1. https://www.iea.org/commentaries/electric-cars-fend-off-supply-challenges-to-more-than-double-global-sales Note: Hybrids will play a big role in sales for the U.S.A.  Projections may be overly optimistic.  Large vehicles are not included. They burn the most...

  2. In support of petroleum and the industry.    https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/opinion/fossil-fuel-oil-climate-change.html "The First Step Is Admitting You Have a Problem What my time working on a North Dakota oil patch...

  3. Latin American nation is heavily dependent on its physical links with US oil industry. US embargo on Venezuela covering imports and exports of crude oil...

  4. What are the taxes you have to pay on your gasoline?

  5. Adnoc will make available 6 new onshore and offshore blocks for competitive bid within Abu Dhabi. Our estimates suggest that these new blocks contain...

  6. My thoughts on the latest API crude oil report is that sadly, from the previous week’s EIA report, there seems to have been more...

  7. Goal for an energy investor? To achieve a high IRR, (Internal Rate of Return), in excess of 25% with a properly structured transaction based...

  8. I'm sure Ms Geiger is sincere in her reporting, but why aren't the 1000's of Oil Rigs in CA not included? https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/99-Oil-Rigs-Gone-And-Counting-Rig-Count-Falls-Again.html

  9. George Clooney’s NGO Accuses South Sudan of Using Oil Wealth for War Crimes. Does anybody know anything about his NGO? Does anybody care about...

  10. Unbelievable.That'll show 'em.  Some sugar cane derivative on a global landmark of art. ''Let's free The Louvre'' by making it dirty for a few hours. Brilliant.  https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-activists-paris/activists-daub-louvres-pyramid-with-molasses-in-anti-total-protest-idUKKBN1WC1SF PARIS...

  11. Each Monday & Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM EST, Genscape releases Cushing, Okla.  crude builds/draws using orbital surveillance technology, this release is in advance...

  12. Quote   https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/953511 Texas A&M University researchers Dr. Sam Noynaert and Fred Dupriest recently presented results from a geothermal project that drastically reduced well-completion times and drill...

  13. In less than a month after being fired as head of Angola’s state-owned oil company, Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of former Angolan President...

  14. Its time now to boost african economics to start operation of Oil production instead everyday to support them with some Aid why dont we...

  15. Oil prices steadied on Tuesday, depressed by record Saudi production but supported by expectations that oil exporters would agree to cut output at an...

  16. AIPAC 9/11 Iraq Agenda to provide black market oil to Israel ?       Oil's $133 Billion Black Market | OilPrice.com   https://oilprice.com › Energy › Energy-General       Oct 11, 2018...

  17. A gallon of gasoline has an energy equivalent to 32Kwh. For the purposes of this discussion 'gasoline' means n-heptane - C7H16. Diesel fuel has...

  18. One of the industries that suffers the worst duing the pandemic shows encouraging signs of recovery against odds. It will give a life-line to...

  19. Delta, United, American, along with Dubai's Emirates aren't going to hedge fuel deliveries this year--in a clear signal that these airline giants are not...

  20. Some smaller airlines were struggling to make ends meet even when oil was at $40. Now it's almost twice that--a fact that should thin...

  21. Kalashnikov's marketing strategy will kill Tesla's.  Buy our EVs, or else!

  22. Climate Trace Technology Watch: Al Gore’s Latest ‘Solution’ To Climate Change Is Mass Surveillance(9 minute Video)https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-al-gores-latest-solution-climate-change-mass-surveillance Al Gore says:“We get data consistently from 300 existing satellites, more...

  23. Oilsand ginat Suncor has big issues with alcohol and drug abuse among its employees. Even 73 incidents of employees testing positive for controlled substances since...

  24. Alaska group prepares initiative to increase ANS oil tax     A group of Alaskans launched an initiative to raise the state’s tax on oil produced above...

  25. BP Alaska boss shaved her head after promising the company she would shave her head if it held production steady at the forty-year-old field....

  26. Or so says IHS Markit. These guys have been very optimistic about U.S. oil recently, I notice. Could those barrels really be extracted at...

  27. Alaska Well Sets Onshore Record   A supermajor has set an onshore North American drilling record for longest extended-reach well, Houston-based technology startup Corva reported Friday. The...

  28. The Trump administration is taking its first steps toward expanding oil and natural gas drilling in an area roughly the size of Indiana in the Alaskan...

  29. Eloquent rebuttal by an Alaskan Native Tribal Administrator against the U.S. bill to prevent oil & gas development in their native lands. The self-serving California...

  30. Alberta’s output-cut mandate may be driving oil prices too high There's just no way to make some people happy, is there? it's like there's all...