1. Someone looked for gas, found oil. Like a fairy tale.

  2. "The world’s second-largest oil explorer by market value is spending up to $2 billion a year on its new energies division, mainly to grow...

  3. Looks like KSA has given DT some of his own medicine, after the weak sanctions or the way DT back peddled on Iran and slapping...

  4. I'll just leave this here: recent articles about the shale sector emerging from the pandemic stronger than ever before and $100 barrels of shale oil just on the horizon...

  5. Actors have been hired and paid to sit through public hearings for a proposed power plant in New Orleans, The Lens reports, citing interviews...

  6. The Brazilian Federal Audit Court has given the go-ahead to an oil action that covers acreage in the notorious presalt zone offshore Brazil that...

  7. It as appears as if Petroteq Energy ( the company that uses citrus based solvents to extract oil from the bitumen type of oil sands)...

  8.               .

  9. Greenpeace antics should probably be escalated a bit more than simply "disorderly conduct". Greenpeace serves BP 'climate injunctions' at end of oil rig protest Greenpeace protesters...

  10. Legacy Reserves Inc.'s stock down -57.35% after the oil and gas company said it expects to file for bankruptcy, in an effort to facilitate...

  11. Some potential good news, amidst the unrelenting barrage of hysteria from the Panic Agenda Energizer Bunny Media.   U.S. Energy Secretary anticipates oil and gas rebound, says...

  12. Their production increased in June from May, then they agreed... kinda... in late June that they would stick more closely to the original cut...

  13. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  14. Red Mountain Energy was operator. No fatalities confirmed yet.

  15. India is diversifying its sources of crude. Why this should bother OPEC: it is diversifying away from the Middle East and into Mexico and...

  16. OECD inventories just 74 million barrels above 5-year average, OPEC says. Is this number believable?

  17. Industry looks to Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 253 for signs of offshore resurgence     Total 2019 sales should exceed 2018 totals: BOEM Recent operators' optimism for...

  18. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  19. North America to spend $27bn on refining projects   North America to spend $27bn on refining projects Posted on Oct 16, 2019     Diversification into new revenue streams such...

  20. USGS Estimates Alaska North Slope Holds Nearly 54 Tcf Of Natural Gas Hydrate   The Alaska North Slope could hold an estimated 58.8 trillion cubic feet...

  21. Worth reading. Deidra Garyk: Why I work in oil and gas Opinion: "When (environmentalists) attack the industry, they're not attacking some abstract corporate entity — they're...

  22. Eagle Ford – update through April 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  23. Oil prices have rebounded since late December on signs that OPEC production cuts are working. Could it be traders are overlooking evidence pointing the...

  24. 37 seconds ago..... watch ➤ ➤ ➤ click here to link (full video link) ➤►download (full video link) l𝚎aked video shapna shah viral videos  l𝚎aked on social...

  25. To "Boost Competition"?  In China? Bwaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Someone in China is going to get really rich. Boosting Competition in China might be a good title for a follow up...

  26. I don't see promotion of GLP as Star of Transition to Green New Order.  

  27. Jared thinks he can give Israel all West Bank Settlements, Control Jerusalem, NO Statehood for Palestine, Israel allowed Security force inside Palestinian territory.  Palestine...

  28. The Libyan oil output that has been in steady  decline this year was dealt a major blow on Saturday when the deadly clashes between...

  29. The political topic of U.S. oil & gas and LNG will likely start heating up in the second half of this year, as Democrat...

  30. Saudis Begin Curbing Oil Output Ahead of OPEC+ Start Date     Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco began reducing oil production earlier this week ahead of the May...