1. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/931061 Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, with or without azithromycin or clarithromycin, offer no benefit in treating patients with COVID-10 and, instead, are associated with ventricular arrhythmias and higher rates of...

  2. Trudeau's Rival Pledges Energy Independence by 2030 by  Bloomberg   (Bloomberg) -- Canada’s opposition Conservatives, leading in the polls ahead of October elections, will seek to make...

  3. China GDP 2017  about 12000 billion USD Manufacturing as % of Chinese GDP in 2017 was 29%, make it 30% so 12000 * 0.3 =...

  4. The Saudi attack on Qatar is getting more interesting ... Big banks like JPMorgan are pulling out of Qatar's latest bond issuance deal because...

  5. Once again Maduro plays sticks and carrots with the U.S. now ordering Todd Robinson, charge d'affaire in US embassy in Caracas to leave the...


  7. You'll have to forgive me I don't post links to the fake news MSM but google it for yourself Here's my thoughts..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA!!!!!

  8. As the world's central banks and economic policymakers convened in Washington over the weekend for the annual meetings of the IMF, IIF and World...

  9. China has begun to build a parallel international order, centered on itself. If the European Union aids in its construction – even just by positioning...

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  11.                                  .        

  12. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives who are pursuing an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump forged ahead with their...

  13. "Argentine authorities are looking into possible criminal charges against Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia as he prepares to attend an international...

  14. https://www.wnd.com/2020/04/united-nations-wants-10-global-tax-wants-now/?utm_source=whatfinger United Nations wants 10% global tax and wants it now! 'There is no time to lose in mounting' response to coronavirus pandemic  

  15. TOKYO (Reuters)  - China’s growing military might has replaced North Korean belligerence as the main security threat to Japan, Tokyo’s annual defence review indicated...

  16. https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/coronavirus-pandemic-may-not-have-started-in-china-experts-say-20200706-p5599t.html Dr Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, and visiting professor at Britain's Newcastle University, says there...

  17. The current unrest in Kazakhstan is linked to internal power politics and could have major geopolitical implications for the region. While it remains unclear exactly...

  18. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/smoking-gun-chinese-scientist-finds-killer-coronavirus-probably-originated-laboratory-wuhan The paper was supported by China's National Natural Science Foundation, which means that the paper would likely never see the light of day if...

  19. As a helpful measure to stop the spread of disinformation, this spiffy guide explains why satire is necessary for one's health. Infographic: Common COVID-19 Talking Points...

  20. By the latest report, U.S. fourth-quarter economic growth at 2.6 percent, less than expected...Surprise?

  21. The 5 countries involved in these transactions are Israel, France, Indonesia, Lithuania and Argentina.  Israel: The biggest price tag at $3 billion, 990 million gallons...

  22. There was recently increased number of articles about Chinese human rights abuses and control over information and surveillance. Like in the title of the thread....

  23. Presented without comment, for your consideration, here is an article from Iran Front Page: New US Sanctions on Iran Threat to Petrodollar US President Trump’s decision...

  24. While I don't agree with some of Pepe Escobar's views, I do enjoy reading his articles on global issues.  Good food for thought.  Without further comment, I...

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  27. Well, it looks like the FBI might actually be doing their jobs, at least sometimes.  It's quite simple to set the FBI straight: Civilian...

  28. Well, at least something is coming out of these Congressional meetings: https://www.foxnews.com/media/facebook-twitter-ceos-struggle-to-name-a-single-liberal-who-has-been-censored-on-their-platforms Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey struggled to name a single liberal person...

  29. https://www.businessinsider.com/wagner-kremlin-killing-prigozhin-putin-russia-global-crash-death-yevgeny-2023-8?utm_source=notification&utm_medium=referral   With Prigozhin dead, Putin has traded low-budget global reach for safety at home A portrait of Yevgeny Prigozhin at a memorial for the dead Wagner...