1. After 40+ years in the industry I always laugh when I see a headline like this.  It is absolutely 100% correct, players and situations...

  2. Even before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the global energy market was struggling with supply and governments were pushing for an energy transition. As oil and...

  3. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the...

  4. I thought that this was an interesting read. In an effort to forestall the avalanche of responses showing how incorrect this article is, let me...

  5. Saudi Aramco agreed to a buy a stake in Sempra Energy’s Texas LNG export terminal, giving the world’s biggest oil exporter a foothold in...

  6. Two Saudi oil tankers damaged in 'sabotage attack,' says press agency   https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/12/middleeast/uae-cargo-ship-sabotage-intl/index.html

  7. https://determinedinvest.wordpress.com/2019/10/02/the-black-gold-sep19-update/ In terms of the near-term Black Gold trends, there is no change to our expectation of benchmark WTI crude oil prices remaining within broad...

  8. Despite Challenges, Recruiters Optimistic for 2020       Despite Challenges, Recruiters Optimistic for 2020     The U.S. oil and gas industry has seen its fair share of ups and...

  9. There is an unprecedented drop in oil demand in the United States by over 3 million bbls and production was in the 10 million...

  10. Prices just spiked $.30 cents where I am. I guess everyone is rearing up for that May 1st opening, huh?

  11. Clearly, we are all going to die.  We are all going to die a horrible death from Climate Panic.  And it is all Trump's...

  12. Demand for drilling rigs in Canada has jumped to the highest in years. $100 oil has sparked change in the Canadian oil patch. Natural Resources Minister...

  13. What happens to US tight oil output if the long term Brent oil price in 2017$ is $70/bo? To investigate this I adjusted my usual...

  14. Husky advances Superior refinery rebuild, revamp     Husky Energy Inc. has received required permit approvals to begin reconstruction of its 47,500-b/cd refinery in Superior, Wis., after...

  15. Is there some sort of standardized formula to determine transportation costs for oil & other petrochemical items?  I am lead to believe pipeline is approximately...

  16. Top 8 Largest National Oil Company Rankings by Total Assets https://www.swfinstitute.org/fund-rankings/national-oil-company Other different rankings are link listed at the bottom of the link page.

  17. There are a few strong long-term tendencies that are taking shape in global oil  markets. (Similar forces are at play in natural gas market but...

  18. Exxon has a few Joint ventures with ARAMCO including a refinery in Saudi Arabia. 

  19. Canada's Oil-Rich Alberta Introduces Bill To Repeal Carbon Tax   CALGARY, Alberta--Canada's main crude-producing province Alberta introduced a bill to repeal the provincial carbon tax on...

  20. Petrobras on Track to Become Largest Oil Producer     Petrobras is on track to become the world’s largest oil producer among publicly listed companies by 2030. That’s...

  21. He believes that oil will not return to the hoped for $60 to $65 range.   He stated production costs have dropped from $30 bbl...

  22. So let we discous, tell me who are the best trading brocker, who provides low brockrege, 0AMC, bo, Co facilities for commodity, less charges...

  23. Just another excuse for the majors to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.  Would not be an arm's length transaction. Can't use transfer pricing thru...

  24. Alaska group prepares initiative to increase ANS oil tax     A group of Alaskans launched an initiative to raise the state’s tax on oil produced above...

  25. Hi guy's brand new to this world and just very interested to learn so 1 question please can someone explain in laymans terms what...

  26. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/chesapeake-energys-stock-soars-as-debt-deals-buy-time-for-troubled-company-2019-12-04  

  27. Mexico's Pemex seeks control of U.S. oil firm's billion-barrel find     MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - When U.S. oil firm Talos Energy <TALO.N> found nearly a billion...

  28. Lets put our cards on the table.......the US is as much responsible as anyone for the plunge in oil prices. No country has added...