1. Like most of you I anticipate the EIA's Summary of Weekly petroleum data each Wednesday @ at 10:30 ET. The news media reports increases/decreases...

  2. Is Cuomo going to step into the Presidential slot to replace Biden?  Watching Biden is really torturous since you know his next sentence will be...

  3. The blacklist now includes Sergey Topor-Gilka, who runs the engineering company Technopromexport and several subsidiaries of Surgutneftegaz (SNGS.MM). Empty gesture, or meaningful strongarming?

  4. Does CAP 437 Circle H landing lighting create the safest landing environment for Helicopters?  

  5. Specifically to select buyers on long-term contracts.  Notice the Saudis have also decreased recent heavy oil shipments to thirsty U.S. Gulf Coast refineries ? OPEC cutting...

  6. China to Start Buying Oil for State Reserves After Crash   https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-02/china-to-start-buying-oil-for-state-reserves-after-price-crash?fbclid=IwAR04YmL-SfBiYLNbeuqdJcojsNrqDiYM_aPjZagJxuxjpZnP6Jj6ds2Ndj4

  7. Charts speak louder than words. What the fundamental news item will be, I have no clue, it can be anyone's guess. I am sure...

  8. Permian – update through July 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  9. Hear from a handful of experts in 3 minutes.  The global markets could take up to a decade to replace all the oil that...

  10. In addition to U.S. participation Russia wants the sanctions dropped.  Hopefully Trump doesn't fall for this ploy.  First let's talk some rough estimates.  Today Russia,...

  11. wild catters

    Is there potential for significant returns adjacent to the Permian Basin? If so, what timeframe can one expect? Who are the players in the...

  12. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/suncor-syncrude-production-1.4738951

  13. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  14. Exxon Slows Gulf Refinery Expansion   (Bloomberg) -- Exxon Mobil Corp. will delay the startup of its Beaumont refinery expansion on the Texas Gulf Coast by...

  15. As the tension between Russia and Ukraine hots up, the cracks are already appearing in the Western alliance. They can only get widen, if...

  16. Rosneft says a recent report by the news agency Reuters contains “patently false” information that President Nicolas Maduro is funneling money from Venezuelan oil...

  17. Permian – update through October 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this...

  18. Brent crude oil is projected to hit a value of $185 per barrel in 2050, in 2018 dollars, in the high oil price case...

  19. I'm in favor of the Rigs to Reefs program.  When I have worked on offshore oil platforms, it is amazing how much the subsea...

  20. In Nigeria, oil & gas is likely considered an "essential business" of the country. Curious what will happen in say, Saudi Arabia, if an outbreak spreads at...

  21. The revival of the JCPOA, 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, appears to be reaching the point of no-return with the Iranian insistence on removing the...

  22. Oil just tumbled into a bear market. Here's why Trump's trade war is to blame. President Donald Trump's trade disputes with key international trade partners have claimed...

  23. More of the same.  Doesn't look like anyone cares.  Business as usual.  A significant portion of the ARAMCO IPO buyers were individual retail buyers using money...

  24. Funny, that. Shell has been so strict about sanction compliance so far.

  25. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  26. (1) As you know there is a tight correlation btw S&P 500 and WTI. I think as traders start to realize World Supply is...

  27. Major Changes in Crude Oil Imports as Refineries' Needs Shift       Much has been written about the run-up in U.S. crude oil exports over the past...

  28. Lowest levels since 1987, as OPEC continues to cut production. But is this OPEC-driven.. really? I mean the U.S. overall oil imports were at...