1. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Beijing on Tuesday at the start of a four-day visit, in what's likely an effort to...

  2. U.S. President Donald Trump warned Iran on Tuesday not to follow through with threats to restart its nuclear program, as he and French President...

  3. The Congressman said three Whitehouse National Security Advisors that worked on Ukraine issues need to testify.  The Congressman didn't mention the third unnamed was the...

  4. Prime Minister Theresa May requested a three-month delay to Brexit on Wednesday after her failure to get a deal ratified by parliament left the...

  5. Hong Kong may soon feel the wrath of China, is this the tipping point? https://www.thestreet.com/amp/investing/stocks/dow-futures-slide-as-trade-concerns-hong-kong-protests-blunt-global-sentiment-15052938

  6. 2 of WHO's Goodwill Ambassadors are:   1)  the wife of China's President Xi   2)  a news presenter and host for the English-language channel of the Chinese...

  7. Do you have faith in your U.S. institutions ?  Justice Department ? FBI ? Congress ?  If Pelosi does not forward Impeachment to the Senate...

  8. .    

  9. COVID-19 agents of wrath of God unleashed on Men for killing & eating other creatures with equal right to life on earth or tailor...

  10. change

    The oil and gas industry faces a particularly challenging set of obstacles—a volatile oil price, a wide talent gap, and an unrelenting image issue...

  11. Excellent scanning of Libya's geopolitical-criminal-military scene... After this analysis it’s pretty clear why Libya is where it is: nowhere. HIFTER’S ARMY The self-styled Libyan National Army,...

  12. The US-Taliban peace deal in Afghanistan is a hopeful opportunity to end the US occupation of Afghanistan after 19 years. Persistent concerns, however, are...

  13. WASHINGTON (Reuters)  - The United States carried out a secret cyber operation against Iran in the wake of the Sept. 14 attacks on Saudi...

  14. A top aide to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Friday that Iran would immediately withdraw its “military advisers” from Syria and...

  15. North Korea warned the United States that agreements made between the two countries’ leaders in Singapore last year could be at risk, blaming the...

  16. Interesting article on conspiracy theories, I thought. I'm sure some of you will appreciate some of the references.

  17. The news of this decade: President Trump agrees to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong UN! Optimistic? Of course!  

  18. "Historic" summit in Singapore on June 12. will mark the first time that a North Korean leader has met with a sitting U.S. president;...

  19. https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1335248 The settlement this week between TSMC and GlobalFoundries appears to be a David vs. Goliath victory with the smaller US foundry gaining access to...

  20. The two Russian men charged in Britain with poisoning a former Russian spy with a deadly nerve agent appeared on Kremlin-funded television on Thursday,...

  21. Congressman Nunes files $435 million lawsuit against CNN last night. Nunes and Giuliani can't talk ? This impeachment is a Schiff Soviet Show Trial.  Now it's...

  22. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that the United States’ commitment to NATO “remains very strong” after a summit in Brussels at which...

  23. Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Friday she was right to say a year ago that Europe could no longer rely on the United States...

  24. After Trump Accused Of Cover-Up, Susan Rice Admits Obama Put Transcripts On Top Secret Server Too After President Trump was accused of a cover-up for...

  25. A month into Venezuela’s high-stakes political crisis, President Nicolas Maduro revealed in an Associated Press interview that his government has held secret talks with...

  26. The US Senate has approved the most sweeping overhaul of the US tax system in more than three decades. Republicans say the tax cuts for...

  27. too bad https://uk.mobile.reuters.com/video/watch/china-opposes-us-action-against-china-te-id711706964?chan=8gy4f0zc FCC will vote this week  Joe Biden sides with China.  Joe says Trump is xenophobic and China is a friend of the U.S.    https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/10/trump-administration-asks-fcc-to-ban-china-telecom-in-us.html     

  28. Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit North Korea for two days from Thursday, state media in both countries reported on Monday, making him the...

  29. https://www.project-syndicate.or ; World Opinion Website - where big shot NGO, private and public advisers, executives, analysts, Nobel laureate university professors, central bankers, secretaries, minsters, ambassadors, prime...

  30. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was in Baghdad on Monday, making his first official visit to the nation that Tehran once fought a bloody war...