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QuarterCenturyVet last won the day on December 13 2021

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About QuarterCenturyVet

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  1. Yes. The pilot project is coming online this year. Here, dummy. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/02/01/1152893248/red-cobalt-congo-drc-mining-siddharth-kara
  2. Platinum in the DPF muffler gets cut out and straight piped immediately in my diesels. Your cobalt from Congolese slaves' blood is on your hands.
  3. Lol. Pilot project. Do you know what that means, numbskull? There's some utopia (nowhere) that batteries and intermittent junk is taking over? Where is that again? Certainly not Germany or anywhere with serious demand requirements. Listen, you might like lithium & cobalt in your batteries, but the slaves that dig it out by hand don't. Either nuclear, geothermal, or good ol hydrocarbons are the best and most efficient way to produce high density energy. Drilling is gonna be happening for decades yet, @notsonice, ya peiceofshit.
  4. I'm on an oil price forum and a veteran in the industry. Look up the definition and then print it off, ball it up, and shove it up your *
  5. So... like I said; a minority are valued and respected. Not like you'd know anything about it. Now do Canada, like where tailingspond comes from.
  6. Yes. They're part of the small percentage of government employees that are valued and respected by most citizens. Not like you'd know anything about either.
  7. We went over this already. The definition of a veteran can be a 25 year veteran of the oil and gas industry. My father is a military vet. He actually served this country and put his life on the line. You however, are just a parasite, like so many other government employees that do nothing of value. Any Armed Forces Member > government chemist/government leach.
  8. We're like the same age. I'm 45 in September. I've worked internationally and nationally for major energy producers for almost 26 years now. You're still just a do nothing government employee for salary and golden parachute that you don't deserve. And, a degenerate too.
  9. Thank democrats for that shitshow, like in every democratic ran state.
  10. Still trying to say this garbage? It's been two years and we're nowhere closer. Than two years ago. You green (red communists) nuts are delusional.
  11. The world, you ignorant fuckface, is what he's talking about. I know you're a pedantic geriatric dickmouth, but cherry picking only China isn't going to help you.
  12. @Wombat One come on man. Dont post that shit on here. Show some respect.
  13. Nope.
  14. That's just on an existing well, you donkey. There's more than just Greenview too. Don't forget that we have the ring of fire just a couple hundred km west of the foothills as well. Your geothermal potential isn't any greater than ours. Only thing is, you dickmouths won't explore it. Wind and solar is all you can think about because of the massive government grants involved. We're not California, and what you Cascadia idiots do is a warning to the rest of the world to not follow in those footsteps.
  15. 110°C in casing means a perpetual steam loop to generate 10MW. Conventional only in that electric generation is conventional. The drilling tech to drill two wells together at the toes isn't experimental. That's where this is going, Jay. Greenview will be producing electricity without stupid windmills that can only intermittently produce electricity, and we have an absolutely outstanding industry that can facilitate geothermal well drilling and completion already. What works for California isn't what works everywhere, you clown. Take care of your own backyard.