1. Need I say more. Biden knows it's a no win situation policy wise nor politically. VP Harris will take the blame for failed policy, again You won't...

  2. Venezuela will assume from January 2019 the presidency of OPEC as a mere symbolic consolation prize ( of course its known that it corresponds...

  3. "East Timor, one of the world's poorest countries, could still be an economic success story despite reports its main oil and gas fields will...

  4. https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-nyt-coronavirus-hydroxychloroquine-trump-nih-20200620-2jd6ehftkrhgnjbbddxlkwdwmu-story.html#rt=chartbeat-flt Another Trump's irresponsible charade flops, but I am sure his friends over at Bauer have already made a pretty penny. 

  5. Barter is the name of the game. The EU has set up a special-purpose vehicle to do trade with Iran without using dollars. So...

  6. Posting this in response to comments by others on this forum that Trump and the Trump administration are supposedly to blame for the spread of the Covid...

  7. .

  8. I was reviewing "good ideas" for China found in media last week. Chosen 3 most stupid ones. 1. Create and enforce own list of "unreliable"...

  9.                       .

  10. I have always said that things and issues in Sudan and also in South Sudan are far from being over, either between both states...

  11. What will happen to Total (FRA) Investments in venezuela? Petrocedeno is at all unemployed. 

  12. Simple Question.  Democrat Mayor and Democrat Governors refuse to answer, studiously avoiding their overt hypocrisy like the plague. If protesters can march, why can’t businesses...

  13. Fuel theft is losing Mexico's state-run oil firm Pemex more than $1.6 billion a year! Fuel thieves, known as huachicoleros, drilled 2,274 illegal taps in...

  14. https://patents.google.com/patent/US7220852B1/en For those who nay say, here is the proof the USA was 1st to develop and patent the virus hitting you now. Has any of...

  15. Protestors storm DC. National Guard deployed. Woman shot by Guard in cold blood, dies. The so-called democracy the USA has exported and forced upon...

  16. People will not allow control freak Governors to take away their freedom green shoots will flower this summer Summer vacations will not be denied ENJOY OP’s Shale “disastrous...

  17. Cognitive Dissonance (CD): “Fact”: China “Wuhan Virus” Victims Statistic NOT Credible according to CD (reported about 83000 cases with about 4700 dead by worldmeter, updated...

  18. Chinese authorities are investigating the boss of CEFC, the energy company, for alleged economic crimes. As far as I understand, this has added fuel...

  19. .

  20. https://www.euronews.com/2020/03/27/coronavirus-in-france-healthy-16-year-old-dies-of-covid-19 On Wednesday night a teenager died of COVID-19 at a Paris children's hospital. She was 16 and her name was Julie. This makes her France's youngest...

  21. I very much agree with these 2 key proposed reforms for Malaysia's oil & gas industry.  (I'm a U.S. expat and also a Permanent Resident...

  22. The haters that gave us four years of hoaxes , false narratives and demonization will put on two more days hyper partisan "Impeachment for...

  23. Tom Fowdy is a British writer and analyst of politics and international relations with a primary focus on East Asia. Quote   The repercussions of the new RCEP...

  24. 198 mutations have been found so far. Some of the virus is very stable. None of the mutations are really enough to call it...

  25. New Hunter Biden revelations  Seems Hunter and his business partners set up accounts for Ukraine gas company Burisma at Morgan Stanely.  Reportedly the accounts  opened had deposited over $150 Million. There is...

  26. Jeremy Hunt says he ‘150% agrees’ with Trump’s attack on Sadiq Khan Okay, I understand a lot of people agree with Trump's opinion of London's...

  27. When the supposed leader of a country openly calls on (pays) armed thugs to scare ordinary citizens into submission, I think it's safe to...

  28. Those that think China will finally be called to account, that think China's hegemony will be held in check are sorely mistaken.  https://news.yahoo.com/eu-agreed-chinese-censorship-over-124350074.html

  29. https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2020/12/14/china-debuts-ambitious-environmental-plan-increases-co2-emissions-decade/ North Americans and Europeans are weakening their economic competitiveness to please environmentalists while spending more for energy, while China endeavors to take control of the...