1. With the winter just a few weeks away, European energy crisis can only get worse unless the root cause is addressed as soon as...

  2. It's always a pleasant surprise when someone writes an article about oil & gas and addresses such topics as moderation, restraint, and fiscal realism. ...

  3. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  4. Trying to wrap my head around this. TankerTrackers is reporting a possible oil spill in Iraq.  "2ND UPDATE! We now have TWO anonymous industry sources...

  5. I receive regular oil & gas updates via WhatsApp from one of my LinkedIn connections, Randall Mohammed. Randall wrote this yesterday, and so far, neither of...

  6. (Bloomberg) -- A narrow waterway off Singapore has become even more congested as oil-laden tankers wait out a slump in global fuel consumption that’s...

  7. In the absence of a noticeable response to the rising US crude oil inventories, analysts are still keen on the developments in the Chinese...

  8. South Korea said it will shutter 5 coal plants in Q2 2018 in an effort to reduce smog and such. But what I don't...

  9. The Rally In Oil Stocks May Be Short-Lived By Irina Slav - Nov 17, 2020, 7:00 PM https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Rally-In-Oil-Stocks-May-Be-Short-Lived.html First Pfizer and now Moderna have provided a much...

  10. An easier solution might be to greatly reduce cash to the over 15,000 royal princes who do precisely nothing but get lavish welfare from...

  11. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-oil-opec-usa-exclusive/exclusive-trump-requested-saudi-oil-support-before-iran-nuclear-decision-sources-idUKKCN1J320P "Sources" they say  Bob, from accounting, maybe?

  12. If people understand Elliot, Gann, Get etc, they'll be able to see what I see. Now when the Dollar index goes down, normally the Oil...

  13. The Democrats are having fund raising issues.  So donations from Oil companies went from being banned to being welcomed.  Mental gymnastics in action. DNC Reverses Course; Will...

  14. How oils prices rotation and how find trend.

  15. @Mike Shellman in the news today, on Reuters. Oil in the age of coronavirus: a U.S. shale bust like no other HOUSTON/DENVER (Reuters) - Texas oilman Mike...

  16. A nice infographic from some think tank named Overseas Development Institute. So despite their commitments, despite all the assurances that they're fighting climate change...

  17. https://pubs.lubesngreases.com/lubereport-americas/1_31/lubricants/In-Search-of-Motor-Oil-in-Venezuela-13706-1.html

  18. The business model surrounding Volumetric Production Payments, (VPPs), invariably revolves around forward payment on oil and gas to the producer who uses this capital...

  19. Meet South Sudan's latest problem (as if they needed a new one). "South Sudanese lawmakers have accused the consortium running the country’s last working...

  20. What would they do without Japan? They'd have to stick to their banishment of Qatar, I guess.  https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/UAE-Qatar-Warily-Extend-Joint-Oilfield-Concession.html  

  21. Did this group for Spread the general knowledge as we bigger we are better!  I, for example, bought APA when it was 4.3 and NBL...

  22. IEA just dubbed Venezuela, country with largest oil reserves, as the biggest risk to global markets. In the same breath, IEA claims Venezuela may...

  23. Worth mentioning - OECD oil and products inventories are on level of March 2015 -2819 milions of barrels  and actually  symbolic 1 milion barrels...

  24. Thunberg brings her climate protest to Canada's oil patch     Teen activist Greta Thunberg rallied with climate change protesters in Canada's oil-rich province of Albert on...

  25. Breaking News: Oxy completes $55 billion deal for Anadarko  Aug 08, 2019   Occidental Petroleum announced this morning the completion of its $55 billion acquisition of Anadarko...

  26. As a meaningful - and sustainable - boost to the global oil output does not appear to be on the horizon, despite the optimistic,...

  27. How many flying cars for Saudi future city NEOM can MBS buy with $1.5 Billion.  Giving son money to buy you present is nice.  Giving...

  28. The Delta variant of the Coronavirus is surging across the globe and the OPEC has not lost an iota of its optimism about the...

  29. Russia's oil production, according to Reuters, hit an average output of 10.98 million bpd in 2018--a 30-year high, despite its pact with OPEC. 2016 average bpd:...

  30. Democrats push expansion of offshore wind, block offshore drilling with ocean energy bill     A new bill from House Democrats turns to the oceans as a...