1. North and South Korea held their first three-way talks with the United Nations Command (UNC) on Tuesday to discuss ways to demilitarize the border...

  2. Coronavirus Aid Relief & Economic Security Act  Code Name: CARES ACT H.R. 748  Date of First Introduction: 01/24/2019  NOT 03/27/2020 - a year before the so called...

  3. 381 people summoned by the Commission, since November 2017. 56 still being held in detention....$100 billion? Sounds unbelievable.....  

  4. The world hopes North Korea and the United States can talk to each other and for those talks to be successful, Chinese President Xi...

  5. Italy wants Europe’s border agency to stop migrants in transit countries before they board boats rather than working in the Mediterranean, Transport Minister Danilo...


  7. Germany will work with France to tackle pressing issues such as trade policy, the war in Syria and competition with China. This is attitude...

  8. U.S. President Donald Trump said North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pledged at a historic summit on Tuesday to move toward complete denuclearization, while...

  9. The German government said it is considering whether to allow the deportation of some Syrian asylum seekers back to their home country in the...

  10. A home improvement contractor whose wife previously worked for the Trumps has now landed a job at the Environmental Protection Agency. Steve Kopec, whose...

  11. .

  12. This week the United Nations has been in the news as it held it’s 74th United Nations General Assembly Once again it was a circus where...

  13. With his first meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un behind him, President Donald Trump is turning his attention to the possibility of...

  14. Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has written a memoir. The book by the man whose leaks of classified documents transformed the debate...

  15. @CapEconEmerging reckons that oil will stay at $60 at least until end of the year. I wonder how many share that position? Further, and moving...

  16. The GOP used to be the party of the more educated.  It started changing when GW Bush got elected.   Oil prices are sinking and...

  17. .

  18. If you've been paying attention you might have picked up on the irony that Turkey now appears the most powerful country in Europe thanks to the refugee...

  19. European Union leaders will next week extend until the end of January economic sanctions against Russia over its intervention in Ukraine, diplomats and officials...

  20. As you no doubt know by now, Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan, was assassinated in broad daylight on Friday. So what happened?...

  21. In response to Hungary's obstruction of the European Union's adoption of a 15% global minimum tax on corporate income, the Biden administration on Friday...

  22. / edit :  you can download a pdf of the interview at the bottom of this comment.  It was a 1 hour interview. Federal elections...

  23. U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton has arrived in Turkey for negotiations on the fate of American-allied Kurdish fighters in Syria. Bolton will seek...

  24. Last week the National Basketball Association was brought to heel by China over a tweet by Daryl Morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets, supporting...

  25. It's been a while since I've been on the forum, but nice to be back and see so many new .... faces. So here...

  26. https://www.cijn.org/venezuela-petrocaribe-and-the-orgy-of-corruption/. Hello everyone, wanted to share with you my recent interview for a media institute in Trinidad on the corruption surrounding Petrocaribe and PDVSA...

  27. China’s government and Chinese companies will cut business ties with U.S. firms selling arms to Taiwan, China’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday, declining to...

  28. Canada has this bizarre extra-tax system to enable the Federal Govt to hand out so-called "equalization payments."  The whole idea originally was to give...

  29. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Iran-Moves-Closer-To-Achieving-Gasoline-Independence.html Iran able to perform refinery maintenance now and is moving to decrease gasoline imports--a huge deal for them. Where do they import it from...