1. Quote from Trump last night in New Jersey.   https://twitter.com/RedWalrus1/status/1222322335849431040  

  2. Venezuela’s state-run PDVSA has started mixing its extra heavy oil with domestic Santa Barbara light crude due to a shortage of imported diluents following...

  3. Having been in the doldrums for over nine months, China’s manufacturing PMI has risen by 0.9 in November, buckling the trend that used to...

  4. https://peakoil.com/production/us-shale-peak-oil-finally-arrives Interesting article that is counter to most of the people on this forum. Thought some might like the read and I will enjoy the...

  5. The Tylers on ZH are landing zingers again, with their take on the Trump vs. Iran government feud intensifying. PetroYuan meanwhile: Ahmadinejad Urges End To US...

  6. Turkey launched a second drilling ship which will conduct natural gas operations off the northeast coast of Cyprus for three months, a move which...

  7. Having sandwiched between global pressure to increase the production and evolving breakeven challenges, members of the OPEC+ are walking the tight rope right now...

  8. .

  9. On 10th July 2018, OGA UK invited applications for licences in the 31th Offshore Licensing Round. Applications will be accepted up to 14.00 on...

  10. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  11. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  12. Some Highlights Per S&P Global Platts Survey: Overall OPEC: UP 40,000 bpd to 33.08 million bpd Saudi Arabia: UP 350,000 bpd at 11.02 million bpd, an...

  13. Found this wryly dry opinion piece this morning.  A slightly less deadly serious take on topics that are frequently discussed on this forum. Iran, Venezuela, China, Oil...

  14. U.S. petrochemical plants along the Gulf Coast have steadily been coming online.  Additional plants are getting the approval.  The demand for ethylene is projected...

  15. After a heated battle, controversial Enbridge Line 5, which runs underneath the Straits of Mackinac, will be replaced at an expense of $500 million (to...

  16. Exxon's $53 billion Iraq deal hit by contract snags, Iran tensions     Reuters) - Just weeks ago, U.S. energy giant ExxonMobil looked poised to move ahead...

  17. I am a Phd student in Iran. I want daily Brent crude oil prices for 10 recently years. please guide me. thanks

  18. Niobrara (CO & WY) – update through March 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the...

  19. WATCH one minute YouTube - https://youtu.be/lxId0-KnXaE Crude Oil Price Forecast – Crude Oil Markets Get Hammered By:Christopher Lewis Published: Dec 20, 2021, 17:11 CST•2min read https://www.fxempire.com/forecasts/article/crude-oil-price-forecast-crude-oil-markets-get-hammered-10-846184 WTI Crude Oil The...

  20. Petro Canada, formerly a state-owned oil company in Canada but now part of Suncor, becomes the latest oil company to get involved in electric...

  21. ‘For the Love of God’ Stop Raising Budgets, Oil Drillers Told Shale producers don’t seem to be getting the message. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/love-god-stop-raising-budgets-215450650.html That’s the take from Houston-based Tudor...

  22. Excerpt from transcript from Trump meeting with the Polish President.  26 minute video, many topics covered in the video; section about oil & gas and LNG...

  23. OPEC delivered only a limited increase in oil production in September, a Reuters survey has found, as a cut in Iranian shipments due to...

  24. Key Industry Projects to Watch Around the Globe in 2019 Oil and gas industry experts make sure to keep a close watch on upstream, midstream,...

  25. Don't let the Eco-extremists hijack the energy narrative.  Oil & Gas are still vital energy resources.  Wind and Solar are simply UNABLE to replace oil...

  26. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  27. Oil and gas companies have discovered 7.7 billion boe year-to-date, according to Rystad Energy’s latest global discoveries report.       “The industry is well on track to...

  28. Hi, , I just read Chevron, Total and many others are starting to use VAKT's blockchain-enable platform.  What opportunities for investment may be there?...

  29. Watching how the oil industry has evolved in Venezuela in the last weeks, it seems that venezuelan government is desperate searching for fresh investments,...

  30. Has oil and gas directional and horozontal drilling increased or decreased since October 2019? Has drilling in the US increased or decreased since october2019?