1. https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/business/2018/06/taxpayers-pay-extra-sh4-4b-revised-oil-pipeline-settlement/ Kenya settled with the oil pipeline contractor, who sued it for yeas of delays. Taxpayers to pick up the tab.

  2. U.S. Posts First Month in 70 Years as a Net Petroleum Exporter     (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. solidified its status as an energy producer by posting...

  3.  North American E&P bankruptcies on the rise     Bankruptcies filed by North American oil and gas producers are experiencing an uptick this year following a substantial...

  4. Life is going to pretty boring when we don’t have the roar of an internal combustion engine racing around our circuits. Formula E - Heaven...

  5. anyone interested in long term flat decline oil properties? I was offered 6 figures by the operator for my 10 percent..    

  6. Well, they do it for milk (weren't we just talking about that on another forum? ""One of the large Canadian oil producers, Cenovus Energy, is...

  7. US put a lot of pressure on KSA and OPEC to lower oil price in teh weeks prior to US mid-term election. Partly so...

  8. Any predictions on wti prices for june contracts, are they heading towards $ 30 ?

  9. Local production is falling, apparently, but demand isn't, which is interesting... A very green country that imports garbage to make electricity and it still...

  10. Russian Oil to Parts of Europe Suspended (Bloomberg) -- Russian oil flows to parts of Europe were halted after customers complained of unusual impurities in...

  11. CEO Michael Wirth's answer today was  "Chevron owns about 10% of the Permian acreage and just upped their own recoverable reserves to 21Billion bbls.  Said...

  12. Sweet crude used to be the desired darling of the crude oil trade with demand exceeding supply which would result in higher prices while...

  13. Look for World government's to apply huge economic packages to support economies . U.S. will focus on targeted Fiscal support as opposed to monetary support. ...

  14. The new U.S. special representative for Iran said the Trump administration is prepared to impose sanctions on all countries that buy oil from Iran...

  15. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration imposed sanctions this week on Chinese tanker companies for alleged involvement in the transport of oil from Iran,...

  16. North Dakota – update through January 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  17. This is a new twist for me, and I'm pretty familiar with many Oil & Gas contract Terms & Conditions. SCOTUS May Look for New...

  18. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  19. An alleged attack Thursday on two oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz may increase levels of risk in the Middle East's key crude...

  20. The Mexican government plans to develop 20 new oil exploration and production fields in the Gulf of Mexico this year. The expectation is that...

  21. Ok, so I embellished the article's title a bit.  Just having some fun.  I've been amusing myself by carefully lobbing a whole bunch of...

  22. Oil prices climbed a bit on the opening day of  2019. Bloomberg, as reported by Myra Seafong, in MarketWatch, is reporting a drop in...

  23. Ten years after hyperinflation of about 500 billion percent, Zimbabwe has now achieved another unenviable record: the most expensive fuel worldwide. The southern African...

  24. How Is the US-China Trade War Affecting Oil?   How Is the US-China Trade War Affecting Oil? The greatest impact of the United States-China trade war on...

  25. Started last week.  I don't consider major news, at least not yet.  There's a feeling in the Hedge Fund community that all the sanctions...

  26. IEA doesn’t rule out further growth in oil prices until the end of the year, said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol. He said the...

  27. Residents of Greece would have had to pay approximately six percent of their average monthly wage for a full tank of gas this past...

  28. With intense floods causing havoc in the regions where coal in mainlyproduced in China, the deman for the substance can get exponential in the...

  29. North Dakota - update through March 2019 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  30. Hot summer complicates Saudi Arabia's oil balancing act   Saudi Arabia to hold production steady in May, June Crude burn set to increase to 491,000 b/d in...