elder care homes. 


I'm not defending their actions but they were suddenly overwhelmed. As we're learning, there is a big difference between imagining that something terrible could happen and actually believing it will happen. In America, we had quite a few people who imagined a pandemic, but really, in their hearts, didn't believe it was ever going to happen. 

To give credit where it is due, Bill Gates actually believed in his heart that we would eventually experience a global pandemic. He articulated it nicely in 2015 and ever since. Not giving up, some time late last summer his foundation hosted a coronavirus pandemic modeling session at Johns Hopkins. It resulted in great dialogue but just about zero preparation. 

And then it happened. Washington state got the biggest, earliest punch but curtailed it admirably--did Mr. Gates influence how it was managed?--I suspect so. New York didn't react quickly or decisively. Probably as a result, Washington state's numbers follow the outbreak in S. Korea; NYC follows that of northern Italy. 

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  On 4/5/2020 at 4:31 PM, Gerry Maddoux said:

I'm not defending their actions but they were suddenly overwhelmed. As we're learning, there is a big difference between imagining that something terrible could happen and actually believing it will happen. In America, we had quite a few people who imagined a pandemic, but really, in their hearts, didn't believe it was ever going to happen. 

To give credit where it is due, Bill Gates actually believed in his heart that we would eventually experience a global pandemic. He articulated it nicely in 2015 and ever since. Not giving up, some time late last summer his foundation hosted a coronavirus pandemic modeling session at Johns Hopkins. It resulted in great dialogue but just about zero preparation. 

And then it happened. Washington state got the biggest, earliest punch but curtailed it admirably--did Mr. Gates influence how it was managed?--I suspect so. New York didn't react quickly or decisively. Probably as a result, Washington state's numbers follow the outbreak in S. Korea; NYC follows that of northern Italy. 


Bill Gates is one of the reasons we didn't have a rational response to the CV19 virus. Bill Gates has promulgated the shut down of most of the world economy for decades with every imaginable excuse behind it. He and his foundation are insinuated into all the conspiracy investigation going on anywhere. 

There were any number of solutions orders of magnitudes less harmful than quarantine and shutdown. 

1. Best - do nothing but let the public decide what risks to take, with gloves and masks and sanitizing materials, support treatment development and preventive equipment distribution and broad testing. All agencies of government at all levels have worked to do the exact opposite. 

2. Intervene to support financially and organizationally the at risk population self isolating. Let everyone else go through the disease, which is what will have to happen anyway. The prior attempts at SARS vaccines have resulted in immediate cytokine storms killing patients when re-exposed to the virus. I still regard a conventional vaccine as unlikely. Perhaps a synthetic one would work.

3. Early immediate rational quarantine. Only of large gatherings, density limits on public transport, and help people avoid unnecessary commutes. 1/4 to 1/3 can work from home. Arrange child care for children out of school by events and restaurant workers that have been laid off. 

Bill Gates is the number one person not to listen to.  He is head Malthusian.


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You seem to have solutions. 

Please offer your services to the United States government. 

I will vouch for your intelligence and thoughtful formulation.


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While I believe that this is a very deadly disease we need to be wary of numbers at this stage of the game.  1st we can't be sure of the denominator which could be of by a huge amount and 2nd these are numbers from the epicenter - hopefully we have learned something about treating this disease so outcomes may have improved.

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  On 4/5/2020 at 5:13 PM, 0R0 said:

Bill Gates is one of the reasons we didn't have a rational response to the CV19 virus. Bill Gates has promulgated the shut down of most of the world economy for decades with every imaginable excuse behind it. He and his foundation are insinuated into all the conspiracy investigation going on anywhere. 

There were any number of solutions orders of magnitudes less harmful than quarantine and shutdown. 

1. Best - do nothing but let the public decide what risks to take, with gloves and masks and sanitizing materials, support treatment development and preventive equipment distribution and broad testing. All agencies of government at all levels have worked to do the exact opposite. 

2. Intervene to support financially and organizationally the at risk population self isolating. Let everyone else go through the disease, which is what will have to happen anyway. The prior attempts at SARS vaccines have resulted in immediate cytokine storms killing patients when re-exposed to the virus. I still regard a conventional vaccine as unlikely. Perhaps a synthetic one would work.

3. Early immediate rational quarantine. Only of large gatherings, density limits on public transport, and help people avoid unnecessary commutes. 1/4 to 1/3 can work from home. Arrange child care for children out of school by events and restaurant workers that have been laid off. 

Bill Gates is the number one person not to listen to.  He is head Malthusian.



Spot-on, but in our litigious society, no one will support anything that will lead to triage deaths. This ordeal has really illustrated the weaknesses that underpin our culture, and this is a true watershed moment.  

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  On 4/6/2020 at 12:29 AM, jalthoff4 said:

Spot-on, but in our litigious society, no one will support anything that will lead to triage deaths. This ordeal has really illustrated the weaknesses that underpin our culture, and this is a true watershed moment.  


The point is that it happened already, and triage deaths in NYC metro are happening. Though not as badly as the numbers would make it seem. They waited too long for to impose school and other congregation limits and everyone dragged on providing reasonable personal protection, dissuading masks. If the bureaucracy of the FDA CDC and FEMA and NIHP were all providing bad advice, deliberately dropping the ball on testing, guidelines and efficacy of simple PP gear; so one could easily interpret that as the upper echelons of those institutions wanted to have the pandemic spread in the US and wanted an economic shutdown to result. 


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  On 4/6/2020 at 1:11 AM, 0R0 said:

The point is that it happened already, and triage deaths in NYC metro are happening. Though not as badly as the numbers would make it seem. They waited too long for to impose school and other congregation limits and everyone dragged on providing reasonable personal protection, dissuading masks. If the bureaucracy of the FDA CDC and FEMA and NIHP were all providing bad advice, deliberately dropping the ball on testing, guidelines and efficacy of simple PP gear; so one could easily interpret that as the upper echelons of those institutions wanted to have the pandemic spread in the US and wanted an economic shutdown to result. 



I absolutely agree.  They waited too long and thus the optimal strategy has changed.  But I can tell you that in American Healthcare, no one wants to take a stand. No one wants to make a move until they get the nod from everyone else that opinions are aligned, because you dont want to be the guy that they can point at when the s*t hits the fan.

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I think, in reality, Fauci is the worlds biggest troll. All he had to do was come out and be Captain Hindsight.

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Remember the head of the W.H.O. is a very bad guy, and Gates OWNS Faunci, the head of a private worthwhile research organization!!!
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  On 4/5/2020 at 5:29 PM, Gerry Maddoux said:


You seem to have solutions. 

Please offer your services to the United States government. 

I will vouch for your intelligence and thoughtful formulation.



The thing is, this virus has already left the barn, there is no vaccine and, from what I have read, most of the social distancing and lockdown measures are cosmetic and unenforced.

The virus is already out there and spreading. At this point there is really nothing that we can do but isolate at risk groups and hope for the best.

Anyone else see it this way?

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  On 4/6/2020 at 3:32 AM, grizzly bear said:

Come on guys!!!

HYDROXYCloroquine  kills it dead in a few hours..  Media scare porn is not speaking about it.


The link is not a medical site, more finance nonsense.

If hydroxycloroquine worked as well as you advertise, media scare or not, it would be being used.

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