1. World Bank had made an estimate about global GDP growth during period 2017 - 2019. And, of course big countries will have a biggest...

  2. It was perhaps bound to happen, especially as months of bellicose threats against Iran now give way to mere new sanctions roll out, and...

  3. People will not allow control freak Governors to take away their freedom green shoots will flower this summer Summer vacations will not be denied ENJOY OP’s Shale “disastrous...

  4. We're about to see a new nuclear arms race like we've never seen before. This is the fallout from withdrawing from the Iran nuclear...

  5. U.S. delegation met with Iraqi Oil Minister al-Luaibi to discuss getting involved in Iraq's energy sector. Iraq's oil ministry says the US is keen on strengthening ties...

  6. https://prospect.org/economy/the-china-hack-and-how-to-reverse-iut/ Should we just allow China to become the leader of the world or should we take requisite actions along with our allies and potential...

  7. If this is confirmed .  .  .  .    https://nationalfile.com/evidence-video-shows-georgia-vote-counters-pull-ballots-out-of-black-suitcases-after-sending-everyone-home/

  8. to paraphrase Mark Twain... history may not repeat exactly, but it rhymes precisely.  Consider Révolution française... a la video...  https://www.history.com/topics/france/french-revolution  

  9. Since (to my surprise), there are people here gullible enough to parrot the insane conspiracies spreaded by the likes of QAnon (yes, John Cleese was...

  10. Who's getting all of Iran's crude? According to Iranian figures, Asia is getting 60% and Europe is getting 40%. China was the biggest buyer, taking...

  11. "Argentine authorities are looking into possible criminal charges against Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia as he prepares to attend an international...

  12. "The Rise of Strategic Corruption How States Weaponize Graft" Foreign Affairs, July/August edition 2020https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-06-09/rise-strategic-corruption?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_posts&utm_campaign=tw_daily_soc Excerpts: Quote The plot’s political objectives and Firtash’s apparent involvement elevates this sordid tale from...

  13. Which by the way, includes China, Persia, India, England, France, Russia and (eventually) the U.S.  Along with a bunch of other countries and empires. Even oil...

  14. An environmental campaign group on Wednesday threatened to take Anglo-Dutch oil giant Royal Dutch Shell to court should it fail to comply with climate...

  15. "China’s threat to impose tariffs on U.S. crude oil, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal is possibly the only sign of clear thinking in...

  16. Quote   The WSJ on the latest revelations (paywalled version) in the neverending RussiaGate Saga: Quoting the most relevant parts: Quote   Yet the source of some of the most critical allegations in that...

  17. The article is here by Dr. Daniel Fine-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/business/2018/04/29/fine-oil-speculation-and-natural-gas-lng-new-england-and-russia/525510002/ American oil production is poised to reach upward to 11 million barrels of oil per day if...

  18. There has been a lot of discussion around the forums about the reliability, indeed whether WHO had been used as a tool to achieve...

  19. If you’re in the mood for some depressing amusement, just type the words “Kremlin talking point” without quotation marks into Twitter’s search engine and...

  20. Recognize that socialism, communism and globalism, (per their manifestos) are deliberately spread through the infiltration of ideas and norms in a society – not...

  21. Those that think China will finally be called to account, that think China's hegemony will be held in check are sorely mistaken.  https://news.yahoo.com/eu-agreed-chinese-censorship-over-124350074.html

  22.  By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney Insights April 07, 2022 We will look back at current events and realise that they marked the change from a dollar-based global economy underwritten...

  23. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/16/exclusive-video-white-houses-peter-navarro-pushes-nancy-pelosi-to-pass-us-mexico-canada-agreement-more-important-than-any-china-deal/ Exclusive Video — White House’s Peter Navarro Pushes Nancy Pelosi to Pass US-Mexico-Canada Agreement: ‘More Important than Any China Deal’ Peter Navarro, a senior White...

  24. China and the Philippines are close to striking a historic agreement that would help China advance its territorial claims in the South China Sea....

  25. The Whispers getting louder and consistent. I previous heard Spring/Summer timeframe.  Now told will commence much sooner.   There is going to be a run on...

  26. You'll have to forgive me I don't post links to the fake news MSM but google it for yourself Here's my thoughts..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAA!!!!!

  27. "Oh, great.  New testing technology.  We would have authorized Big 10 football in August if we had this technology." Yea right.   That's OK. Bottom line we...

  28. Simple Question.  Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governors refuse to answer, studiously avoiding their overt hypocrisy like the plague. If protesters can march, why can’t businesses...