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What determines oil prices?



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Global and local oil marketing strategies

Market orientation is the greatest challenge confronting oil companies whos want to open new markets and increase . To do this, First companies must determine the relevant markets in which they wish to act, based on analysis of consumer behavior and their own strength . once those markets are identified companies must segment the market , select target market and positioning .  in this sense , an oil differentiation strategy is the mainstay of positioning management in order to create a prod

Dr.Masih Rezvani

Dr.Masih Rezvani


Does Trading requires volatility ???

There are different kinds of oil price movements. The first case, which today is only of historical interest, arises when oil prices in international trade were administered first by a group of major oil companies and subsequently by OPEC. The oil price behaviour followed then a typical pattern characterised by periods of different lengths during which a reference price (eg Arabian Light 34 API) remained constant in nominal dollars. We had therefore price episodes, and the passage from one episo

Dr.Masih Rezvani

Dr.Masih Rezvani



The production elements that manufacture the products and service in capitalist economy models are raw materials,land,labor and money.

Dr.Masih Rezvani

Dr.Masih Rezvani



Because income is divided among saeholders through a kind of conflict in capialist system , capital owners and workers are considered to be rival and preference is usually made in favor of the capital owners. For this reason , it is unlikely to say that capitalist system aim at the maintenance of full employment and keep wages at desired level

Dr.Masih Rezvani

Dr.Masih Rezvani


>>The falling of the Persian Gulf oil empires is near <<

>>The falling of the Persian Gulf oil empires is near << Oil is a blessing for the Gulf states . Oil exploration in the middle of the 20th century has made this poor and impoverished region one of the richest regions in the world.  Iran , Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are also richer than Switzerland.  Even Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman are equal with Japane and British. The period when the Gulf states and their wealth funds were money-making machines that co

Dr.Masih Rezvani

Dr.Masih Rezvani