1. I'm sure you republican jerks will refuse to cash your massive wealth-transfer stimulus cheques LOL. The virus is spreading socialism; be afraid fossil humans, your...

  2. COVID-19 agents of wrath of God unleashed on Men for killing & eating other creatures with equal right to life on earth or tailor...

  3. Yet there is still people on the stock boards backing the truck up to buy them     CVE, CNQ they are half the...

  4. Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki just announced closing of all schools, kindegartens and similar institutions for children starting Monday 16 March 2020, for 2 weeks. Parent...

  5. Oil Price Fall To Under $20, Stock Market To Loss 75%, Agriculture Export Nation Currency Will Raise Min 50% Value The truth is that the...

  6. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/putin-getting-russias-spending-and-economy-all-wrong-129877 Is Putin Getting Russia's Spending and Economy All Wrong? Putin is planning to help the poor which will also help him to maintain power. Can...

  7. Now all of that debt is exploding.  Financial crisis here we come. S&P going to 2000.  Perhaps even lower.  

  8. If the numbers don’t force your agenda...force the number!  

  9. Let's focus on Seattle and the fact that as bad as it's gotten there, it could be much worse because of the Stupidity and intransigence of...

  10. https://www.pressreader.com/uk/the-scottish-mail-on-sunday/20200308/281771336247005 Activist group Extinction Rebellion are considering a series of 'extreme protests' including a hunger strike that ends in death or public suicide.  

  11. I'm going to take a leap of faith here and say Putin will never beat shale and once his economy takes a major tumble...

  12. 49 new deaths in Italy today , 197 in total 778 new cases today out of 4000 people tested, 25%.!!!!! In comparison to population it is...

  13. Today  was another high expectations day in Venezuela. A nationwide protest was called by Juan Guaido after his recent visit to the White House seeking to...

  14. What exactly are you supposed to do to counter that? Shooting a missile at a drone isn't worth the cost and they fly too...

  15. Okay kids, the gloves are off and Russia and Saudi Arabia are now engaged in a full-on price war (aka pissing contest). The price...

  16. Remember? 12 days ago I wrote about, what happend today: the worst case. - Meanwhile, I have sold all papers containing oil. So, start...

  17. “OPEC+ facing demand “trap.”Moscow has balked at deeper production cuts not only because it has a stronger stomach for lower prices than Riyadh, but...

  18. Hi Im a newb, so please keep that in mind before trolling.  I was wondering if you oil industry veterans think that it's plausible that...

  19. Having collected more fund raising money in the second quarter of the campaign than any of his peers is Pete Buttigieg the man to...

  20. COME ON MAN" A Biden Presidency would be compromised from the start.  Joe, the working class Irish Catholic boy from Scranton PA. sold his soul to the...

  21. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over the years the Rosemont Capital has signed up lucrative...

  22. The US-Taliban peace deal in Afghanistan is a hopeful opportunity to end the US occupation of Afghanistan after 19 years. Persistent concerns, however, are...

  23. https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3048762/chinas-dreams-world-leadership-are-fading-its-belt-and-road China’s dreams of world leadership are fading as its belt and road projects start to sour The Belt and Road Initiative, hailed for promoting development,...

  24.   For anyone interested or following the situation in Venezuela, here's whats been unfolding in the last recent days: 1.) Allegedly the opposition and members...

  25. As the Corona Virus continues to impinge on world trade, in a variety of ways, I would like to ask for opinions regarding the...

  26. The US has approximately 500 heavily-armed troops in the Idlib region of Syria. Additionally, the remnants of AlQaida and the ISIS are in the...

  27. Some amusement on a snowy winter day.  Got around 6 inches of snow last night.  The residual effects of Canada's Carbon (Dioxide) Tax must...

  28. Lately I was approached with this opinion: US is a Republic, it is not a Democracy And the article was linked: The United States is not a...

  29. The special relationship has ended in tears for Britain and other allies have no reason to trust America (from guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/feb/22/the-west-is-not-winning-and-donald-trump-america-first-is-to-blame) I think this article...