1. Libyan light, sweet crude is like US shale-produced oil, says Bloomberg. Not like oil produced in the Middle East. What OPEC likes is that...

  2. While not exactly a huge spill, this does not paint the petroleum industry in good light. https://apnews.com/article/environment-and-nature-california-wildlife-wetlands-oil-spills-05cbeb962f42ae50590715fb3546d56c You think by now we would have figured out...

  3. native americans behind Eagle Spirit Pipeline from Alberta to BC coast launched a gofundme campaign to pay to challenge Trudeau's oil tanker moratorium ac.

  4. Reuters reports today that workers are fleeing PDVSA in the thousands, running from Major General Manuel Quevedo, the new oil czar.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-oil-workers-insight/under-military-rule-venezuela-oil-workers-quit-in-a-stampede-idUSKBN1HO0H9 

  5. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/10/16/incredible-pictures-thousands-of-tractors-shut-down-highways-in-farmers-anti-green-madness-protest/   Incredible Pictures: Thousands of Tractors Shut Down Highways in Farmer’s Anti-Green Madness Protest 1,727

  6. My usual disclaimer / preamble ... I am generally in favor of increasing oil & gas pipeline infrastructure anywhere in the world, regardless of...

  7. Shale investors are still waiting for some payback, Iran and Venezuela are no better economically than they were two years ago, and OPEC is...

  8. What happens to US tight oil output if the long term Brent oil price in 2017$ is $70/bo? To investigate this I adjusted my usual...

  9. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  10. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  11. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  12. U.S. President Donald Trump resumed his criticism of OPEC, saying on Twitter that the cartel “must get prices down now!” Trump’s fresh intervention in...

  13. Analysts agree, PetroChina is a bargain.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-12/at-232-billion-world-s-3rd-largest-oil-major-is-seen-as-cheap

  14. A picture that is worth a thousand words - in summary, Coal falling, Crude and Nuclear flat with Nat Gas and Renewables rising. Doesn't look...

  15. How can that be. Both have access to same intelligence, correct ? U.S. Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard accused Trump of "pimping" U.S. troops out to Saudi...

  16. Testimony to the vitality of your crude reserves ... Shell, BP and most recently PetroChina are signing major LIbyan crude contracts regardless of the...

  17. The west Texas drillers that drove the shale revolution have overwhelmed the region’s infrastructure with oil production -driving up costs, depressing regional oil prices...

  18. Despite what CNN tells you, there is much more to global oil & gas than U.S. fracking and the Saudi Aramco IPO attack. No, oil &...

  19. Top 8 Largest National Oil Company Rankings by Total Assets https://www.swfinstitute.org/fund-rankings/national-oil-company Other different rankings are link listed at the bottom of the link page.

  20. German EPP-politician Manfred Weber want to use all the means at hand to block Nord Stream 2: https://world-news-monitor.com/top-news/2019/04/23/top-candidate-for-president-of-the-eu-commission-wants-to-block-nord-stream-2/

  21. European oil majors are leading with around 70 percent of the sector’s renewable capacity and nearly all the capacity under development today https://www.reuters.com/article/us-oil-renewables/big-oil-spent-1-percent-on-green-energy-in-2018-idUSKCN1NH004?il=0

  22.  Vitol Group, the world's biggest independent oil trader, is jumping into the electric-vehicle fleet business. Vitol has partnered with China's BYD to allocate an...

  23. Top Oil Traders See 2020 Prices Stuck in the $50s   (Bloomberg) -- As the oil industry’s top executives gathered in London for one of the...

  24. EXCERPT - If you think these decisions are being made by individual governments then you are mistaken; the 2030 plan was formulated by...

  25. Total is the first oil company to trial autonomous robots on offshore platforms.  "The robot developed by taurob and TU Darmstadt is ATEX-certified, can perform...

  26. French energy giant Total SA is spending $600 million to expand its presence in one of the world’s fastest-growing natural gas markets. Total agreed...

  27. Total s selling $1.5 billion worth of oil and gas field stakes in the North Sea. Good for them. Those renewable energy firms won't...

  28. Oil major Total makes significant discovery offshore South Africa I gather it's the first major discovery in the country.

  29. OPEC said Thursday its crude oil output fell last month amid compliance with the oil cartel’s agreement to cut production, even as the world’s...

  30. France’s oil major Total and Saudi Aramco signed on Tuesday a memorandum of understanding to build a giant petrochemical complex in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, which will...