1. When do you expect brent to hit 28.08usd/b? A) Early July B) 1st August C) 1st November

  2. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  3. The American Petroleum Institue, API, predicts a crude oil draw of over 8 million barrels for the week ending June 10. Although forecasts of this...

  4. The US crude oil inventories have been falling steadily since the end of November, clearly indicating a strong correlation with the falling prices of...

  5. Private equity... what's the situation today with the prices that have smartly moved from sub $30 per barrel to near $70 and OPEC actually...

  6. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Energy activity held steady compared to the previous survey period, but expectations for future activity were positive as the price of...

  7. An alleged attack Thursday on two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz may increase levels of risk in the Middle East's key crude...

  8. Chevron to stay wedded to shale, for 'incredible flexibility': CEO     No return to 13 million b/d US crude output in 'next couple of years' Middle East...

  9. Despite the ongoing struggle for control of Libya's oil wealth (and this is probably going to go back and forth for some time to...

  10. Uncertainty still surrounds Colorado producers following oil, gas overhaul bill   Highlights Governor declares end to 'oil and gas wars' State activists still pursue fracking ban   Denver — ...

  11. The Suez Canal blockage has been partially cleared; the rest of the mission, seems to be the trickier part, according to the head of...

  12. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  13. Note: I am not a fan of either Goldman Sachs or Huffington Post. That said, will have to wait and see if this newfound "woke"...

  14. Canada first needs to figure out how to curb Trudeau's obstinate insistence on virtue signalling his support for the Climate Armageddon agenda. Don't shut in...

  15. I spent time reading the Infrastructure bill last week.  One of the items in the bill that is not being broadcast or spoken about is...

  16. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  17. US - update through August 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2HmW_ZLZD4 RUSSIAN Economy Collapsing - Oil & Gas Revenues Fall 65% & Russia Posts Net Loss of R1.7 Trillion A current and in depth assessment based on...

  19. They're probably praying for more. I won't be taking part in any discussion on this topic (Russia threads tend to always deteriorate quickly into verbal ugliness) but...

  20. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  21. Have you ever wondered how to set up an R&D lab for your company? We can help you find the answer to this question....

  22. A seemingly simple question: how much did a Texas well produce? A question fundamental to oil & gas analytics, yet difficult to answer due...

  23. Very interesting article from safehaven.com on the correlation between gold and oil prices. I encourage everyone to read it and would love to hear...

  24. I'm shocked.  Shocked I tell you.  Why aren't investors flocking to invest in this ponzi scheme? Cancelling all roadshows in developed markets is perhaps a...

  25. The ongoing pattern to observe here is that the Asian Markets drop the price of oil during their trading hours on virus fears, while...

  26. The price for Louisiana Light Sweet is always 2 days delay here on oilprice.com - does anyone know of any online sources that have...

  27.                                    .      

  28. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  29. Saudis Expect Oil Revenue to Increase 80% by 2023 I can't help wondering if someone woke up thinking "Let's produce some news" or all that...

  30. China's largest refiner is very upbeat about its 2018 performance, apparently, slowdown or no slowdown.