1. Missed this a couple of days ago, but the US has slapped sanctions on 6 people, 24 companies and a handful of vessels for...

  2. The recent sanctions on Iran by USA seems to be a closely considered act by Trump administration. This looks like an act to make...

  3. Exxon is going to quit its Russian JVs after sanctions freeze by US.

  4. US Removed Almost 2.7 Million Bbl/d Of Iranian Oil From Market     The United States has removed nearly 2.7 million barrels of Iranian oil from global...

  5. Let me suggest you reading a long interesting article from biggest russian bussiness newspapaper Kommersant about US Saudi relations The article below discusses the current...

  6. https://twitter.com/tassagency_en/status/1245179320575782913 Article referenced: https://tass.com/economy/1138399 The US Department of Energy said that "Secretary Brouillette and Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak had a productive discussion on the current...

  7. Six companies, including ExxonMobil Corp, bought a total of 11 million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, in a sale timed...

  8. North America to spend $27bn on refining projects   North America to spend $27bn on refining projects Posted on Oct 16, 2019     Diversification into new revenue streams such...

  9. Damming report into the Pryor blowout reveals that US onshore drilling is lacking in experience, safety, regulations and basic good oilfield practice. Its hard to believe...

  10. GDP gain realized in shale boom’s first 10 years   The U.S. shale boom—a product of technological advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that unlocked...

  11. From a local newspaper here in Malaysia, ... something I hadn't really thought about before.  But seems perfectly logical. U.S. Shale Oil producers can effectively...

  12. https://peakoil.com/production/us-shale-peak-oil-finally-arrives Interesting article that is counter to most of the people on this forum. Thought some might like the read and I will enjoy the...

  13. Major Changes in Crude Oil Imports as Refineries' Needs Shift       Much has been written about the run-up in U.S. crude oil exports over the past...

  14. Petroleum production in the U.S. has skyrocketed since 2000. But just six states account for more than three-quarters of that oil.   https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/infographic-united-states-of-oil

  15. Humbled US shale sector on recovery path with disciplined approach: executives     ConocoPhillips sees 50,000 'prime' shale locations Coming months 'proof of pudding' for top companies Return to...

  16. Oil Industry Experts Say Shale Will Rise Again     (Bloomberg) -- The American shale industry shocked the world with its rebound after the 2014-2016 bust, setting records for...

  17. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/US-Shale-Wont-Go-Bankrupt.html Rystad again throwing numbers out like its gospel, and all this is all relative to which hard number, the price of oil...? It amazes me how fickle these...

  18. US Shale Production on Track to Hit Almost 9 MM Bpd     Oil production from the seven heavy-hitting U.S. shale plays could reach 8.971 million barrels...

  19. Despite Bankruptcies, US Shale is Not Doomed     Despite Bankruptcies, US Shale is Not Doomed While news of bankruptcies among U.S. onshore exploration and production (E&P) companies...

  20.   Moving the US shale revolution forward   Shales have transformed the US energy landscape, but opportunities exist to extract more value from this young resource and...

  21. Stimulating Future Positive results are emerging from fracturing field laboratories.     John Duda and Cassie Shaner, NETL Mon, 01/06/2020 - 11:00 AM     Hydraulic fracturing has come a long way as a...

  22. The blacklist now includes Sergey Topor-Gilka, who runs the engineering company Technopromexport and several subsidiaries of Surgutneftegaz (SNGS.MM). Empty gesture, or meaningful strongarming?

  23. Eh, brag when you can I suppose. I gota kid graduating in December as a P.E. who will need a job;  So I am...

  24. Wood Mac estimates that US oil industry will see 190 billion from the tax overhaul. http://www.chron.com/business/energy/article/Trump-tax-plan-a-190b-boost-to-oil-industry-12539700.php  

  25. The US has told its allies to cut all oil purchases from Iran to zero by November as it prepares to reinstate sanctions against...

  26. US to become net oil exporter in November: EIA US to become net oil exporter in November: EIA  Imports projected to meet 8% of US...

  27. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/US-To-Drown-The-World-In-Oil.html U.S. To “Drown The World” In Oil The end result will be that those nations who are overly dependent on oil revenues will suffer, our...

  28. Interior Department is planning to hold the largest sale of oil and gas leases in the country's history. The plans, announced Friday, would auction off...

  29. The U.S. Interior Department will open up the largest area on record to offshore oil and gas drilling in a new five-year leasing plan,...