1. North Dakota 'just won the geology lottery.' Oil exec estimates the Bakken reserves hold 30 to 40 billion barrels of recoverable oil By Patrick Springer...

  2. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/joe-dancy-8069637_bakken-ugcPost-6573709566205321216-kGz0 How many refineries can handle this light API-43?

  3. Hello All! As the news, that U.S. administration is not going to extend the waivers, takes hold and oil markets react (as expected) there is...

  4. Baltimore has become the latest U.S. city to try and hold the world's biggest oil companies financially responsible for global warming.The city filed a...

  5. So, the fed says it's doing a $2t direct stimulus and also a $4t fund for loans to "whomever." I hope somebody is up...

  6. Why dont OP @CMOP just write the code to ban all Chinese alphabets from the community, its ruining the forum, once I see it I...

  7. https://www.theepochtimes.com/ban-on-drilling-would-cost-1-million-jobs-petroleum-body-says_3493830.html Is President Trump being too political in extending the offshore drilling ban? Do we have enough other oil to last until then? Is the drilling...

  8. Something's spoopy here.  Anyone care to comment further on this? Bank of China Clients Said to Have $1 Billion Losses on Oil Bet (Bloomberg) -- Bank...

  9. Negative WTI prices burned some Bank of China oil futures investors.  Bank of China offers to absorb all losses by investors, from WTI going into negative...

  10. Still too high. Buying into Saudi Arabia not an Oil Company. THE GOVERNMENT CAN CHANGE ANYTHING AT ANYTIME. WHAT THE BANKERS ARE NOW SAYING: 1. They say Saudi...

  11. The price of crude oil started tumbling again on Friday as the concerns mount over the banking sector in general and Credit Suisse in...

  12. Last year, bankruptcies in the U.S. shale patch hit record levels. Now, dozens of companies have been successfully emerging from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, with M&A...

  13.  North American E&P bankruptcies on the rise     Bankruptcies filed by North American oil and gas producers are experiencing an uptick this year following a substantial...

  14. Thank you, dear banks. Your moral high ground is truly inspiring. https://www.ft.com/content/7d6be782-6328-11e8-90c2-9563a0613e56

  15. With all the bullishness raging on in oil now, especially after Libya's pipeline attack that took some 90,000 bpd offline for at least a...

  16. "The global oil industry should ramp up investment to ensure it can cope with future consumption growth and avoid supply shortages, OPEC Secretary-General Mohammad...

  17. East Libyan forces took full control of Ras Lanuf oil terminal and the surrounding area on Thursday as they rapidly advanced against rivals who...

  18. Will they or won't they? http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/02/01/trans-mountain-pipeline-is-going-to-get-built-despite-b-c-s-attempts-trudeau-says_a_23350383/  

  19. WHO, What, and WHY's of the assault on Venezuela. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeNCbXVHrR8 Ali's insight & fee free consultation: :  Hey Koch Brothers; here is a simple & civilized solution...

  20. despite the shenanigans over the trans mountain pipeline, BC still wants to receive billions as part of the original deal. sounds like blood money...

  21. A U.S. microcosm analogy of the OPEC countries' oil revenue problem, which blew up in 2015. What to do when State expenses exceed oil revenues...

  22. China causing trouble again.  What a shock, I know.  The Covid-19 panic-o-rama is providing a perfect cover for all sorts of political shenanigans.  "Never let...

  23. Free markets work and they help people.  If you treat customers like crap, don't be surprised if they dump you and go seek out a...

  24. The Central American nation of Belize, in a move to protect the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere, has banned the offshore extraction...

  25. Comrades, are you trying to seize control of the means of production?  Then here's great news for overthrowing an evil Capitalist business! Sanders introduces bill...

  26. New weekly free energy podcast with star guests https://www.macrovoices.com/111-macro-voices-energy-week/564-energy-week-geopolitics-bull-bear-cases-and-price-outlook Ignore at your own risk:)

  27. So let we discous, tell me who are the best trading brocker, who provides low brockrege, 0AMC, bo, Co facilities for commodity, less charges...

  28. Devious little devils continue seeking to destroy the oil & gas industry.  It's like a neverending episode of Pinky and The Brain.   Beware of green...

  29. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy/michael-bloomberg-gives-500m-to-campaign-to-kill-coal-and-wound-natural-gas

  30. BHP sold its US shale oil assets for $10.8 billion, which it purchased a few years ago for over $20 billion. Ouch. If they are...