1. .    

  2. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1181121.shtml https://web.archive.org/web/20200304173405/https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1181121.shtml Autopsies show severe damage to COVID-19 patients' lungs and immune system, according to a doctor in Wuhan reached by the Global Times, who called...

  3. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  4. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  5. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  6. George Mitchell, Hero To The World’s Poor https://www.thegwpf.com/george-mitchell-hero-to-the-worlds-poor/?fbclid=IwAR2sh7U596qpTbflkzjJSO5_zIDL_mZrTzpAMbBAU-W54LEKthYdXQ7vkOg https://www.thegwpf.com/who-we-are/

  7.               .

  8. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  9. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  10. In that battle, my money is on the hackers. Let's look at a side-by-side, shall we? Hackers are young, oil companies are run by old people. Hackers...

  11. Hi guy's brand new to this world and just very interested to learn so 1 question please can someone explain in laymans terms what...

  12. Well that's a surprise. Percontation mark.

  13. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  14. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  15. I know several oil workers from blue to white workers that still unemployed. Will conventional oil employment ever come back and when, I know...

  16. Eagle Ford - update through December 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  17.         .

  18. What are the different categories of Oil found worldwide?

  19. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  20.       .€    

  21. Oil and gas companies have discovered 7.7 billion boe year-to-date, according to Rystad Energy’s latest global discoveries report.       “The industry is well on track to...

  22. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/forget-green-new-deal-america-now-energy-superpower-95476 Forget the Green New Deal: America Is Now an Energy Superpower   In 2050, EIA projections call for fossil fuels supplying 79% of our energy consumption,...

  23. Oklahoma-based Devon Energy Corp (DVN.N) raised its annual production forecast today, expecting it to rise 16 percent from 2017. It was previously forecasting a 14 percent rise. Devon...

  24. US - update through November 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  25. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  26. Texas Railroad Commission wins a Darwin Award.  Natural Selection will clean out the gene pool a bit.  Congrats on your award, TRRC. OPEC doesn't play...

  27. It includes “commercial financial support” loans of C$1 billion from Export Development Canada, and $371 million (C$500 million) in commercial financing from the Business...

  28. .

  29. Just saw this 3 week old article.  It covers several notable points.  The U.S. oil & gas industry is still in for a world of...

  30. Big Oil is still reluctant to venture into the Arctic, even if it's Norway's Arctic. besides Eni and its Goliath project, apparently only Shell...