1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-15/why-even-saudi-aramco-is-now-talking-about-peak-oil-quicktake  

  2.                              .

  3. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Brazilian-Oil-Giant-Braces-For-Strikes-Ahead-Of-50-Billion-Auction.html Labor unions in Brazil have been active this year, threatening to wage an all-out war that began in February against right-leaning President Jair Bolsonaro,...

  4. What the heck?  Article is frustratingly short on details.  Perhaps a harbinger of their increasing trade war (on the losing side) with the U.S. ? A...

  5. Aramco to Restart IPO Preparations (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia is restarting preparations for a potential initial public offering of oil giant Aramco, months after putting...

  6. Yep, CNN.  Go ahead, major cities.  Try to cut out hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon investments from your cities.  This should be amusing.  Enjoy freezing your butts...

  7. Conoco's Move to Keep Canadian Synthetic Crude Under Fire   (Bloomberg) -- ConocoPhillips’s shift to a cheaper substitute to dilute the thick bitumen coming from its...

  8. LIBOR Phase-Out: Considerations For Oil, Gas Companies   With more than $370 trillion of global financial contracts referencing LIBOR (London Inter-bank Offered Rate), many oil and...

  9. Why should consumers now bail out Harry.  He needs to learn , as others have, to be competitive with peers. Others are making great...

  10.   “When the U.S. crude-oil warehouses bulge to their highest levels since September 2017, while production continues to set new high-water marks, warning signals should...

  11. Inslee unveils plan to fight fossil fuel pollution, ban fracking https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/449973-inslee-unveils-plan-to-fight-fossil-fuel-pollution

  12.     https://www.ft.com/content/9bebd36c-7190-11e9-bf5c-6eeb837566c5 China sent their version of trade agreement to Administration last Friday and removed ALL of the key elements already negotiated. The press say Trump is...

  13. While most countries moving up the economic ladder show continued growth in oil demand from increased driving, mass-adoption of electric vehicles and high-speed rail...

  14. Seems that Trump has successfully convinced Japan to shoulder more responsibility for the safety of Japanese ships transporting oil from the always volatile Middle East...

  15. I want to inquire about the minimum oil production the US companies need to ensure for their survival and continuity in operations till the...

  16. The price for Louisiana Light Sweet is always 2 days delay here on oilprice.com - does anyone know of any online sources that have...

  17. Saudi expects wider 2020 budget deficit of $50 billion - finance minister   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-economy-budget/saudi-expects-wider-2020-budget-deficit-of-50-billion-finance-minister-idUSKBN1XA2EO?il=0

  18. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  19. It includes “commercial financial support” loans of C$1 billion from Export Development Canada, and $371 million (C$500 million) in commercial financing from the Business...

  20. UK to Lay Down Net Zero Emissions Target in Law Legislation laid on Wednesday will put the UK on track to become the first G7...

  21. Oil industry is cutting production around the world now.  They have to , the storage is filling up. Which company has more storage around the...

  22. Not Just US . . . Worldwide.  Orbital Insight World Inventory up over 140 Million Barrels this year to date. OPEC/Saudi ruse of "Tight Supply"...

  23. Dakota Access Pipeline operator plans large capacity expansion The operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline is planning to nearly double its capacity, to a...

  24. China has showcased the world's first intelligent oil tanker with a total capacity of 308,000 tonnes. Besides its immense size of nearly three football...

  25. Argentina's Shale Trove Risks Staying Buried     (Bloomberg) -- Drillers in Argentina are scared that interventionist economic policies will foil the world’s next big shale hope. Investments...

  26. I am wondering what the likely effect on world oil demand will be when we all adopt these electric flying cars I keep reading...

  27. One pipeline explosion can be accidental. Two pipeline explosions within two months, in a minority separatist region, seems pretty darn unlikely to me to be "accidental". Iranian...

  28. For amusement.  Sometimes I wonder if articles of this type are written by people or are just word salad speculation generated by computers. $5.50/b  ??? How...

  29. US Warship Destroyed Iran Drone Near Strait of Hormuz     (Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. “immediately destroyed” an Iranian drone that approached the...