1. Russian President Vladimir Putin's extending his rule over the world’s largest country for another six years at a time when his ties with the...

  2. The Canadian prime minister with his softly diplomacy is "most valuable person" for good deal with U.S. about tariffs for Canada and Mexico. Now,...

  3. The Trump administration on Thursday accused Russian government hackers of carrying out a deliberate, ongoing operation to penetrate vital U.S. industries, including the energy...

  4. Greenland's ice is melting faster now because of some chain reaction below the caps. This means it could become more attractive as a mining...

  5. Saudi Arabia will develop nuclear weapons if its arch-rival Iran does so. “Saudi Arabia does not want to acquire any nuclear bomb, but without...

  6. Cold war. Theresa May said she had agreed with Britain’s National Security Council to suspend all high-level contacts between her country and Russia. In same time...

  7.  U.S. space agency NASA said: “His theories unlocked a universe of possibilities that we and the world are exploring". Hawking’s formidable mind probed the...

  8. The European Union on Monday said it had extended sanctions against Russia, imposed over the annexation of Crimea and supporting rebels in eastern Ukraine,...

  9. The news of this decade: President Trump agrees to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong UN! Optimistic? Of course!  

  10. I'm not sure if we should be running to the underground bunker now or not. Is anyone else overly concerned about Trump meeting with...

  11. The European Union will consider imposing import tariffs on U.S. orange juice, peanuts, cranberries, and--wait for it--bourbon. That's in response to the steel and...

  12. Just three day after official visiting of French foreign minister to Iran, supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said how Tehran refused any dialog with...

  13. According by egypt's newspaper, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has described Turkey as part of a “triangle of evil” along with Iran...

  14. As Trump slumps down Forbes annual list of billionaires, Bezos rises to the top. Trump’s net worth fell by $400 million last year, causing...

  15. North Korea is willing to hold talks with the United States on denuclearization and will suspend nuclear tests while those talks are under way....

  16. In his tweet President Trump says the U.S. will not lower tariffs on steel and aluminum from Mexico and Canada unless a "new &...

  17. Germany will work with France to tackle pressing issues such as trade policy, the war in Syria and competition with China. This is attitude...

  18. Europe’s largest aerospace company, Airbus, is strongly committed to its British factories as long as they can be run with the same efficiency as...

  19. "The European Union’s trade chief on Friday warned of possible retaliation if U.S. President Donald Trump’s plans to impose hefty tariffs on imported steel...

  20. Vladimir Putin, Russia President, said how his country has new supersonic weapon that can reach almost any point in the world. Earlier, US was said...

  21. Chinese authorities are investigating the boss of CEFC, the energy company, for alleged economic crimes. As far as I understand, this has added fuel...

  22. German economy books record budget surplus of $45B in 2017. They are synonymous for export strength and industrial prowess. This result's coming in period...

  23. India regained the status of the world's fastest-growing major economy in the October-December quarter, driven by a pick-up in growth in manufacturing and services...

  24. A German court has ruled cities can impose driving bans on the oldest and most polluting diesel cars. This decision could lead to millions...

  25. One person has been killed every 15 minutes in Syria in the last 4 days. One person has been killed every 15 minutes in Syria...

  26. According to the Economist, Nordic countries have topped the list of Democracy Index 2017. They are taking four out of five of the top...

  27. The U.S. is already on course to lose its position as the top global corn exporter. Mexico has long been the top importer of...

  28. Works council has announced how neo-Nazis are attempting to infiltrate in Daimler, one of the biggest automaker in Germany. In their statement they didn't...

  29. Brexit transition period, by the government sources, is indefinitely beyond December 2020. It's obvious how PM T. May has many different kind of problems...

  30. The White House has been considering a plan to rejoin the Paris climate agreement by 2020, George David Banks, former top White House adviser on international...