1. As if the malware and virus scares were not enough for a global hysteria, now scientists have discovered two flaws on microchips that they...

  2. Aramco has inked a deal on engine efficiency research with Mazda. A think engine efficiency gets less attention than it deserves as a factor...

  3. Drones will be used to monitor oil flows in offshore wells so future spills can be prevented. I wonder when drones, or rather autonomous...

  4. Installing auto-dimmers on street lamps to save energy is Norway's patent. This is an experimental phase and the project refers an eight-kilometre stretch of highway...

  5. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-microsoft-store-exclusive/exclusive-microsoft-takes-aim-at-amazon-with-push-for-checkout-free-retail-idUSKBN1JA0D5   Riddle me this: What do you do with a nation of people who no longer have a job to go to? Universal Bullshit Indoctrination?...

  6. https://www.apnews.com/91506a8d547a4c48be3cc7c6e357bc1c

  7. Alexa, an intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon can translate your voice into commands to play music, turn on the lights or even order...

  8. "It’s unclear what tasks an Amazon robot might perform. People familiar with the project speculate that the Vesta robot could be a sort of...

  9. Tesla rankings at two high-profile job websites have declined, suggesting that job dissatisfaction at the electric car company is intensifying amid layoffs, strategy shifts...

  10. The study is trying to understand how an increase in EVs might change how energy is supplied and consumed, figuring out that the impact...

  11. Okay, this looks a lot more like a louse to me than a spider and this raises issues but who knows, it may work. Here. 

  12. The mural is about 2,153 sq ft. For paint mural like this one human needs a week or weeks. But, "Albert" does the same...

  13. Funny how radically different opinions are on blockchain and cryptos. https://www.forbes.com/sites/yuwahedrickwong/2018/11/11/cryptocurrencies-have-failed-and-blockchain-still-has-yet-to-find-its-use/

  14. EVs are depreciating much faster than the average for all cars. The only exception is Tesla, whose vehicles hold values better than their gas-powered...

  15. The US auto industry was the largest in the whole world for a century, till 2009 when China sold 13.5 million news cars surpassing...

  16. Why does the WORLD use the United States Dollar?  Does it make sense to the People's Republic of China that the Renminbi is ready to...

  17. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance report a series of high-profile accidents involving self-driving cars are slowing the mad rush into the autonomous vehicles business....

  18. 40% of A.I. start-ups in Europe have almost nothing to do with A.I., research finds Just 40%? 

  19. See this current example of Chinese technology theft and abuse (Spying).  What impact will Hauwei's case have on social networking companies and technology as a...

  20. Genovation started with a seventh-generation Corvette. This company replaced eight-cylinder engine with a pair of electric motors that join forces to provide over 800...

  21. One of my all-time favorite stocks, Nvidia, is teaming up with GE's Baker Hughes to forward artificial intelligence for oil and gas. Love it!...

  22. Chinese Investors Have Lost Their Faith in Blockchain... while others continue to swear by it. I'm confused.

  23. Saudi Arabia has plans to produce electric cars. Is it me or are they stretching themselves a little thin?

  24. I came across this great article, arguing that a Chevy Bolt is more expensive to produce than a Tesla Model 3.  The salesman has his...

  25. Musk says they'll put rocket thrusters on the new Roadster. The goal is for the Roadster to outperform all gas cars, including the McLaren...

  26. And it’s electric. Qiantu Motor announced it would aim to become the first Chinese automaker to sell its own vehicles in America. Qiantu plans...

  27. An article here on oilprice's home page is written using bloomberg as a source on the future of batteries. I went back to Bloomberg's...

  28. German auto giant BMW,which makes the famed British Mini car, wants to build an electric version of its compact Mini in China, in a...

  29. Panasonic, the sole battery supplier for Tesla’s best-selling Model 3, is taking steps to help Musk solve the “production hell” problem that has plagued...

  30. How AI can help manage the oil and gas talent crisis I doubt it, given the active indoctrination on social networks but who knows.

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