1. Public health specialists have for months warned the U.S. government that shuffling detainees among immigration detention centers will expose people to COVID-19 and help...

  2. First, it began with carefully disseminated misinformation on Twitter, Facebook, etc - a tried method that won Trump the elections. Doubts about the official...

  3. Hackers backed by the Russian state are trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine and treatment research from academic and pharmaceutical institutions around the world, according...

  4. https://risingliberty.com/2020/04/09/dr-fauci-email-exposing-he-is-in-bed-with-hillary-clinton/  Going on Trevor Noah's Comedy Central show was a mistake. It was bad judgement.  You don't go on a comedy show that caters to...

  5.   He lies every day, in almost every sentence. He depends on people not remembering. Don't forget. Remember the lies. 

  6. Bari Weiss wrote a scathing resignation letter to her former employer. No one with an IQ over room temperature reading it will miss the...

  7. I know that people in the West think that the Russians unreasonably support Putin, so let me describe the situation so that it becomes...

  8. India is finalizing creation of a Quad of Pacific navies to stand against China. Australia Japan India and US. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-to-take-a-call-on-australias-inclusion-in-malabar-exercises-with-japan-us/article32034664.ece Will apparently have Australia join in...

  9. All they had to do was put a presidential seal on it to get Baby Trump to wear it?  

  10. Here are the numbers over the last 10 years [click on the 10 year chart]: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/factory-orders https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/manufacturing-pmi https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/durable-goods-orders https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/car-production https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/steel-production https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/composite-pmi Claims that Trump was good for manufacturing are not backed...

  11. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Big-Oils-Petrochemical-Bet-Has-Hit-A-Snag.html

  12. "Deutsche Bank will pay a $150 million fine from a New York regulator for allowing disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein to make payments to Russian...

  13. Both Ivanka and Trump's sons are pretty ordinary and decent people, so that is to Trump's credit.  Though that could be because of Melania.  But...

  14. The judge in the Flynn Traitor to God and Country trial petitioned the full 11 judge DC circuit to rehear the previous decision made...

  15. This could hurt us too. Not just the Republicans. Is Joe Biden or other family members (wife) a Partner or benefit from the business VP...

  16. Kanye West says he is no longer a Trump supporter. The rapper, who once praised President Donald Trump and said the two share “dragon...

  17. Federal Reserve officials raised fresh doubts on Wednesday about the durability of the U.S. recovery, while new business surveys highlighted developing risks from the...

  18. UPDATE  JULY13 : New York had ZERO CV19 Deaths yesterday.  Are Florida and Texas just 2 months behind the curve?  New York testing: Just 1.2%...

  19. More headaches for the Trudeau administrati8on and the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia, as the Trump Administration reacrts to petitions by two...

  20. Election Mail Fraud ? Remember the Minnesota U.S. Senate race between Incumbant Norm Coleman v. Al Franken. It was a close one.  They were up counting...

  21. The 5 countries involved in these transactions are Israel, France, Indonesia, Lithuania and Argentina.  Israel: The biggest price tag at $3 billion, 990 million gallons...

  22. https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/coronavirus-pandemic-may-not-have-started-in-china-experts-say-20200706-p5599t.html Dr Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, and visiting professor at Britain's Newcastle University, says there...

  23. 'You’ve been warned': Florida sheriff says he may deputize gun owners against protesters https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/07/01/florida-sheriff-says-he-may-deputize-gun-owners-against-protesters/5357157002/ Rome had slave soldiers fighting for the Empire and a Dinarius or two. The Good,...

  24. EXECUTIVE ORDER #1 (1) Due to Coronavirus Apocalypse the Presidential election will be rescheduled until November 2021. EXECUTIVE ORDER # 2 (2) All Presidential Candidates shall successfully...

  25. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/dukes-hazzard-remain-displayed-auto-museum

  26. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/03/media/fauci-network-tv-appearances/index.html Americans will keep on dying, and more and more will be dying, but they will just have to do so quietly, not to jeopardize...

  27.   Based on the example of this WHO report, we can prove the fact that from his policy men in Russia live 10 years longer...

  28. This year, America reaches its 4th of July day in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic.  The 4th is America's big day, the date...

  29. To All Yanks: Have a fantastic 4th of July! Be sure to give thanks for where we are at, what we have achieved, and how we...