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You don't need to be Harvard Graduate to create Microsoft, Apple or prove Law of Gravity. All you need is Vision, Innovation, Creativity and Passion

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Pakistan Oil Requirement at a Glance

Crude oil also known as black gold is the commodity keep the country’s wheel moving. If a country is deprived of this natural resource it has to import it from outside world, which makes it everything expensive and heavy reliance on countries selling it. With each day world political scenario changing each day the prices keeps moving. In the world there are countries in the world always prefer to control their own resources and keep country economy under their control. They make every effor

Bilal Zaidi

Bilal Zaidi

Mineral Rich Nation Looking for Money

Pakistan is one of the very few blessed countries in the world. We should take pride GOD has blessed with all fruits, vegetables, crops and minerals a country need to prosper at all cylinders. Pakistan has got all of them. But unfortunately Pakistan never prosper in last few decades as it should have been. We reeling with energy shortages which are badly impacting our manufacturing, exports etc putting extra ordinary pressure on Pakistan’s economy. Pakistan seeking money support its import

Bilal Zaidi

Bilal Zaidi

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