1. Strong gas production in Shale Crescent region led to $1.1 trillion in savings     American gas end-users have realized $1.1 trillion in savings since 2008 as...

  2. Scratching The Subsurface The oil and gas industry has come far in its understanding of the unconventional subsurface, but there is still much to learn about shale’s...

  3. Well that's a surprise. Percontation mark.

  4. Shale industry to be profitable in 2019: IEA: The shale industry worldwide is expected to achieve positive free cash flow this year, according to...

  5. Many see the US as mostly apathetic to the plight of the renewable energy industry. 

  6. Too long horizontal wells are straining pumpjacks. Time for a new tech breakthrough or time to rein in the length. I'd bet on the...

  7.   Nearly all the shut-in unconventional US wells will be back in production in September, according to a report from Rystad Energy. Based on early reports...

  8. It now seems to be a daily occurrence which has flipped 180 from BOOM to BUST, are we finally beginning to see reason? https://www.rigzone.com/news/shale_oil_pioneers_say_the_boom_is_ending-6-nov-2019-160255-article/?utm_source=GLOBAL_ENG&utm_medium=SM_LI&utm_campaign=SHARE_DESKTOP

  9. Fracking’s Secret Problem—Oil Wells Aren’t Producing as Much as Forecast "current production levels may be hard to sustain without greater spending because operators will have...

  10. We have been discussing this on OP for the past two years, and a common phrase was the the LTO sector was "an unhealthy...

  11. “Producers from within and outside OPEC have not yet reached the goals set,” Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luaibi said in a statement. Iraq “rejects...

  12. Hello folks just to share my latest quote and participation in a report made by SP Global & Platts Oil about the crisis of...

  13. Knowledgeable with plumbing pipe electrical equipment manual labor mechanically smart from small motors to big C16 cat motors an so forth can any one...

  14. Shell Advises Shareholders To Reject Binding Climate Resolution Proposed by Follow This “We share the objective of Follow This for Shell to show leadership in...

  15. Shell and Total reported strong increases in first-quarter earnings as higher oil prices and rising production accelerated recovery at Europe’s two largest energy groups. Shell’s...

  16. Shell is to withdraw from the Baltic LNG, its joint project with Gazprom after the Russian gas holding decided to change the concept of...

  17. Royal Dutch Shell gave the green light on Monday for an expansion of the Penguins oil and gas field in the U.K. North Sea,...

  18. Funny, that. Shell has been so strict about sanction compliance so far.

  19. More wise words from Shell's Ben van Beurden: "This past quarter, he took that sentiment so far as to say that he doesn't intend to...

  20. Shell Eyes Looming UK Fuels Ban     (Bloomberg) -- Royal Dutch Shell Plc expects the U.K. can end the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles in...

  21. "The world’s second-largest oil explorer by market value is spending up to $2 billion a year on its new energies division, mainly to grow...

  22. A Dutch court ordered a Nigerian subsidiary of the oil giant, Shell, last week to compensate for the damage caused by oil spills to...

  23. Shell's earnings results are in, and their cashflow is set to beat Exxon's. AND they made more money at $60 barrels than at $100...

  24. Wood reported Thursday that it has completed work on Shell’s first solar photovoltaic (PV) plant, which is located at Shell Nederland Chemie Moerdijk Chemical...

  25. Shell Expects to Return $125 Billion or More to Shareholders in Next Five-Year Period They obviously haven't consulted Extinction Rebellion et al. Arrogant.

  26. Lots of Shell news today. Shell's finished in Iraq... officially. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iraq-energy-shell/shell-agrees-to-sell-its-stake-in-iraqs-west-qurna-1-oilfield-to-japans-itochu-idUSKBN1F41TO  

  27. Royal Dutch Shell said it planned to reduce carbon emissions from its oil and gas operations and product sales by 2 percent to 3...

  28. Royal Dutch Shell said to would stick to spending discipline this year after 2018 profits jumped by more than a third to $21.4 billion,...

  29. Reminds me of "Back to the future. Just thirty years ago Shell owned the largest ESCO in the UK( Emstar) and the largest cavity wall insulation...

  30. http://energymixreport.com/shell-md-says-oil-giant-pends-2bn-yearly-on-renewables-but-wont-set-carbon-targets/ Shell to spend $2 billion annually on renewables/clean fuel tech out of $25/30 billion annual budget 10% on renewables for an oil company seems like a...